Підсумкові контрольні роботи

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Підсумкові контрольні роботи з англійської мови до підручника Карп'юк О. Д. 11 клас 1 і 2 семестр
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      Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date _______________

                                           Test   Writing        1 variant                          semester 1

I. Divide the words into four columns.

An assessment, an employer, to obey, a fixed price, a dressing, to annoy, a fee, to boost, average, to conduct a survey, to bring up, undercooked, reservation, generation, foundation course, exhausted, to steer clear of, vocational, irritating, a customer.


a Student

Make Up

Your Mind

Family Relationship

Eating Out

an assessment, to boost, foundation course, exhausted, to steer clear of, average.

an employer, a fee, to conduct a survey, vocational.

to obey, to annoy, to bring up, generation, irritating.+

a fixed price, a dressing, undercooked, reservation, a customer.

II. Make a choice.

  1. They are going to … exams in June.               a) pass                 + b) take                c) have
  2. People ... a lot of interesting things through the Internet.   a)  know      b) read    c) find out
  3. She wants to … how to play the guitar.          + a) learn                 b) teach             c) study
  4. My mother enjoys her … at school.                 a) job                   + b) work             c) event
  5. He had … of getting a job in this organization.       a) an opportunity     b) an occasion 

                                                                                                    + c) a possibility

  1. Nick plants to have a long … in advertising.    a) occupation     +b) career      c) profession

III. a) Put the verb in brackets into Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous.

  1. We have been working all day before you came. (work)  2. How long have  you been reading this book? (read)  3. They are tired. They have walked  seven kilometers. (walk) 

b) Complete the sentences.

1. If it doesn’t stop raining ____________________________. 2. If you had taken my advice _____________________________. 3. I would find this shop ________________________ .

c) Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. Mother said to Mary: “Don’t forget to take umbrella. It is going to rain.”_______________

_____________________________________ 2. Victor said to me: “Did you answer all the questions?” ____________________________________________________ 3. Ted said: “What do you want for dessert, Kate?”_________________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. Do you think that passing or falling an exam is a matter of luck? Why? Why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What do you like about your parents? What do you dislike? ________________________


  1. What meals do you have a day? What do you have for every meal?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Form 11     Name, surname ___________________ Date ________________________

                                       Test    Writing       2 variant                               semester 1

I. Divide the words into four columns.

A resource, confidence, an adolescent, garnished, minced, to assault, a volunteer, favoured, memorable, faint-hearted, to blame, inferior, abundant, to escape, an enterprise, to take responsibility for, college, a graduate, to disturb, a quality.


a Student

Make Up

Your Mind

Family Relationship

Eating Out

a resource, favoured, memorable, to take responsibility for, college, a graduate.

confidence, a volunteer, faint-hearted, an enterprise,

an adolescent, to assault, to blame, to escape, to disturb,

garnished, minced, inferior, a quality.

     II. Make a choice.

  1. A person who works for somebody is … .   + a) employee   b) employer    c) employment
  2. The doctor said: “You must have 4-5 … a day.     a)  dishes        b) food           +c) meals
  3. Ukrainian people are kind and … .      a) politeness     +b) polite      c) impolite
  4. My dad … me how to drive.                +a) taught          b) learnt        c) studied
  5. I have more … to learn English than my sister.   a) occasion   +b) possibility  c) opportunity
  6. A person who employs other people is … .      a) employee   b) employment   +c) employer

III. a)Put the verb in brackets into Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous.

1. How much of this book have  you  read?(read) 2. We were tired. We  have been working  for six hours. (work)  3. My parents have been travilling all day tomorrow. (travel)

b) Complete the sentences.

1. If you had asked politely __________________________. 2. We won’t finish this job on time ____________________________. 3. If I were you  ___________________________ .

c) Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. Tony said: “Don’t switch the light off, John. I am going to read an article in this magazine.”__________________________________________________ 2. Julia said: “Do you know that boy, Nelly?” _________________________________________________     3. Roy said: “Whose umbrella did you take, Max?”__________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. When were you able to give a definite answer about your future profession? Who helped you to you’re your choice?__________________________________________________


  1. What would you do if you were in your parents’ place? __________________________


3. What is your best dish? How do you cook it?  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

         Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date _______________

                                           Test   Writing        1 variant                          semester 1

I. Divide the words into four columns.

An assessment, an employer, to obey, a fixed price, a dressing, to annoy, a fee, to boost, average, to conduct a survey, to bring up, undercooked, reservation, generation, foundation course, exhausted, to steer clear of, vocational, irritating, a customer.


a Student

Make Up

Your Mind

Family Relationship

Eating Out





II. Make a choice.

  1. They are going to … exams in June.               a) pass                  b) take                c) have
  2. People ... a lot of interesting things through the Internet.   a)  know      b) read    c) find out
  3. She wants to … how to play the guitar.           a) learn                 b) teach             c) study
  4. My mother enjoys her … at school.                 a) job                    b) work             c) event
  5. He had … of getting a job in this organization.       a) an opportunity     b) an occasion 

                                                                                                     c) a possibility

  1. Nick plants to have a long … in advertising.    a) occupation     b) career      c) profession

III. a) Put the verb in brackets into Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous.

  1. We _______________ all day before you came. (work)  2. How long ______ you _____ this book? (read)  3. They are tired. They ________________ seven kilometers. (walk) 

b) Complete the sentences.

