План - конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку 4 классе “I am a part of the world and the world is a part of me”.

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План - конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку 4 классе “I am a part of the world and the world is a part of me”. Задачи: 1. Воспитывать любовь, дружелюбие, уважение, милосердие друг к другу, друзьям, родителям. 2. Развивать навыки речевого этикета. 3. Развивать умение работать в группах. 4. Развивать личностную активность. Оборудование: «Дерево мудрости», кассета с песнями, карточки и картинки с пословицами, «сердечки» с пожеланиями, вырезанные из бумаги детские руки с изображением голубя, плакаты на доске.
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План - конспект

внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

3 -4 классах

“I am a part of the world and the world is a part of me”.




  1. Воспитывать любовь, дружелюбие, уважение, милосердие друг к другу, друзьям, родителям.
  2. Развивать навыки речевого этикета.
  3. Развивать умение работать в группах.
  4. Развивать личностную активность.

Оборудование: «Дерево мудрости», кассета с песнями, карточки и картинки с

                                 пословицами, «сердечки» с пожеланиями, вырезанные из бумаги   

                                 детские руки с изображением голубя, плакаты на доске. 


Ход мероприятия:


Teacher: Good morning, smiling faces! How are you? Feeling friendly? You are                                                                    welcome! We’ll have a wonderful time together. You’ll feel happy. We are happy when          we have a lot of friends and when we love people around us and enjoy life. But first of all let’s tune up our instruments.

(Учащиеся инсценируют диалоги – приветствия и диалоги – комплименты.)


  1. – Hi! How are you?                                   2.   – You speak English very well!

     – Fine! How are you?                                      -- Oh, no; not really.

     – I’m fine.                                                        – Yes, you do. You really do.    

     – How’s Bill?                                                  

     – He’s fine.                                                3.  – You look wonderful today!

     – How’s Mary?                                               -- So do you.

     – She’s fine!

     – How are the children?

     – They are fine.

-- How’s your job?

          -- It’s fine!

          -- How’s Jack?

          -- He is sick.

          -- Oh, no!


Teacher: Well, kids. We are going to have a very interesting  party  today: “I’m a part of

                the world and the world is a part of me”. We are going to speak about love,     

                peace, respect, friendship and tolerance today.



Pupil 1:                                           “Yours and Mine”



The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,

The silver Moon that’s sailing by.

    The rain and dew and snowflakes white,

The flowers sweet and stars of night.

The songs of birds, wind whispering,

    The autumn leaves, the buds of spring –

Such lovely things to hear and see

Belong to you, belong to me.


Teacher: Thank you. I think we take our first meeting on peace, love, respect and

                tolerance in our families.

                Take this «magic» apple – a symbol of many important things, a symbol of

                a family.


Учащиеся  рассказывают о семье.


My Friendly Family

My name is Ilya. I am ten. I go to school. I am a good pupil because I always do my homework and get good marks.

I have got a family. It is big and friendly. There are four members in my family. They are my mum, dad, brother and me.

I have got a mum. Her name is Helen.  My mum is clever and kind. She is a housewife. My mum is good at cooking. Every day she cleans the rooms, washes the dishes.

I have got a father. His name is Dima. My father is handsome and serious. He is very busy and works a lot. My father is fond of playing computer games. At the weekends we play games together. Also, he helps me with my homework and my mum with housework. He is the best dad in the world!

My younger brother is two. His name is Vanya. He looks like my dad. Vanya is strong, clever and talented. He can swim and run. Vanya likes watching cartoons on TV. Sometimes he is naughty.

I love my family. I am happy!


Teacher:  And what magic words help you and

                your parents?


P1: Smile, things could be worse!

P2: Be fair!

P3: Feel friendly!

P4: Don’t sneak on others.

P5: The more love you give away the more you are left with.



