Конспект уроку з англійської мови в 11-му класі «The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth»

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови в 11-му класі «The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth». Презентація до уроку.
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Конспект уроку з англійської мови в 11-му класі

 «The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth»


  • Формувати комунікативні навички, формувати вміння одержувати інформацію з Інтернету та інших джерел;
  • Перевірити і розширити знання учнів  про планету Земля як середовище існування живих істот, визначити основні причини забруднення навколишнього середовища, його наслідки та шляхи подолання;
  • Розвивати кмітливість, логічне мислення та мовну реакцію, творчі здібності учнів;
  • Виховувати любов учнів до природи та навколишнього середовища, формувати високий рівень екологічної свідомості.

Обладнання уроку :  картки з завданнями, плакат з написом, запис кліпу “Earth song” Майкла Джексона  , телевізор.

Тип уроку: інтерактивний урок


  1. 1.Introduction

T. Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you. I want to start our lesson from the listening to the  song and watching the clip of the song ‘The Earth song”  by M. Jackson. Be ready to answer my question:

What feelings does this song arouse?

(Перегляд кліпу, відповіді учнів)

T. What will be the theme of our lesson? Can you guess?

(відповіді учнів)

T. You are quite right. So, today we’ll speak about the protection of nature. We’ll understand the reasons, discuss the effects and try to find the way out of some problems of the world. We’ll also review grammar and make dialogues.

Slide 1

The epigraph of our lesson will be the words of John Galsworthy  “If  you don’t think about the future, you will not have one”.


Slide 2



  1. Warming-up

T. I suggest that you should do the quiz to find out whether  you really worry about the environment. Listen to the question and mark the answer that is close to you.

Quiz “Are you a nature lover?”

  1. If someone asks you to plant tree in your school yard or in front of your house, do you agree to do it?
  1. With pleasure. Tree marks our streets more beautiful.
  2. I’m not sure that I can do it on my own, but I’m ready to help.
  3. Sorry, but I’m not ready for it.
  1. What do you do with a candy/ice-cream wrapper?
  1. I always throw it in the litter-bin. If I don’t see it around, I put it in my bag.
  2.  It depends. If there’s a lot of rubbish on the ground you might “drop it accidentally”.
  3. I just drop it anywhere. What are yard-keepers for then?
  1. Do you throw away your old exercise-books if there are blank pages left?
  1. No, I don’t throw them away but use them for my notes or drawings.
  2. It depends on how many pages left.
  3. Yes, the greatest pleasure is to start writing in a new exercise-book.
  1. Do you turn off the light when you leave a room?
  1. No doubt. Always.
  2. Sometimes.
  3. Seldom.

T. Add up your A, B and C  scores.

If you get mostly:

As – The Green Peace will send you a thank-you letter.

Bs – You have to take more care of nature. We are all parts of it.

Cs – Such people destroy nature, don’t they?

  1.  Main part of the lesson

Practicing vocabulary

T. You really worry about our environment and understand environment protection is a burning problem nowadays. We must do our best to protect our nature. To be able to do it we must realize a number of environmental problems.

What problems can you name? (Відповіді учнів)

T. Let’s review our vocabulary.

Slide 3

(Відповіді учнів)

Slide 4

(Відповіді учнів)


T. You really worry about our environment and understand  environment protection is a burning problem nowadays. We must do our best to protect our nature. To be able to do it we must realize a number of environmental problems.

What problems can you name? (Відповіді учнів)

T. Now match the problems with their definitions .Do it in pairs.

Slide 5


(Відповіді учнів)

 Group work

T.  Now the class will be divided into 4 groups. Each group gets its task. You have 5-7 minutes to do the tasks.


Group 1.  Readers.

They read the text and fill in the missing words

Slide 6


Group 2.  Correspondents.

Slide 7


They answer the questions.

1 . What ecological problems that humanity faces nowadays in your opinion are the most urgent?

2. Why are scientists so much concerned about the greenhouse effect and the process of global warming?

3. Do you think global warming is caused by human activities?

4. Which of them?

5. Do you think the mankind can solve the world’s ecological problems? If so, in what way?

6 Can individuals help in this area? What ways?


Group 3. Explorers.