1. If it doesn’t stop raining ____________________________. 2. If you had taken my advice _____________________________. 3. I would find this shop ________________________ .

c) Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. Mother said to Mary: “Don’t forget to take umbrella. It is going to rain.”_______________

_____________________________________ 2. Victor said to me: “Did you answer all the questions?” ____________________________________________________ 3. Ted said: “What do you want for dessert, Kate?”_________________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. Do you think that passing or falling an exam is a matter of luck? Why? Why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What do you like about your parents? What do you dislike? ________________________


  1. What meals do you have a day? What do you have for every meal?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Form 11     Name, surname ___________________ Date ________________________

                                       Test    Writing       2 variant                               semester 1

I. Divide the words into four columns.

A resource, confidence, an adolescent, garnished, minced, to assault, a volunteer, favoured, memorable, faint-hearted, to blame, inferior, abundant, to escape, an enterprise, to take responsibility for, college, a graduate, to disturb, a quality.


a Student

Make Up

Your Mind

Family Relationship

Eating Out





     II. Make a choice.

  1. A person who works for somebody is … .    a) employee   b) employer    c) employment
  2. The doctor said: “You must have 4-5 … a day.     a)  dishes        b) food           c) meals
  3. Ukrainian people are kind and … .      a) politeness     b) polite      c) impolite
  4. My dad … me how to drive.                a) taught          b) learnt        c) studied
  5. I have more … to learn English than my sister.   a) occasion   b) possibility  c) opportunity
  6. A person who employs other people is … .      a) employee   b) employment   c) employer

III. a)Put the verb in brackets into Perfect Simple or Perfect Continuous.

1. How much of this book__________ you ______ ?(read) 2. We were tired. We  ________ for six hours. (work)  3. My parents ________________ all day tomorrow. (travel)

b) Complete the sentences.

1. If you had asked politely __________________________. 2. We won’t finish this job on time ____________________________. 3. If I were you  ___________________________ .

c) Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. Tony said: “Don’t switch the light off, John. I am going to read an article in this magazine.”__________________________________________________ 2. Julia said: “Do you know that boy, Nelly?” _________________________________________________     3. Roy said: “Whose umbrella did you take, Max?”__________________________________

IV. Answer the questions.

  1. When were you able to give a definite answer about your future profession? Who helped you to you’re your choice?__________________________________________________


  1. What would you do if you were in your parents’ place? __________________________


3. What is your best dish? How do you cook it?  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

   Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date _______________

Listening Comprehension                                                                          semester 1

Text 1     Food around the world

New Year traditions

    In China during New Year celebration people eat eight, ten or twelve dishes of food. This is because an even number means doubling the luck. A lot of the food at New Year has a special meaning. Seaweed means good luck and long noodles mean a long life. They eat whole vegetables and don’t use knives to cut things, because this means the end of your good luck.

    In Russia there is lots of food on the table so the next year will be happy and plentiful. At 11.59 people open champagne and wait for the clock to strike twelve. Then they make a toast for the New Year. They wish everybody good luck and happiness.

    In Spain people eat twelve grapes – one with each chime of the clock at midnight. This brings good luck for the next twelve months. But it is difficult to eat twelve grapes in twelve seconds, so people usually have a mouth full of grapes at the end.

                                                         Wedding Traditions

    Italians eat doughnuts in the shape of bowties for good luck. They also eat sugared almonds when they hope for a baby. Many years ago in Britain the father of the bride gave the groom “honey mead” (a honey drink) for a whole month. In this way the couple had a month of sweetness and happiness. We have now changed the word to “honeymoon” – the holiday a couple goes on after their wedding.


    When a child is born in China, the father gives red eggs to his friends and family – an even number for a girl and an odd number for a boy. The birthday party started in Europe in the Middle Ages. People were afraid of ghosts and bad spirits on their birthdays. Friends and family came to visit you with present to stop them.

    In Mexico people fill a paper animal with sweets. Children close their eyes and hit the animal until the sweets fall out. Then everybody eats the sweets.


Text 2       Family traditions in the East

    Wedding traditions vary enormously around the world. Chinese wedding traditions date back thousands of years. The marriage proposal itself as a big affair, and it is often conducted in writing.

    In China every new couple needs to go a park to have a video made before the evening party starts. If a new couple meets in a park, the bride and bridegroom should exchange a new  handkerchief and wish each other good luck. It has to be red and have a picture of mandarin ducks. Because ducks always stay together, it means they will stay together. We have this custom so they share happiness and congratulate each other. Traditionally, the more happiness you share, the more good luck you get.




