Підсумковий тест з англійської мови для 5 класу до підручника Карпюк

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Пропоную узагальнюючий тест з англійської мови за 5 клас, за підручником Карпюк
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Level 1

  1. Match.
  1. I have had my dinner, so…
  2. Tom has eaten some chocolate, so…
  3. The fish was not fresh, so…
  4. We haven’t had lunch yet, so…


  1.      we are very hungury.
  2.     I feel fine now.
  3.      he doesn’t want any meat now.
  4.     Sue has got a stomach ache.


  1. Tick the correct sentances. Correct and rewrite the wrong sentances.


  •          I am reading a book at the moment.


  •          Sam plays tennis with Bob now.


  •          David are swimming in the sea.


  •          Kate and Kim aren’t dancing now.



  •          Tom is cooking in the kitchen.


  •          Carl doesn’t sing in the club right now.


Level 2


  1. Rewrite the sentances to make questions


  •          They like basketball very much.


  •          Ann looks wonderful in that dress.


  •          Kate and Kelly watch TV every Saturday.


  •          Nick is skating in the park.


  •          They play tennis on Tuesdays.


  1. Choose a,b,c


  •          We have….had tiramisu.
  1.      ever    b) never   c) yet


  •          I haven’t cooked dinner…
  1.      yet b) already  c) just


  •          Kevin has… eaten some fish.
  1.      just  b) ever  c) yet


  •          She has drunk some coffee …
  1.      never  b) just  c) already


  •          Have they … had a picnic together?
  1.      already  b) yet  c) ever


Level 3


  1. Fill in “the” where necessery.


  •          …. George is my good friend.
  •          ….. United Kingdom is a great country.
  •          …… Ukrainians are a very friendly nation.
  •          Bella lives in…..Bleecker Street.
  •          My cousins are from….New York.
  •          Max wants to go to…Crimean Peninsula.
  •          He told… Helen about his big trip.
  •          Look at….sky. It is so beautiful.


  1. Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple


  •          She (visit)   _____________ our country two years ago.
  •          Fred (stay)_______________ at home last night.
  •          William (try)______________ this new cake already.
  •          The lesson (not begin)____________________yet.
  •          I (not see)________________you at the party yesterday.
  •          We (read)________________this book already.
  •          Pam (be)_____________ill last week.





Level 4


  1. Fill in the missing words

Fishing, popular, outdoors, mountains, country, together


A hjlidays is a time for families to do things _____________. They are fond of swimming and ______________in the lake. Those who live in the_______________ want to have fun in a big city. Winter holidays are becoming very_________________ too. So families go to the_____________and ski down the hills and mountains and have a lot of fun. Many people would like spend time_____________________ on their holidays.


  1. Write questions to the given answers


It’s a time for fun and rest.


They like to go to the country.


No, they don’t stay on the farm.


Yes, they enjoy skiing in winter.


They enjoy holidays far from noisy cities.


We have a good rest from doing everyday work.

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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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