Slide 8


They find the definitions of the words in English. They have vocabulary for the help.

  • A demo (a meeting in which people protest or support something)
  • A leaflet (a paper with some information)
  • A permission (allowing to do something)
  • A company (an organization)
  • To destroy (to ruin something)
  • A petition (a paper with some information)
  • A placard (a large paper with slogans)
  • A banner (a placard with poles)
  • A local council (an organization in the town that has a power)

Group 4 . Scientists.



Slide 9

(Відповіді учнів )




Speaking    An ecological conference

Slide 10

T. Now we’ll have an ecological conference. It is dedicated to such a vital problem as environmental protection. During our discussion we must solve such tasks:

- determine the main factors and effects of pollution our planet

- find out the ways of solution the planet problems

- decide what everyone need to do to give our Earth chance to survive.

Every group has prepared a project. So, it’s time to watch them

Group 1   Water pollution (definition, reasons , effects and ways of solution)

Group 2   Air pollution (definition, reasons, effects and ways of solution)

Group 3   Land pollution (definition, reasons , effects and ways of solution)

Group 4    Pollution in our town.

(Виступи учнів)

T. Thank you for sharing your opinion and ideas . The problem we ‘ve discussed today is not an easy, but it seems to me we really know how to solve it. Let’s review the petition together.

Slide 11

Our petition … (відповіді учнів)

  1. Summing-up

T. Thank you for your work. You were brilliant, your marks are excellent.

Home Assignment

T. Write an article for our local newspaper about the ecology of our town.

The lesson is over.












“Depletion of the Ozone Layer”

The   1_____________ layer of the Earth, the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from the sun’s 2______________ UV (ultraviolet) rays, is being damaged by CFCs(chlorofluorocarbons). They are released by the daily of 3_______________ and  household products: refrigerators, air conditioners, foam insulation, cleaning chemicals, 4_________. In the ozone layer they attack the ozone 5_________ making a “hole”. This “hole” allows more UV rays 6______________ to the Earth. It increases the risk of 7______________, weakens the immune system of people. Besides, UV rays influence   the oceans, 8________an essential part of the marine-life food chain in the negative way, reduce economically important     9_________ (rice, cotton, soybeans) . The life circle is going to be undetermined by 10_______.

Crops (9), food packaging (4), to penetrate (6), the ozone (10), destructive (2), the growth of plankton (8), industrial (3), skin cancer (7), protective (1), molecules (5).


Quiz “ Do you  worry about the environment?”

  1. Imagine you are on holiday abroad. You drink water from a plastic bottle, but there is no rubbish-bin to put it. What do you do?
  1. Keep the bottle with you until you see a bin. (3)
  2. Throw it on the ground. It’s not your fault there aren’t enough rubbish bins. (1)
  3. It depends. If there’s a lot of rubbish on the ground, you might “drop it accidentally”. (2)
  1. On the way home you get very thirsty. What do you buy?
  1. Something in a non-recyclable plastic bottle.(1)
  2. Something in a glass bottle or aluminum can. (3)
  3. Something in a carton. (2)
  1. Your walkman always needs new batteries. What do you buy?
  1. Buy rechargeable batteries. (3)
  2. Throw away old batteries and buy new ones. (1)
  3. Buy new ones and take old batteries to a recycling center. (2)
  1. You live near a beach. A new fast-food restaurant is opened there. How do you react?
  1. Pleased but also worried about more rubbish on the beach. (2)
  2. Pleased. Now you can eat burgers on the beach. (1)



Group 2. Journalists

1. What ecological problems that humanity faces nowadays in your opinion are the most urgent?


2. Why are scientists so much concerned about the greenhouse effect and the process of global warming?


3. Do you think global warming is caused by human activities?

4. Which of them?


  1. Do you think the mankind can solve the world’s ecological problems? If so, in what way?


6 Can individuals help in this area? What ways?


Group 3. Explorers.

Find the definitions of the words in English.

