Навчальна презентація ''My Pet''

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.Презентація з англійської мови для учнів 4 класу допоможе вчителю організувати роботу з учнями. Презентація може бути використана під час уроку для вивчення матеріалу,як зразок для опису тварин,вивчення віршиків ти римівок і як узагальнення лексики по темі ''Our Pets''. Матеріал поданий в яскравій та цікавій формі, насичений учнівськими малюнками

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Done by pupils of the 4th forms school 3 Coordinator of the project Yu. V.Yuschenko Project Our Pets

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Our tasks: 1.To describe our pets ”My pet- is the best” and to draw your pet. 2.To make up a poem,a riddle,a story about our pets. 3.What are the most popular pets? 4. What do you have to know about animals before you get a pet. 5. What do you want from the pet? 6.Our pets-our friends. 7.The conclusion.

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Our steps The first step: making a plan we described our pets (Kind of animal,Size,Colour,Ears and Tail,Place of living,Things it can do,Likes and Dislikes) and draw them.

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I have a big dog.Its name is Dick.It’s black and white.Its eyes are black.Its nose is black too.Dick’s ears are long Its tail is short.Its feet are white.Dick is not angry.It is kind and clever. (Dasha Sharan) Dog

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My pet is a horse.It is a little foal.It’s name is Lord.It lives in the village in my grandparents.Lord is a domestic animal.It’s grey.It has four big legs with the horseshoes.It can run and jump.Lord likes grass and bread. (Vira Polischuk) Foal

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Parrot Tortoise I have a parrot.It’s my pet.Its name is Kesha.It’s green and red.Kesha likes nuts,fruits and grain.It likes to bathe and to fly very much.Kesha can talk and sing. (Mariya Pryhodko) I have a pet. It’s a tortoise.Its name is Linda.It is twelve.It likes to eat salad. (Vika Zolotun) Cock I have a pet.It is a cock.It’s a domestic animal.It has yellow tail,two legs and wings.It lives in the yard.I like to feed it. (Vova Didyk)

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I have a cat.It’s name is Tom.Tom is a domestic animals.It’s red.It is small.It has four legs and a long tail.It lives in a house.It likes fish and milk.Tom likes to sleep on the carpet at my bed. (Margarita Dubrova) Cat It is a domestic animal.It is a small animal.Its name is Nicki.It’s white and grey.It has four legs,a long tail,small ears.Nicki lives in our house.It can jump,climb a tree and I like play with Nicki.Sometimes it can mew. (Sasha Suchkov)

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My pet - is the best Rabbit

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we made up the poems and riddles about our pets. The second step: I have a cat I have a dog I like my cat Its name is Pit His name is Dick It’s warm and fat And with me His head is white My cat is grey It likes to sit. His ears are black. It likes to play. My dog has four legs My little doggy It is big I have only two Likes to play It eat grass My dog likes to run When I come home It gives milk I like to run too. From school each day. What is it? (cow )

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we interviewed the pupils of our school and made the diaghram. The third step: More than half of the families have pets.Cats and dogs are the most popular pets.One out of three families has a cat or a dog.Pets birds are also very popular,but they are far behind cats and dogs.Many people keep small animals like rabbits or hamster as pets.Fish are also popular.

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we wrote some rulers about pets. The fourth step: Our pets depend on us for food, attention and medical care.Before we get a pet,It’s important to know what its needs are.We must take care of them, not only of our pets but of all birds and animals.Don’t hurt animals, don’t catch birds.It is necessary for us to remember: we wrote some rulers about pets. 1.Give it food every day. 2.Give it water every day. 3.Give it a clean place tosleep. 4.Give it a dry mat to sllep on. 5.Give it a warm place to sleep in winter. 6.Give it a cool place to sleep in summer.

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we sort out what do we expect from our pets. The fifth step: We expect our pets to love us.It’s important that we give them the love and care they need in return.Dogs especially want close contact with their owners.

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we are sure- our pets are our friends. The sixth step: Pets are the members of our families.Someti-mes,they’re our best friends.It’s easy to see why people love their pets.

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The seventh step: after reading books stories,describing animals making the diaghram,interviewing the pupils we got to know that all af us like pets.Pets are pats of our families. It is important and very responsibility.But at the same time it’s very interesting and funny. Let’s us sing the song” Animals”. I love all kind of animals, Dogs and cats and rabbits. I love all kinds of animals, Despite their little habits.

18 серпня 2018
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