 Wedding traditions in India are even more closely followed. The bride traditionally wears red and the groom wears a traditional cream colored long coat. The father of the bride joins the bride to the groom by handing her one end of a cloth that is held by the groom. The groom leads the bride 4 times around the holy book with the help of the bride’s brothers and cousins. After the fourth round the couple is considered to be married. Priests give blessings and advise the couple on how to live and love in their new lives together. The couple is two bodies with one soul.

    A Japan wedding has a typical ceremony. A couple drinks Japanese rice wine in front of a priest. First the bride drinks the wine from a small cup. Next the bride passes the cup to the groom and he also drinks the wine from the cup. They try to drink wine three times. This ceremony means that they promise to be dedicated each other.

    Many young people get married western style in Korea. That is, women wear a short dress and men wear a new western suit. The bride throws her wedding bouquet back over her shoulder and the girl who catches it is the one who is going to get married next. After the wedding ceremony is finished, the bride and bridegroom change into Korean traditional clothes and bow to their parents and elder relatives. Then the parents and older relatives give them many nuts and some money. Nuts mean they will have children, and they wish the bride and bridegroom a happy marriage.




















Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date _________ semester 1

Listening Comprehension  “Food around the world”, “Family traditions in the East” 1 variant

Level 1     Listen to the text 1 “Food around the world” and write the number of the statement in the correct column.

New Year















1. People believe that eating twelve grapes brings good luck for the next twelve months.

2. The father gives red eggs to his friends and family.

3. The father of the bride gave the groom “honey mead”.

4. People eat sugared almonds when they hope for a baby.

5. People eat whole vegetables and don’t use knives in order not to scare away good luck.

6. Children close their eyes and hit the animal until the sweets fall out.

Level 2    1. Listen to the text 2 “Family traditions in the East” and choose the correct word to fill in the gap.                 Congratulate, vary, include, exchange, wear

1. Wedding traditions vary enormously around the world.

2. The bride and bridegroom should exchange a new handkerchief.

3. They share happiness and congratulate each other.

  2. Read the statements and say if they are “True” or False”.

+1. In Japan a couple drinks rice wine in front of a priest.

-2. The bride throws her wedding bouquet back over her shoulder in China.

+3. In China every new couple needs to go to a park to have a video made before the evening party starts.

+4. In Korea the bride and bridegroom change into traditional clothes after the wedding ceremony.

-5. In India the groom leads the bride 3 times around our holy book.

+6. Traditionally, the more happiness you share, the more good luck you get.

Level 3 Answer the questions.

1. What handkerchief does a Chinese couple must have meeting in a park?

2. What does the bride and the groom traditionally wear in India?

3. What does the ceremony of drinking wine mean in Japan?

4. What do women and men wear in Korea?

5. What do the parents and relatives give the bride and the groom in Korea?

6. What wine does the couple drink in  Japan?

Level 4 Write a composition on the topic: “Wedding in Ukraine”.

Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date ________ semester 1

Listening Comprehension  “Food around the world”, “Family traditions in the East” 2 variant

Level 1     Listen to the text 1 “Food around the world” and write the number of the statement in the correct column.

New Year















1. Long ago the father of the bride gave the broom a honey drink.

2. People believe that seaweed means good luck and long noodles mean a long life.

3. People eat doughnuts in the shape of bowties.

4. At 11.59 people open champagne and wait for the clock to strike twelve.

5. People fill a paper animal with sweets.

6. The birthday party started the Middle Ages.

Level 2    1. Listen to the text 2 “Family traditions in the East” and choose the correct word to fill in the gap.     Promise, wear, blessing, change, leads

1. The groom leads the bride four times around the holy book.

2.  Priests give blessing and advise the couple on how to live.

3. This ceremony means that they promise to be dedicated each other.

      2. Read the statements and say if they are “True” or False”.

-1. Women wear a long dress and men wear a white suit in Korea.

-2. The parents and relatives give the bride and bridegroom many sweets and much money in Korea.

+3. Chinese marriage are often conducted in writing.

+4. In Japan a couple try to drink wine three times.  

-5. In India the bride traditionally wears green and the groom wears a cream colored long coat. 

+6. Many young people get married western style in Korea. 

    Level 3  Answer the questions.

1. What should Chinese couple do if they meet in a park?

2. What does the handkerchief mean for Chinese couple?

3. When is the couple considered to be married in India?

4. What does the couple drink in Japan?  

5. What does the Korean bride do in the wedding?

6. What do the parents give the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in Korea?

 Level 4 Write a composition on the topic: “Wedding in Ukraine”.

Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date __________ semester 1

Listening Comprehension  “Food around the world”, “Family traditions in the East” 1 variant

Level 1     Listen to the text 1 “Food around the world” and write the number of the statement in the correct column.

