Онлайн STEM-урок англійської мови "Рольова гра "Mafia: construction sites"

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Онлайн STEM-урок англійської мови для учнів 11 класу школи з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов з використанням кейс-методу, елементів пазлової методики, інтерактивних он-лайн технологій
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Рольова гра “Mafia: SMART School Construction”

Вчитель: Биданцева Марина Григорівна

Клас: 11

Тема: School / Школа


Формування ключових компетентностей:

  • Здатність спілкуватися іноземними мовами (розвиток здатності до комунікації в усній та письмовій формі на основі знання функцій мови, ресурсів (лексики, граматики) і норм мови, особливостей основних стилів і жанрів мовлення, типів мовної взаємодії; здобувати і опрацьовувати інформацію з різних (друкованих та цифрових, зокрема аудіовізуальних) джерел, критично осмислювати її, використовувати в усній та письмовій комунікації для обстоювання власних поглядів, переконань, суспільних і національних цінностей).
  • Компетентності у галузі природничих наук і технологій (формування наукового світогляду, розуміння змін, зумовлених людською діяльністю, відповідальність за наслідки такої діяльності).
  • Інноваційність (розвиток в учнів здатності реагувати на зміни та долати труднощі, відкривати нові ідеї).
  • Інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність (розвиток критичного і відповідального використання цифрових технологій, здатності безпечно застосовувати інформаційно-комунікаційні засоби).
  • Громадянські та соціальні компетентності (розвиток спроможності діяти як відповідальний громадянин, спираючись на розуміння загальнолюдських і суспільних цінностей цінностей, соціальних, правових, економічних і політичних принципів, співіснування людей та спільнот у глобальному світі; виявлення поваги до інших, толерантності, уміння конструктивно співпрацювати, долати стрес і діяти у конфліктних ситуаціях, дбайливе ставлення до соціального здоров’я; спроможність діяти в умовах невизначеності та багатозадачності).
  • Підприємливість і фінанасова грамотність (розвиток ініціативності, спроможності реалізовувати можливості та реалізовувати ідеї, створювати цінності для інших у будь-якій сфері життєдіяльності, здатність до активної участі в житті суспільства, уміння розв’язувати проблеми, готовність брати відповідальність за прийняті рішення; здатність працювати в команді для планування і реалізації проектів, які мають суспільну цінність).

Формування предметних компетентностей:

  • узагальнити та систематизувати знання лексики за темою «School»;
  • закріпити навички вживання модальних дієслів, що позначають логічні припущення, можливість, необхідність, обов’язок, заборону, висловлення критики (can / can’t / could / couldn’t / may / might / need / should / ought to) та форми інфінітива, що вживаються після них;
  • активізувати новий лексичний багаж та граматичний матеріал за темою, творчо застосовуючи їх у новій, незвичній ситуації з метою вирішити соціально значиме питання.

Наскрізні вміння:

  1. читати з розумінням;
  2. висловлювати власну думку в усній і письмовій формі;
  3. критично і системно мислити;
  4. логічно обґрунтовувати позицію;
  5. діяти творчо;
  6. виявляти ініціативу;
  7. приймати рішення;
  8. розв’язувати проблеми;
  9. співпрацювати з іншими.

Очікувані результати:


  • розуміють і активно використовують лексику за темою уроку;
  • застосовують модальні дієслова, що позначають логічні припущення, можливість, необхідність, обов’язок, заборону, висловлення критики;
  • розуміють та аналізують контент відео, презентованого англійською мовою;
  • вміють аналізувати англомовні джерела інформації з Інтернету;
  • здатні співпрацювати в команді, працюючи над спільним проєктом;
  • можуть вести дискусію, висловлювати власну точку зору англійською мовою. 

Обладнання та матеріали: мультимедійний комплекс, підручник Exam Booster. Preparation for B2+ level exams by Express Publishing, особисті пристрої з виходом в Інтернет.

Тип уроку: комбінований урок

Основні методи навчання: проблемне навчання; репродуктивні; частково-пошукові; пояснювально – ілюстративні; наочні – демонстрація, робота з підручником, схемами та комп’ютером; практичні та творчо-аналітичні методи; інтерактивні технології, технології кооперативно-групового навчання; кейс-метод, елементи пазлової методики.




T: Hello, children! Nice to see you! Ps: Nice to see you too.

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we will play. It will be a role play, we’ll continue our talk about schools, we’ll sum up the vocabulary and grammar on the topic and we’ll try to apply it to a very new and urgent material. Besides that, we’ll work as a team to present a common project.

Зауваження щодо критерій оцінювання:

The results of your work at the lesson will be assessed. To get a higher mark you should perform all the tasks without mistakes, stay active and creative, actively cooperate as a team.

Let’s start our lesson.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Актуалізація опорних знань та мотивація навчальної діяльності

1.Вправа «Мікрофон» з елементами брейнстормінгу:  3 хв.

Вчитель показує дітям Інтернет – мем:



T: On the screen you can see an Internet meme. To your mind, what and whom can we see there and how can it be connected with our today’s lesson. We’ll use a “microphone a method”, just like journalists do.