  • A demo
  • A leaflet
  • A permission
  • To destroy
  • A petition
  • A placard
  • A banner
  • A pole
  • A local council


Group 4. Scientists
Explain grammar tenses and find the examples


Active Voice

The Present Simple Tense

(to know)

The Past Simple Tense

 (to write)

The Future Simple Tense

(to take)

The Present Perfect Tense

(to make)

The Present Continuous  Tense

(to come)


Passive Voice

The Present Simple Tense

(to plant)

The Past Simple Tense

 (to give)

The Future Simple Tense

(to destroy)

The Present Perfect Tense

(to organize)


Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Презентацію до уроку підготувала. Щербак Тетяна Володимирівна вчитель англійської мови Молочанської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів. The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth.

Номер слайду 2

If you don’t think about the future,you will not have one. John Galsworthy

Номер слайду 3

Find the odd word out and explain. Pollution, radiation, destruction, population, environment. To damage, to endanger, to destroy, to ruin, to create. Safe, nuclear, dangerous, poisonous, harmful. Paper, waste, glass, wood, plastic. Habitat, fox, insect, reptile, pigeon. Rare, valuable, disappearing, extinct, diseases

Номер слайду 4

Complete the sentences. What can we do to reduce the … of the atmosphere?The change in the climate has produced … floods. Many rare species are threatened with … . Many of the gases produced by the factories are … to our health. Protecting the environment is essential to our … .

Номер слайду 5

Match the problems with their definitions1. Respiratory problems 2. Municipal sewage3. Clear cut logging4. Erosion5. Environmental degradation 6. Desertification7. The green house effect8. Fumes9. Acid rain 10. Endangered species destruction, movement of soilspreading desertsbreathing difficultiescity wasteharmful gas or smokedeforestationrain that contains pollution from factories, power stationsplants or animals that are likely to stop existingthe gradual warming of the Earth caused by pollutionenvironmental state becoming poor or bad

Номер слайду 6

Group 1. Readers Planet Earth is 4,600 years old(man, only, ago, months, appear, known, discovered, information, extinction, wars, riches, huge, evolved, Earth, system)If we pretend that our planet is like a person, we can compare the Earth with a man of 46 years of age. Nothing is (1) about the 7 years of this person’s life, and very little (2) can be found about the youth. What we know for sure is that (3) at the age of 42 the Earth began to flower. Dinosaurs and great reptiles did not (4) until one year ago, when the planet was 45. Mammals arrived only eight (5) ago. In the middle of the last week men-like apes (6) into ape-like men. And only last weekend the ice age enveloped the (7). Modern (8) has been around for only four hours . During the last hour Man (9) agriculture. The industrial revolution began only a minute (10). During those sixty seconds of biological time, Man has made a (11) rubbish dump out of Paradise. Man has caused the (12) of 500 species of animals, robbed the planet of its mineral (13), and now stands at the brink of a war to end all (14) which will destroy this oasis of life in the solar (15).

Номер слайду 7

Group 2 . Journalists. Take the interview

Номер слайду 8

Group 3. Explorers. Find the definitions - a demoa leafleta permissionto destroya petitiona placarda bannera polea local council

Номер слайду 9

Group 4. Scientists Explain grammar tenses and find the examples Active Voice. The Present Simple Tense(to know)The Past Simple Tense (to write)The Future Simple Tense(to take)The Present Perfect Tense(to make)The Present Continuous Tense(to come)Passive Voice. The Present Simple Tense(to plant)The Past Simple Tense (to give)The Future Simple Tense(to destroy)The Present Perfect Tense(to organize)

Номер слайду 10

An ecological conference. Group 1 Water pollution (definition, reasons , effects and ways of solution)Group 2 Air pollution (definition, reasons , effects and ways of solution)Group 3 Land pollution (definition, reasons , effects and ways of solution)Group 4 Pollution in our region.

Номер слайду 11

Our petition

Номер слайду 12

http://www.krasfun.ru/2009/10/problema-ekologii-v-kitae/http://lenta.donetsk.ua/society/2013/04/19/4265.htmlhttp://www.clearplanet.ru/http://demonhost.info/novosti-mira/9185-prostye-sovety-dlya-tex-kto-xochet-pomoch-planete.html. Джерела використованих матеріалів

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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 лютого 2023
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