Підсумковий урок з теми 6 клас

Про матеріал
Урок перевірки рівня мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції учнів за темою "Одяг". Урок узагальнення знання учнів з теми"Одяг", розвитку навичок самостійної роботи, вміння працювати у парах. Урок розвиває вміння усного мовлення за темою"Одяг", удосконалює навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.
Перегляд файлу


ТЕМА УРОКУ:  Одяг. Покупки

Мета: перевірити  рівень мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції учнів за темою. Узагальнити знання учнів з теми. Розвивати навички самостійної роботи, вміння працювати у парах. Розвивати вміння усного мовлення за темою: удосконалювати  навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. Виховувати в учнів прагнення до вдосконалення, гарний смак, стимулювати інтерес до вивчення предмета.

Обладнання: картки із завданнями, ноутбук, сигнальні картки, відео презентація Clothes

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення знань, вдосконалення мовних навичок і вмінь з теми.


Хід уроку

Whoever   said     money

can’t   buy happiness simply

didn’t   know where to go shopping.

                                            Bo Derek

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


             Good morning, children! I am glad to see you.

             How are you today?

             Sit down, please.

2. Бесіда з класом

              - Who is on duty today?

              - Who is absent today?

               - What day is it today?

               - What date is it today?

               - What season is it now?

               - What is the weather like today?

               - Do you like such weather? Why?

               - What do people usually wear in winter?

              - Children, look at ……! She is so nice today! Let’s tell in what clothes is she wearing?

3. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку

As you guess today we are going to speak about clothes and do the shopping together and I am going to teach you how to do it in the best way. Do you like to go shopping?

What do you need when you go to the shop?

(We need money.). Well, if you work and answer well you will get some pocket money and then you will change them to marks.

 But first, let’s see if you know the names of clothes and decorations.

4. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

    1) Гра «Відгадай»

Play a guessing game. I call you part of the body and you must say what clothes or decoration we wear.


ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. Виступи учнів з презентацією «Clothes»

P1. In ancient times, there were no textile industries or clothing stores. Cavemen wore animal leathers and furs. Evidently, this first fashion trend had a lot of success, since it is trendy still to this day, with some obvious differences of course.

Слайд 2.

P2. Looms appeared seven thousand years ago, and knitted fabric began to be produced during the Middle Ages.

Слайд 3

P3. Natural elements such as silk, wool and cotton were very important until the 19th century.

Слайд 4, 5

P4. Synthetic fibers appeared in the last decades. With the coming of the great industrial production, clothes, in a high percentage, were no longer hand-made products.   Since the end of the 20th century, there was a massive interest towards clothes made with artificial fibers.

Cлайд 6

P5. The shirt was created by the Greeks in the 5th century b. C. and it was, for a long time, identified with the proletariat, since the bourgeoisie concealed it. Instead, today it is associated with elegance and respectability.

Слайд 7

Р6. The blouse dates from the 15th century, when women started using a type of tight blouse with a belt. For centuries, it was the garment of peasant women, and then it was replaced by a lighter one that matched feminine suits. In 1913, low-cut blouses appeared, and were known as "pneumonia shirts".

Слайд 8

Р7. The skirt was at first made of fur, 600,000 years ago. Since then, and until now, women never abandoned it. In 1915, skirts began to expose the ankles, and the great revolution took place in 1965 with the miniskirt.

Слайд 9

Р8. Trousers (pantalones in Spanish) owe their name to the martyr medical doctor of the 4th century, San Pantaleón. Four thousand years ago, men from nomad tribes of Central Europe wore a type of loose trousers tied up to the waist. But it was in 1830 when trousers developed as we know them nowadays.

Слайд 10

Р9. In 1860, jeans were created by Levi Strauss, a German that immigrated to San Francisco during the gold fever.

Слайд 11

Р10. Rompers appeared by the mid 20th century, and the Viennese Walter Artzt created them.

Слайд 12


  1. Робота на картках

Can you match the description with the characters in the pictures? Read the descriptions and write the letters A-G in the boxes.

Додаток №2

  1. Фізична та мовленнєва розминка

     Перегляд мультфільму «My Favourite Clothes»

  1. Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення

    So, you had a rest, got some money. Let’s go shopping. Bo Derek says: “Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go  shopping”.

         Рольова гра «Покупець - продавець»

Imagine you are in the shop. One of you is a customer, other is a shop-assistant. Role-play conversations in the shop.

Виступи учнів з діалогами.

  1. Розгадування кросворду

На дошці прикріплений плакат з кросвордом. Діти по черзі виходять до дошки і вписують слова. Our task is to fill the crosswords and find a key-word in red lines. Look at the board. You can see a crossword on the topic “Clothes”. I read the explanation you must guess what is it. Who knows must go to the board and write down the word. One by one.

  1. What do protect us from the sun in summer? (cap)
  2. What do keep our trousers on? (belt)
  3. People use it to keep things there. (pocket)
  4. People use it to keep two parts of a jacket together in cold weather. (buttons)
  5. We wear it with a tie. (shirt)
  6. What do people use in winter to keep their hands in warm? (gloves)
  7. What do we wear at a formal dinner with a business partner? (suit)

  1. Письмо

Take piece of paper. Write you name, surname.

Tick the right answer


  1. What are the natural elements for clothes?
  1. Silk, wool, paper;
  2. wool, silk, cotton;
  3. cotton, silk, fibers.
  1. What clothes was created by the Greeks in the 5th century?
  1. Gloves;
  2. blouse;
  3. shirt.
  1. What was created in the 15th century?
  1.  Blouse;
  2. jeans
  3. dress.
  1. It was a great revolution. What is this about?
  1. Trousers;
  2. miniskirt;
  3. rompers.
  1. What was created by Levi Strauss in 1860?

a) Coat

b) skirt

c) jeans

           6) What was created by Walter Artzt?

                a) Rompers;

                b) suit;

                c) sweater.


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

Well, if you work and answer well you will get good marks. Let’s change your some pocket money to marks.


Середня оцінка розробки
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Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Григорян Марiя Петрiвна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 квітня 2020
Оцінка розробки
4.7 (1 відгук)
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