План - конспект уроку "Travelling. Means of transport."

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Метою уроку є повторити лексичні одиниці з теми; розвивати чотири видіи діяльності: читання, слухання, письмо і говоріння; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам'ять, увагу.
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Lesson plan

“Travelling. Means of transport”

for 6 form pupils















Topic: Travelling. Means of transport.

Objectives: to recycle topical vocabulary;

   to develop pupils’ listening, speaking, writing and reading skill;

 to broaden pupils’ knowledge on the topic “Travelling”;

to develop pupils’ curiosity and interest to the foreign language.


  1. Introduction to the lesson. Greetings.

T: Good morning!

I am glad to see you.

How are you?

The topic of our lesson is “Travelling“.

  1. Warming up.


T: Firstly start with revising.  Let’s repeat the means of transport. I’m going to put the letters on the board and we are going to have brainstorm the words we start at the same letter.

 C – (car, coach, cablecar, camel (in Egypt));

 T – (taxi, train, tram, trolleybus, tractor);

 M – (motorcycle, motorbike, metro);

 S – (schoolbus, scooter, submarine);

 B – (boat, bus, bicycle)

At home you can complete this work.

  1. Main part of the lesson.

1. Speaking
T: - Is traveling popular nowadays?

     - What means of traveling do you know?

     - Which is the fastest way of traveling?

     - How do people travel when they go for abroad?

    - Is traveling by car faster or slower than by train?

    - Do you like to travel by train?

    - Do you like to travel by car?


2. Writing (The tasks on the cards)

T: A) Тhe words in these sentences have been pushed together. Find out what they are by separating then again.

  1.   Iusuallytraveltoworkbycar.
  2.   Thebusstopsatthesupermarketintown.
  3.   Travellivgisverypopularnowadays.
  4.   Manypeopleliketotravellbycar.


B) Finish the sentences.

a) The fastest way of traveling is ......... (by plane)

b) Traveling by train is slower than....... (by plane)

c) When traveling by car you can make your own time-....... (table)

d) There are many ways of getting about the ...... (town)

3. Listening

 1) Pre-listening activity

T: What’s your favourite means of transport?

     Have your ever been to the airport?

     Have you ever travelled by plane?


2) Listen to the text.


Hello, everyone!

Last week I travelled by plane for the first time in my life1. I travelled with my parents.

We went to the airport by taxi. When we arrived there, we put our suitcases on a car and went into the airport.

The airport was very busy. There were too many people. Some of them were at the check-in desk. Others were at the information desk. When we got on the plane, an air hostess said hello to us and pointed to our seats. There were lots of people on the plane, too.

It was fantastic when the plane started going up into the air.

I looked through the window. Everything below us was very small — the streets, the cars, the buildings and the people. And I felt very excited!


3) Post listening activity.

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.


1 Julia went to the airport ...

a) by bus b) by taxi


2 They put their suitcases ...

a) on a cart b) on a trolley


3 The airport was very ...

a) quiet b) busy


4 Some of the people stood at the ...

a) souvenir shop b) check-in desk


5 When they got on the plane ... said hello to them

a) a pilot b) an air hostess


6 It was fantastic when the plane started going ... .

a) down onto the ground b) up into the air


7 Julia felt very ...

excited b) unhappy

4. Grammar.

T: Now you are to do one more task. Do it in written form. Each of you has a copy of it. Complete this letter with the correct tense form.

Dear Helen,

I_____(1)(have) a wonderful time with my sister here in Sochi.

The hotel ____(2) (be) nice and fantastic. It ____(3)(have) got 2 swimming pools and 3 tennis courts. Our rooms ____4(have) nice views of the sea.

The weather _____ 5(be) nice. Right now we _____6(sit) by the pool and _____ 7(drink) juice. Sometimes we ___ 8(go) windsurfing. Yesterday we _____ 9(go) sailing. It _____ 10(be) great.

Well, it is time to swim.

See you soon.


5. Ending of the lesson.


T: I know that you are fond of travelling and you’ve been to many countries and have seen lots of places of interest. Listen to the quiz questions and choose the right answer

1. What is the capital of USA?

a. Los Angeles
b. New York
c. Washington

2. In what city is Big Ben?

a. London
b. Rome
c. Paris

3. What colour is London bus?

a. White
b. Red
c. Black

4. What is the capital of Great Britain?

a. Toronto
b. London
c. Paris

5. Where is Boryspil airport?

a. Lviv
b. London
c. Kyiv

6. Where is Heathrow airport?

a. London
b. Berlin
c. Paris

7. In what country is Euro Disney?

a. Spain
b. France
c. Italy

8. What colour is London taxi?

a. rose

b. yellow

c. black

  1. Summarizing the lesson, giving the marks.

T: It’s a pity but our time is up. You worked well and your marks are excellent. Let's finish our lesson with the words.

We are good pupils.

We are better pupils.

We are the best pupils.

  1. Homework

T: Imagine you went on a trip to another city/country. Write a short story about it.


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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
14 січня 2023
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