Pupils give their assumptions.

T: You are quite right; in the meme we can see a famous actor playing the role of god father in a film about the Italian mafia.

2.Пояснення правил рольової гри, розподіл обов’язків:

T: As you have already guessed today, we’ll play a game called “Mafia”. As you know there exists a popular game with the same title. It is an intellectual and phycological game with a detective plot. In the classic game they use special cards. At random all the players are given the roles of mafia members, a sheriff and honest citizens. The players should not know the roles of the other players except mafia members. During the game the sheriff and the honest citizens should guess the mafia members and put them to prison while mafia tries to kill the sheriff. In traditional game there are periods – “days and nights”. At night all the honest citizens “sleep”, while mafia wakes up and tries to communicate silently to identify the sheriff and kill him using only gestures.



At our lesson we’ll use only elements of the classic game. First of all, let’s take the roles. You choose a number according to which in my list you get the role. In the private messages you have received only abbreviation:

M – for mafia member

Sh – for the sheriff

HC – for the honest citizen

We’ll have several gaming periods: two nights and two days.

1 night: mafia “wakes up”, sees each other and tries to cooperate absolutely silently

1 day: all the players “wake up” and work upon a project during which mafia tries to identify the sheriff, the sheriff and the citizens try to identify mafia.

2 night: mafia wakes up and “kills” the sheriff

2 day: the citizens identify mafia members

It is extremely important that you keep your identity and don’t reveal it to the other players.

Is everything clear? Then, let the game start!



  1. Початок гри. Введення проблеми – використання кейс-методу. Занурення у проблематику та підготовка до виконання проєкту.

Night 1. Everyone “goes to sleep”. Close your eyes and don’t look up. And only mafia is awake. You are allowed to open your eyes. Look at each other. You should agree to cooperate SILENTLY using only gestures. Sleep again.

Day 1. Everyone wakes up. Open your eyes.

Let’s imagine that the future has come. All of you are the members of the Ukrainian society. We have received our Victory over the Russian army. What is our next and the most urgent challenge? Of course, to rebuilt our country.

But it won’t be just a restoring of course. It will be a SMART country of the future with SMART cities and SMART schools. So, the first aim of your community is to built a SMART school for your children.

Now let’s brainstorm. Using Mentimeter application in Google lets make a word cloud. You make type up to 3 variants of your answer. Think well what a smart school is associated with for you.

You may use either the adress:

or the QR-code:

You have 2 minutes for this task. Ready? Let’s see the result.

So, according to your answers, a SMART school is …

  1. Надання та сбір потрібної інформації щодо спільного проєкту, робота з відео матерілом, друкованим текстом, розподіл обов’язків на напрямків роботи «експертів». Робота над спільним проєктом

Of course, before your community starts building a SMART school, you collect the information about already existing modern schools

Let’s watch the video presenting Meadows school in U-tube:


T: To your mind, what categories are essential while planning a SMART school?

Thank you, summing up we should first of all think about:

  • SMART school values
  • Site of the school
  • School campus
  • SMART school building design and structure

Thus, your city community agrees to work in small groups and distribute responsibilities. There will be 4 working groups chosen randomly. You will have to work out and look into your keypoint and present your ideas in a mind map. You may use Canva

Or whatever application is suitable for you.

You will have 15 minutes to perform the task.

As a possible source of information your community uses the text about SMART school in Vodadara. While working with the text the following words might come in handy:

  • Ambience is another word for atmosphere in the sense of the mood a place or setting has. If an expensive restaurant has soft lighting and peaceful music, it has a pleasant, soothing ambience.
  • Amenities are any feature that provides comfort, convenience, or pleasure: The house has a swimming pool, two fireplaces, and other amenities.
  • Utilities the basic services your home, apartment, or business needs to keep it comfortable and functioning properly. Common utilities include water, electricity and natural gas
  • Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation without good reason. Generally, absenteeism is unplanned absences
  • To impart means to give something a particular quality or taste





The Perfect School Campus: The Importance of Having a Good School Infrastructure


Any place can be good to read and learn for those who love to read and study. For them, knowledge is immaterial, space does not matter, and physical context is secondary. However, if we look at this in the reality of educational systems, the conditions of the schools directly impact the performance of the students.

The location of a school has an enormous significance, and it should be set up in a suitable atmosphere. It should be far away from the noises and the polluting atmosphere where the child can easily absorb what is being taught in school. The ambience should be calm, spacious with good amenities and utilities in a visually appealing landscape. The school should have enough lighting, useful facilities such as libraries, toilets, playgrounds, sinks, multipurpose rooms, work areas, lockers, storage spaces, teachers, administration, etc.

Things to look into while selecting a good school in Vadodara:

  • School Building:

The building should be spacious, well planned with good architectural features. There should be good ventilation in all the classrooms along with facilities like fans, lights, benches, chairs, backboard, etc. There should also be facilities such as laboratories, art and crafts workshops, multimedia room, school office, theatre and many more.

  • Classrooms:

The backbone of any school’s infrastructure is the classroom. There should be adequate classrooms and it should look pleasant with good painting and decorations. The front wall should have an appropriate blackboard. The wall should have built in cupboards for keeping books and other important things.

