НУШ Тема "Food"1клас (Г,К.Мітчелл)

Про матеріал
Активізувати в усному мовленні вживання лексики з теми "Food";удосконалити навички аудіювання,говоріння.Опрацювати вирази How many apples have you got? What color are they?Практикувати в умінні описувати фрукти.Сприяти розвитку логічного мислення,ситуативної та мовленнєвої здогадки.Виховувати культуру спілкування.
Перегляд файлу


Добропільська  райдержадміністрація

Криворізька  ЗОШ I-III ступенів

Добропільської  районної ради

Донецької  області


Урок № 1

Тема “Food ”

1 клас

C:\Users\Татьяна\Desktop\Конференція 1\Food\Plate_with_Fruits_PNG_Clipart_Image.png 











Москаленко Світлана Петрівна

Вчитель англійської мови                                   





                                                  с. Криворіжжя


Lesson plan

Grade: 1.

Module: Food.

Lesson time: 35 minutes.

Aim: to introduce and practice the names of different kinds of fruits, to develop listening, speaking and communicative skills.

Vocabulary: apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries.

Structures: How many apples have you got? What colour is it?

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to point and name the fruit, to use grammar structure: “How many apples have you got? What colour is it?”

Lesson procedure

I.  Підготовка сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. 

1. Greeting. T: Hello my friends! Well come to our English class.

                   Please, take your seats. How are you today?

                   Smile to me! Smile to your friends on the left and on the right.

2. Warm-up. T: Listen and repeat:

Apples, apples
Growing on a tree.
Apples, apples
Pick one just for me!
One apple, two apples,
Three apples, four –
Red apples, green apples,
Yellow apples, more!
Apples, apples
Tasty as can be.
Apples, apples
Share one now with me!

II. Основна частина.

1. Learning – interesting.

Presentation “Food - fruits”.

T: Boys and girls! Look at the blackboard. Look and repeat :      apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries.

T: Great! By the way, what colour is an apple? - RED.


What colour are bananas? - YELLOW.

What colour are oranges? - ORANGE.

What colour are strawberries? - RED.

What colour are grapes? - GREEN.

2. Knowledge – creatively.

 A song “Yummy, Yummy”.  Listen and sing.

Physical Activity.

(Let’s have a rest, and sing a song (”Body parts”))

Two little eyes to look around

Look! look! Look! To look around

Two little ears to hear each sound

Hear! Hear! Hear! To hear each sound

One little nose to smell what’s sweet

Smell! Smell! Smell! What’s sweet

One little mouth that likes to eat.

3. The assimilation of educational material – fun.

Exercise “Magic fruits” (Work in pairs and groups with cards).

Pupils ask each other:

  •            What is it?
  •            What colour is this fruit?

T: Put fruit masks on your head.  Now, pupils who have mask of

  • apples,
  • bananas,
  • oranges… stand up.
  • grapes,
  • strawberries

How many apples have we got in our classroom? Let’s count.

How many bananas have we got in our classroom? Let’s count.

How many oranges have we got in our classroom? Let’s count.

III. Заключна частина уроку.


T: Thank you very much .Our lesson is over. Have a nice day!

11 лютого 2021
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