New Year















1. People believe that eating twelve grapes brings good luck for the next twelve months.

2. The father gives red eggs to his friends and family.

3. The father of the bride gave the groom “honey mead”.

4. People eat sugared almonds when they hope for a baby.

5. People eat whole vegetables and don’t use knives in order not to scare away good luck.

6. Children close their eyes and hit the animal until the sweets fall out.

Level 2    1. Listen to the text 2 “Family traditions in the East” and choose the correct word to fill in the gap.                 Congratulate, vary, include, exchange, wear

1. Wedding traditions enormously around the world.

2. The bride and bridegroom should a new handkerchief.

3. They share happiness and each other.

  2. Read the statements and say if they are “True” or False”.

1. In Japan a couple drinks rice wine in front of a priest.

2. The bride throws her wedding bouquet back over her shoulder in China.

3. In China every new couple needs to go to a park to have a video made before the evening party starts.

4. In Korea the bride and bridegroom change into traditional clothes after the wedding ceremony.

5. In India the groom leads the bride 3 times around our holy book.

6. Traditionally, the more happiness you share, the more good luck you get.

Level 3 Answer the questions.

1. What handkerchief does a Chinese couple must have meeting in a park?

2. What does the bride and the groom traditionally wear in India?

3. What does the ceremony of drinking wine mean in Japan?

4. What do women and men wear in Korea?

5. What do the parents and relatives give the bride and the groom in Korea?

6. What wine does the couple drink in  Japan?

Level 4 Write a composition on the topic: “Wedding in Ukraine”.

Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date __________ semester 1

Listening Comprehension  “Food around the world”, “Family traditions in the East” 2 variant

Level 1     Listen to the text 1 “Food around the world” and write the number of the statement in the correct column.

New Year















1. Long ago the father of the bride gave the broom a honey drink.

2. People believe that seaweed means good luck and long noodles mean a long life.

3. People eat doughnuts in the shape of bowties.

4. At 11.59 people open champagne and wait for the clock to strike twelve.

5. People fill a paper animal with sweets.

6. The birthday party started the Middle Ages.

Level 2    1. Listen to the text 2 “Family traditions in the East” and choose the correct word to fill in the gap.     Promise, wear, blessing, change, leads

1. The groom … the bride four times around the holy book.

2.  Priests give … and advise the couple on how to live.

3.  This ceremony means that they … to be dedicated each other.

      2. Read the statements and say if they are “True” or False”.

1. Women wear a long dress and men wear a white suit in Korea.

2. The parents and relatives give the bride and bridegroom many sweets and much money in Korea.

3. Chinese marriage are often conducted in writing.

4. In Japan a couple try to drink wine three times.  

5. In India the bride traditionally wears green and the groom wears a cream colored long coat. 

6. Many young people get married western style in Korea. 

    Level 3 Answer the questions.

1. What should Chinese couple do if they meet in a park?

2. What does the handkerchief mean for Chinese couple?

3. When is the couple considered to be married in India?

4. What does the couple drink in Japan?  

5. What does the Korean bride do in the wedding?

6. What do the parents give the bride and groom after the wedding ceremony in Korea?

 Level 4 Write a composition on the topic: “Wedding in Ukraine”.


Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date __________ semester 1

Reading Comprehension                                                                                         


    The word “pub” itself is an abbreviation of a “public house” which sounds dull and unemotional. Pubs are very dear to the British people, being a peculiarly English institution.

    Pubs are famous for their friendly and cozy atmosphere. For many English people the pub is still the centre of their social life.

    People come to pubs to meet their friends, talk sports, play darts, watch television or just relax and enjoy themselves. They come here to have a good time.

    On the other hand many business people go to a pub for a quick drink after work and “talk shop’ before going home.

    There are pubs everywhere in England. A small town of say 50 000 inhabitants will have between 50 and 100 pubs, each with its own character. Even a small village usually has its pub.

    The country pub is the heart of village life. Some of them have there for hundreds of years. There is a fire-pace in winter and you can sit out in the garden in summer. They are welcoming places, with their regular customers usually only too happy to talk to the visitor.

     The oldest pub in England is considered to be “The Trip to Jerusalem”. They say it was built in the 12th century.

    Pubs are part of the British history and that’s what makes them unique.

   Naturally they have a lot of traditions and regulations. Most pubs open at 11 a.m. and close at 11 p.m. Young children cannot go into a pub until they are 14, but even at this age they should be accompanied by an adult.

    The minimum age for drinking alcohol is 18. It is illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 16.

    Pubs sell not only beer and wine but food too. There is now a huge range of bar snacks, and lunches – usually fried fish or sausage and chips, or steak, or the so-called “Ploughman’s lunch” which is a large piece of cheese some bread some pickles, and an onion.

    When you order food you are expected to have at least one drink as well. If someone buys you a drink, he will usually expect you to offer later to buy one for him (even if you are not having; another drink yourself).

    If a friend bought you a drink yesterday and you go to a pub together again today, you should start  by saying:

    “Now, it’ my round. What are you having?”

    There are three main kinds of beer: lager (a light coloured beer), bitter (ordinary English! Beer which is darker and heavier than lager) and mild (darker and sweeter).

