Перевірка знань з теми "Види магазинів"

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Матеріал чудово підійде для перевірки знань з даної теми. Завдання цікаві, проілюстровані, на уважність
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image                                                                                                                                 б) the clothing shop

                                                                                                                                 г) the department store

                                                                                                                                б) the baker's

                                                                                                                                 г) the butcher's

6.         Complete the sentence.

At the newsagent's we can buy ....

imageimageа) magazines, newspapers, pens and           б) magazines, apples, pens and books copybooks

                    в) magazines, copybooks, buns and cakes                                г) buns, cakes, meat and fruits

д) copybooks, magazines, shops, books


At the dairy we can buy ....




а) diary, milk, cheese, cottage-cheese, sour-           imagecream


б) milk, cheese, cottage-cheese, sour-cream, milky-way


в) milk, cheese, cottage-cheese, sour-cream, imagebutter


г) milk, cheese, cottage-cheese, sour-cream, buns


At the greengrocer's we can buy ...



imageimage                    а) medicines, a toothpaste and bars of soap                           б) fruit and vegetables

                  в) meat, ham and sausages                                                                      г) newspapers, magazines and copybooks

9.          imageimageAt the chemist's we can buy ...

                    а) medicines, shampoo, newspapers and books           

б) bars of soap, bars of chocolate, buns and


в) medicines, shampoo, bars of soap and   г) toothpaste, bread, meat and milk toothpaste

10.      At the baker's we can buy ...

imageimage                    а) sweets, cakes, apples and bananas                                       б) balls, toys and caps

                  в) milk, cheese and bread                                                                         г) loaves of bread, cakes and buns

11.      Where can I buy buns?

imageimage                а) at the butcher's                                                                              б) at the baker's

                в) at the chemist's                                                                              г) at the newsagent's

12.      At the jeweller’s he can buy...

imageimage                  а) jewellery, plastic bottles, newspapers                                     б) silver and golden watches

                  в) golden buns, a silver skirt                                                            г) a silver book, a red book

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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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