  • Library:

It plays an important part in the learning process of the school as it’s a counterpart of the school’s infrastructure. It should be located in a place where it’s quiet and calm with a soothing ambience for the students to concentrate better.

Importance of a Good School Infrastructure:

A good school infrastructure with good spaces makes it a good place for the children to study. The impact of educational spaces on the students set out to identify the empirical well-being of students in schools. It makes it interesting and gets the children motivated to come to school, this in turn improves the attendance and interest of students in learning. Thus, it’s important for schools to have good infrastructure to improve the performance of the students and improve the school’s system. Good school infrastructure is important, but at the same time, it should also have an emphasis on a child friendly ambience, activity and value based learning.

The impact of infrastructure on educational quality:

It’s important to invest and spend in order to improve the school infrastructure as the infrastructure is known to affect the educational quality in the following ways:

  • Attendance and completion of education:

There are many school drop-outs due to the kind of teaching and facilities of the school According to many studies, it has been found that the physical conditions of school buildings positively affects school completion and the interest of the students.

  • Teacher motivation:

Due to many schools not having the right infrastructure, there’s evidence that indicate teachers in schools with good infrastructure have on average 10 percent less absenteeism than teachers in schools with deficient infrastructure. In fact, the study found that infrastructure had a greater effect reducing absenteeism than teacher salaries or the effect of the administrative tolerance for absences.

If you are looking for some of the good schools in Vadodara, Nalanda International School would be the best option for your child. Nalanda International School offers a beautiful infrastructure and a curriculum that meets high academic standards. The lush green landscape is beautiful amidst the bell on the bell tower which is rung every day to mark the beginning and the end of school.

Nalanda International School believes that parents can significantly contribute to the development of the children and the school on the whole. There are frequent workshops and PTMs conducted that ensure that teachers and parents work in collaboration for the development of the children. The events and activities that are part of the curriculum are aimed at instilling discipline, ethics and values in students that would help them to develop their personality to become better citizens of the world.

Nalanda International School Infrastructure – A Walkthrough:

The right ambience is needed in imparting quality education. A school building should be made on planning and love, and not just bricks and stone. A great deal of thought has gone into transforming brick walls and concrete slabs into the environmentally friendly buildings of Nalanda International School. The school has four buildings, each of them retaining the school’s chief architectural style of exposed brick, yet designed age specifically. The school retains its beauty due to the administration departments.

Nalanda International School has extensive infrastructure for the academic and non-academic pursuits of students. Some of the highlights are as follows:

  • Spacious classrooms
  • Well-equipped laboratories
  • Well stocked libraries
  • Well Ventilated Classrooms
  • Theatre
  • Courtyards
  • Exam halls
  • Sports grounds for football, basketball, badminton, volleyball
  • Provision for indoor activities such as table tennis and dance
  • Audio visual rooms

The structure of each building is unique and design is age appropriate. The highlight of the Pre School building is the beautiful courtyard and a huge block room. The highlights of the Junior School building are the bell tower, a well-equipped computer lab and the Dance Hall. The beauty of the Middle School building is enhanced with the Theatre and the Wood Workshop.

The sprawling campus is lush green and welcoming. The process of teaching-learning unfolds with the tweeting of birds with a visual treat of butterflies and peacocks! Students can also take short treks in the orchards inside the campus. There are teaching classes in the open classrooms and other open areas to help students stay connected with nature. Apart from the concrete buildings, the campus has trees, plants and flowers that creates a beautiful natural environment to study.

Nalanda International School has enhanced and embellished the beauty of the premises with some beautiful and exquisite elements, some of which are not just gorgeous or constructive objects but are also used by our students for sitting or playing with their friends. Students relate to these elements as they grow and move from one section to another and also have fond memories with these elements.

Come to witness the nature’s beauty come alive in a school environment. A visit is a must. Call us today to schedule an appointment for a school tour.


Look through this text. You may use any other source of information you wish. While working you should use the words and word combinations from your textbook Exam Booster Module 3.

At the end of your work your mind maps should be presented on a Padlet board


Thus you construct a common project of your SMART school.

The representative of each group explains the other participants the essence of your ideas represented on the padlet.

  1. Представлення і обговорення проєкту. Завершення рольової гри

T: Let’s see what we have. While speaking you should use modal verbs and different forms of the infinitive.

T: Now that our project is finished it is the end of the day period. All the honest citizens go to sleep. And only mafia is alert. You can communicate through personal messages and discuss who will be the victim.

T: Ok, now the citizens, who is the mafia to your mind?

Type your variant in Mentimeter:




T: - What new things have you found today?

  • What was interesting at the lesson?
  • Where can we apply this information?
  • How can you assess your participation on the lesson?
  • Who was the most active during the lesson?

T: Thank you very much, you’ve done a great work today!

Hometask: write an essay about SMART schools, your variant.

Використані джерела:

  1. How to Play Mafia: An In-Depth Guide to the Perfect Party Game

2.      Smart School - A School for the Future | CEBRA Architecture


3.      The Perfect School Campus: The Importance of Having a Good School Infrastructure



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