    In case you don’t know the names of the beer in a particular pub, you can say: “A pint of mild, 1 please”. Or “A half pint of lager, please”. Or “Another bitter, please”.


Level 1   Fill in the missing words from the box.                                          Variant 1

Illegal, regulations, means, under, everywhere, social, heart

1. The word “pub” … a “public house”.

2. The pub is still the centre of … life for many English people.

3. There are pubs … in England.

4. The … of village life is the country pub.

5. Pubs have a lot od traditions and … .

6. It is … to sell tobacco to anyone … the age of 16.

Level 2    I. Read the statements and write if they are “True” or “False”. 

1. Visiting pubs English people feel themselves in friendly and comfortable atmosphere.

2. People come here to go in for sports to read books and watch TV.

3. You can sit out in the yard in winter.

4. There are a lot of different bar snacks and lunches in pubs.

5. Ordering food you have as much drink as you wish.

6. There are three main kinds of beer.

II. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. A small town has pubs …

a) to talk to the visitors

2. Some country pubs have there …

b) out in the garden in summer

3. Customers usually are happy …

c) with their own characters

4. English people can sit …

d) for hundreds of year

1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___

Level 3    Answer the questions.

1. Why do people come to pubs?

2. How many pubs can a small town have?

3. Why are the pubs unique?

4. How long do most pubs work?

5. When can young children go into a pub?

6. What does “Ploughman’s lunch” consist of?

Level 4      Write a short composition on the topic “What places for having meal will you go if you are hungry and have free time? Why? Your best food and drink”.


Level 1   Fill in the missing words from the box.                                      Variant 1

Illegal, regulations, means, under, everywhere, social, heart

1. The word “pub” means a “public house”.

2. The pub is still the centre of social life for many English people.

3. There are pubs everywhere in England.

4. The heart of village life is the country pub.

5. Pubs have a lot of traditions and regulations.

6. It is Illegal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 16.

Level 2    I. Read the statements and write if they are “True” or “False”. 

+1. Visiting pubs English people feel themselves in friendly and comfortable atmosphere.

-2. People come here to go in for sports, to read books and watch TV.

-3. You can sit out in the yard in winter.

+4. There are a lot of different bar snacks and lunches in pubs.

-5. Ordering food you have as much drink as you wish.

+6. There are three main kinds of beer.

II. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. A small town has pubs …

a) to talk to the visitors

2. Some country pubs have there …

b) out in the garden in summer

3. Customers usually are happy …

c) with their own characters

4. English people can sit …

d) for hundreds of years

1. c    2. d    3. a    4. b

Level 3    Answer the questions.

1. Why do people come to pubs?  People come to pubs to meet their friends, talk sports, play darts, watch television and just relax and enjoy themselves.

2. How many pubs can a small town have? A small town can have between 50 and 100 pubs.

3. Why are the pubs unique? Because pubs are part of the British history.

4. How long do most pubs work? Most pubs open at 11 a.m. and close at 11 p.m.

5. When can young children go into a pub? Young children can go into a pub under the age of 14.

6. What does “Ploughman’s lunch” consist of?  “Ploughman’s lunch” consist of a large piece of cheese, some bread, some pickles, and an onion.

Level 4      Write a short composition on the topic “What places for having meal will you go if you are hungry and have free time? Why? Your best food and drink”.


Level 1   Fill in the missing words from the box.                           Variant  2

Expected, welcoming, before, institution, customers, huge, even

1. Pubs are peculiarly English institution .

2. Many business people go to a pub  before going home.

3. Even a small village usually has its pub.

4. They are welcoming places with their regular customers.

5. There is now a huge range of bar snacks and lunches.

6. When you order food you are expected to have one drink as well.

Level 2    I. Read the statements and write if they are “True” or “False”.

+1. Most pubs work 12 hours a day.

-2. People of different age can go into a pub.

+3. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up.

-4. It’s legal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18.

-5. They sell food, drinks and some toys for children.

+6. There are three main kinds of beer. 

II. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. The country pub is …

a) of the British history

2. English people come here …

b) coloured beer

3. Pubs are part …

c) in the centre of village life

4. Lager is a light …

d) to have a good time

1. c    2. d    3. a    4. b

Level 3    Answer the questions.

1. Why do many business people visit pubs?   Many business people visit pubs for a quick drink after work and ‘talk shop’ before going home.

2. When was the oldest pub build in England?    It was built in the 12 century.

3. When can English people drink alcohol?     The minimum age for drinking alcohol is 18.

4. What drinks and food do they sell? They sell a huge range of bar snacks, and lunches – usually fried fish or sausage and chips, or steak, or the so-called “Ploughman’s lunch”, wine and beer.

5. What does anybody expect buying you a drink? If someone buys you a drink, he will usually expect you to offer later to buy one for him.

6. What beer can anyone find there?    There are three main kinds of beer: lager (a light coloured beer), bitter (ordinary English! Beer which is darker and heavier than lager) and mild (darker and sweeter).

Level 4    Write a composition on the topic: “What is the difference between a pub and a restaurant? If it were you, what place would you choose: a pub or a restaurant? Why?

Level 1   Fill in the missing words from the box.                                     Variant 2

Expected, welcoming, before, institution, customers, huge, even

1. Pubs are peculiarly English .

2. Many business people go to a pub  going home.

3. a small village usually has its pub.

4. They are places with their regular .

5. There is now a range of bar snacks and lunches.

6. When you order food you are to have one drink as well.

Level 2    I. Read the statements and write if they are “True” or “False”.

1. Most pubs work 12 hours a day.

2. People of different age can go into a pub.

3. Children must be accompanied by a grown-up.

4. It’s legal to sell tobacco to anyone under the age of 18.

5. They sell food, drinks and some toys for children.

6. There are three main kinds of beer. 

II. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. The country pub is …

a) of the British history

2. English people come here …

b) coloured beer

3. Pubs are part …

c) in the centre of village life

4. Lager is a light …

d) to have a good time

1. ___    2. ___    3. ___    4. ___

Level 3    Answer the questions.

1. Why do many business people visit pubs?  

2. When was the oldest pub build in England?   

3. When can English people drink alcohol?   

4. What drinks and food do they sell?

5. What does anybody expect buying you a drink?

6. What beer can anyone find there?   

Level 4    Write a composition on the topic: “What is the difference between a pub and a restaurant? If it were you, what place would you choose: a pub or a restaurant? Why?



11 form  Listening Comprehension   Name, surname _______________ Date ____1 semester


The word ‘diet’ originally meant ‘things that people usually eat’, but, these days, we use the word to mean an eating pattern or programme designed to change something.

    We could be talking about any one of many different kinds. There are diets for avoiding certain chemicals, like salt, and there are diets to increase amounts of certain things, like potassium. There are even diets to help people put on weight.

    However, despite all these, we usually say ‘diet’ about losing weight. This is certainly the area where the money gets spent. And it has a long history.

    But when did it all start? There’s a story that in 1087, William the Conqueror, King of England, had become so fat that he could no longer ride his horse. He stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.

    Now, it may or may not have worked for him, but we can’t really recommend it as an approach for most people. What important is the kind of food you eat, because different food contain different things our bodies need.

    But it has taken a long time to find out exactly what these are. Sea travel led to some increase in understanding. When it became possible to build ships that could go on long voyages, sailors started to spend many months at sea. They also started getting a strange disease called ‘scurvy’. Eventually, it became clear that they needed fruit or vegetables to survive. Today, we know that vitamin C is the reason.

    Although the discovery helped their lives, there was much more that wasn’t known. Nobody knew, for example, why some people got fat and others didn’t, or what to do about it.

    Then, in 1890s, a chemist called Wilbur Atwater began investigation how food consisted of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. He found that he could measure the heat value of these by burning them and called a unit of this heating a ‘calorie’.

    This measurement he created can be seen as the start of modern food science and dieting. Since then knowledge has come quickly – some people say too quickly!


 Task 1. Put ‘+’ if the statement is true and ‘-‘ if the statement is false.

+1. The word ‘diet’ originally meant ‘things that people usually eat’.

+2. William the Conqueror stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.

-3. Sailors started to spend many years at the sea.

-4. Wilbur Atwater introduced a new measurement for the ‘heat value’ of food.

-5. There are three main diets in the world.

+6. Diets help people put on weight.



Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. The word ‘diet’ originally meant .. .

+a) ‘things that people usually eat’

  b) ‘things that people don’t like to eat’

  c) ‘things that make people strong’

2. William the Conqueror used a diet … .

  a) to be fit       

  b) to be healthy     

  +c) to lose weight

3. What did he do?    

   a) He drank a lot of pure water.     

   b) He drank wine instead water.

+ c) He drank alcohol instead of eating food.

4. People became to understand better what our bodies need thanks to … .

 +a) William the Conqueror      

   b) long sea voyages       

   c) alcohol 

5. Wilbur Atwater lived … .     

+a) in the 19th century          

  b) in the 20th century                                            

  c) in the beginning of the 18th century

6. Food consist of … .            

  a) fats, minerals, vitamins       

+b) fats, proteins, carbohydrates              

  c) fats, proteins, vitamins   







11 form   Listening Comprehension    Name, surname ____________________ Date ________ 

Task 1. Put ‘+’ if the statement is true and ‘-‘ if the statement is false.

1. The word ‘diet’ originally meant ‘things that people usually eat’.

2. William the Conqueror stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose weight.

3. Sailors started to spend many years at the sea.

4. Wilbur Atwater introduced a new measurement for the ‘heat value’ of food.

5. There are three main diets in the world.

6. Diets help people put on weight.

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. The word ‘diet’ originally meant .. .

                                      a) ‘things that people usually eat’     b) ‘things that people don’t like to eat’

                                      c) ‘things that make people strong’

2. William the Conqueror used a diet … .   a) to be fit       b) to be healthy      c) to lose weight

3. What did he do?                   a) He drank a lot of pure water.      b) He drank wine instead water.

                                                 c) He drank alcohol instead of eating food.

4. People became to understand better what our bodies need thanks to … .

                                                  a) William the Conqueror         b) long sea voyages         c) alcohol 

5. Wilbur Atwater lived … .     a) in the 19th century        b) in the 20th century                                            

                                                   c) in the beginning of the 18th century

6. Food consist of … .               a) fats, minerals, vitamins        b) fats, proteins, carbohydrates              

                                                   c) fats, proteins, vitamins   


11 form   Listening Comprehension    Name, surname ____________________ Date ________

Task 1. Put ‘+’ if the statement is true and ‘-‘ if the statement is false.

  1. The word ‘diet’ originally meant ‘things that people usually eat’.

  2. William the Conqueror stayed in bed and drank alcohol instead of eating food to try and lose   weight.

  3. Sailors started to spend many years at the sea.

  4. Wilbur Atwater introduced a new measurement for the ‘heat value’ of food.

  5. There are three main diets in the world.

  6. Diets help people put on weight.

Task 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. The word ‘diet’ originally meant .. .

                                      a) ‘things that people usually eat’     b) ‘things that people don’t like to eat’

                                      c) ‘things that make people strong’

2. William the Conqueror used a diet … .   a) to be fit       b) to be healthy      c) to lose weight

3. What did he do?                   a) He drank a lot of pure water.      b) He drank wine instead water.

                                                 c) He drank alcohol instead of eating food.

4. People became to understand better what our bodies need thanks to … .

                                                  a) William the Conqueror         b) long sea voyages         c) alcohol 

5. Wilbur Atwater lived … .     a) in the 19th century        b) in the 20th century                                            

                                                   c) in the beginning of the 18th century

6. Food consist of … .               a) fats, minerals, vitamins        b) fats, proteins, carbohydrates              

                                                   c) fats, proteins, vitamins   


Перегляд файлу

      Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date _______________

                                           Test   Writing        1 variant                          semester 2

I. Divide the words into four columns.

Global warming, sovereignty, artistry, addict, a participant, justice, radiation, a fiction film, a law, craftsmanship, acid rain, a rage, extinction, to elect, performance, to compromise, a disorder, to proclaim, a shadow, to preserve.

It’s your planet

Speaking about art

Focus on youth

People and society





II. Make a choice.

1. The wind (has broken/ has been broken) his glass door.

2. Nick didn’t know how to (prevent/ avoid/ protect) this conversation.

3. The choir (was conducting/ was being conducting) by our music teacher.

III. Read the statements and decide if they are “True” or “False”.

__1. Pollution is harmful chemicals, gases or waste materials from factories, cars that have gone into the air, land or water.

__2. Today’s problems don’t influence strongly the life of the younger generations.

__3. On November 1, 1991, the All-Ukrainian Referendum took place in Ukraine.

__4. A ballet is a form of entertainment for an audience, which may include drama, dancing, music, mime, puppetry and so on.

IV. Open the brackets and use the Gerund, the Participle or the Infinitive with or without “to”.

1. Stop __________ (make) a noise. The baby is sleeping.

2. He made me _______ (do) it.

3. You should give up _________(smoke) and ________ (drink) alcohol. You look badly.

4. Mary stood for a time in silence __________ (watch) and __________ (listen).

5. I have come here ________ (meet) her.

6. The girl pointed to a group of women _________ (sit) in the corner of the room.

V. Use the plan below to write a for-and-against essay about whether children should use the internet.


Introduction:   -State the topic.

Main body:   -Point for children using the internet.   -Point against children using the internet.

Conclusion:   -Sum up the advantages and disadvantages.



 Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date _______________

Listening Comprehension                                                                          semester 2

                                                                   William Turner

    Joseph Mallord William Turner, an English landscape painter, was born in Devonshire in 1775. He presented us with one of the many paradoxes of English Romantic art. The son of a London barber, Turner passed his childhood as an assistant to print sellers. When he was ten years old he went to live with his uncle in Middlesex, where he began to attend school. Very soon he began to take an interest in drawing and during the summer holidays he would hike around his native Devonshire, painting and drawing. Some of his drawings are dated 1787, when he was only 12 years old.

    In 1789bhe entered the Royal Academician School. In 1790 William Turner began exhibiting watercolors. His sketchbooks, filled with drawings to be worked up later into watercolors, are preserved in the British Museum. In 1796 he began to exhibit oil painting as well as watercolors at the Royal Academy. The first “Fisherman at Sea” is now in the Tate Gallery.

    In 1799 he was elected the Associate of the Royal Academy. At 27 he became Royal Academician in 1802. He was Professor of Perspective in the Academy. In 1804 he opened his first private gallery. Turner was a dedicated traveler. After going to Yorkshire in 1797, to the Lake District in 1798 and to Scotland in 1801 he made long tours of France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy. He was especially attracted to the scenery of mountains and to the river coastal sites to show the effect of sky reflected in water. But he never lost his interest in his own country and made frequent visits to Wales, Devonshire and Cornwall finding there many subjects for sketches and paintings. Turner was above all a landscape painter and in landscapes he was interested mainly in light and color effects. One of his famous paintings is even called “Light and Colors”. His work was highly praised by many great critics.

    He incorporated the iron ships, the trains and bridges of the industrial age, but they seem as visionary and phantasmal. Turner dealt with a wide range of subjects, some taken from classical legend. His most famous canvases include “Yacht Approaching Coast” (1840; Tate), “Burial at Sea” (1842) and “Norham Castle Sunrise” (1845). His style had very little effect in England. It is France in the 1900’s that we must look his successors.

    Turner died in London in 1851 and was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral. His pictures and drawings became the property of the nation. 
















Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date _______________

Listening Comprehension                   1 variant                                                       semester 2

                                                                   William Turner

I. Match the words.

1. To attend

a) gallery

2. A landscape

b) traveler

3. Royal

c) school

4. To exhibit

d) academy

5. Private

e) watercolors

6. Dedicated

f) painter



II. Match the parts of the sentences.

1. When he was ten years old …

a) exhibiting watercolors.

2. In 1789 William Turner …

b) become the property of the nation.

3. In 1790 he began …

c) to Scotland.

4. In 1804 he opened …

d) entered the Royal Academician School.

5. In 1801 he went …

e) he went to live with his uncle in Middlesex.

6. his pictures and drawings …

f) his first private gallery.


III. Answer the questions.

1. What was William Turner?_____________________________________________________

2. Where are his sketch books preserved?


3. What did Turner begin to exhibit in 1796?


4. What did he become at 27?______________________________________________________

5. What Turner’s work was highly praised by many great critics?


6. When and where did he die? Where was he buried?


IV. Write a plan to and a summary of the text.



Form 11     Name, surname ____________________________ Date __________ semester 2

Reading Comprehension       Variant 1        “The Council of Europe”

    The Council of Europe was founded on 5 May 1949 by the Treaty of London. The Treaty of London or the Statute of the Council of Europe was signed in London on that day by ten states: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Many states followed, especially after the democratic transitions in central and eastern Europe during the early 1990s, and the Council of Europe now includes all European states except Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kosovo and Vatican City.

     For over 50 years the Council of Europe has been working to build a Europe United on the basis of freedom and democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The Council was set up by ten west European states. Since then the European landscape has changed, and today the great majority of European countries belong to go to the organization. How the Council of Europe works. The Committee of Ministers comprises the foreign ministers of the 34 members states, it meets twice a year in ordinary session and may also held special or informal meetings. The Minister’s Deputies meet every month. The Committee of Ministers also serves as a permanent forum of discuss European cooperation and common political problems. The Parliamentary Assembly comprises 239 representatives. The Parliamentary Assembly meets in full session four times a year.

    By debating problems of modern society and making recommendations to the Committee of Ministers, it is the starting point for many of the Council of Europe’s activities. The Council works to harmonize policies and adopt common standards practices in member states. It operates by bringing, at different levels, parliamentarians, ministers, government experts, local and regional representatives, youth associations and INGOs (international non-governmental organizations) to pool their knowledge and experience. There have been adopted over 155 European Conventions. Subjects range from the protection of computerized data, violence at sporting events and nature conservation to mass media, cultural cooperation and the prevention of torture. The activities carried out in the Council of Europe affect all our lives. What are by the Council of Europe in 1955.  It is composed of a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue black ground. The  number of stars is invariable, 12 begin the symbol of perfection. The European Anthem, adopted by the Council of Europe in 1972, is a musical arrangement by Herbert won Karayan of the Prelude to the Ode to Joy from Beethoven’s 9th symphony.

I. Match the words.

1. Democratic

2. Human

3. Ordinary

4. Informal

5. To discuss

6. To harmonize

a) meetings

b) policies

c) cooperation

d) rights

e) transition

f) session

II. Read the statements and decide if they are “true” or “false”.

__1. The Council of Europe now includes all European states except four countries.

__2. For over half of the century the Council of Europe has been working to build a Europe United.

__3. There have been adopted over one hundred fifty six European conventions.

__4. The number of stars is invariable, 12 begin the symbol of improvement.

__5. The Council of World chose the European Flag in 1955.

__6. European conventions are about the protection of computerized data, violence at sporting events, mass media, cultural cooperation.

III. Answer the questions.

1. How many states signed the Statute of the Council of Europe?__________________________

2. How many foreign ministers does the Committee of Ministers consist of?


3. How does the Parliamentary Assembly work?_______________________________________

4. Why does the Council operate by bringing different representatives from different associations and organizations? _____________________________________________________________

5. What does the European Flag look like?_________________________________________

6. What did the Council of Europe adopt in 1972?_____________________________________


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