P1:                                Do all the good you can

                                      To all the people you can

                                       In all the ways you can

                                      Just as long as you can



Учащиеся достают из конвертов вырезанные отпечатки детской ручки. На каждом пальчике написано: Love. Peace. Mercy. Respect. Tolerance. Учащиеся, загибая пальчики, отвечают хором.


Teacher:  And we have  magic words. These words are really magic and wonderful. We          must learn to be kind,  tolerant and polite. You know a lot of compliments. I’m sure they will help you.

                 Let’s play the game.


Игра «Заколдованный мальчик»


Teacher: A terrible thing happened. A bad magician put a spell on one of our boys. He

                became angry, rude. What shall we do about it? I think we shall say

                good words to him.


Дети говорят добрые слова и комплименты, признаются ему в добрых чувствах. Колдовство исчезает.



P1:                    Hearts like doors will open with ease

                          To very, very little keys.

                          And don’t forget that they are these

                          “We thank you all” and

                          “If you please”


Pupil 1:                                  Friendship is a thing for two,

                                                Three or four, even more.

                                                Like a song that’s made to sing

                                                Friendship is doing a thing.


Teacher: Aren’t you tired? It’s time for fun. Let’s sing “If you’re happy and know it.”



If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands,

If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.

If you are happy and you know it,

And you really want to show it,

If you are happy and you know it,

Clap your hands.

Stamp your feet.

Snap your fingers.

Say OK.

Wave good bye.


Teacher: OK. It’s very interesting. I know that you’ve prepared some plays about friendship.

                One of them is about animals. Its title is “The fox and the crane”


Лиса и журавль

The fox and the crane


Подружилась лиса с журавлем. Вот вздумала однажды лиса угостить журавля и пошла звать его к себе в гости.
-Приходи куманек! Приходи, дорогой! Уж я как тебя угощу!
Идет журавль на званый пир. А лиса наварила манной каши и размазала ее по тарелке. Подала и потчует.
-Покушай, мой голубчик-куманек! Сама стряпала.

The fox made friends with the crane. The fox once had a notion to treat the crane to dinner and went to invite him to her house.
"Come godfather! Come dear! How I'll entertain you!"
The crane went to the dinner party. The fox had cooked farina cereal and spread it over a plate. She served it and urged.
"Eat, my friend-godfather, I cooked it myself. "

Журавль хлоп-хлоп носом, стучал, стучал, ничего не попадает. А лисица в это время лижет себе да лижет кашу, так всю сама и съела.
Каша съедена; лисица говорит:
-Не обессудь, любезный кум. Больше потчевать нечем.
-Спасибо, кума, и на этом. Приходи ко мне в гости.
На другой день приходит лиса, а журавль приготовил окрошку.

The crane went peck-peck with his bill, knocked and knocked, but got nothing. Meanwhile, the fox licked and licked the cereal until she had eaten it all.
The cereal eaten, the fox said,
"Don't be offended dear godfather. There is nothing more to offer you."
"Thank you, godmother for that. Come to visit me."
The next day the fox went, and
the crane made cold soup.

Налил в кувшин с узким горлышком, поставил на стол и говорит:
-Кушай, кумушка. Право, больше потчевать нечем.
Лиса начала вертеться вокруг кувшина. Так зайдет и этак, и лизнет его, и понюхает, все ничего не достанет. Не лезет голова в кувшин.
А журавль меж тем клюет себе да клюет, пока все не поел.

He poured it into a pitcher with a narrow neck and put it on the table. He said,
"Eat godmother. Truly, there's nothing more offer you."
The fox began to spin around the pitcher. She approached it one way, then another. She licked it and sniffed it, but couldn't get anything. Her head wouldn't fit into the pitcher.
Mean-while the crane sucked and sucked until he had eaten everything up.

-Ну, не обессудь, кума. Больше угощать нечем.
Взяла лису досада, думала, что наестся на целую неделю. Пришла лиса домой несолоно хлебавши.
Как аукнулось, так и откликнулось! С тех пор и дружба у лисы с журавлем врозь.

"Don't be offended godmother. There's nothing more to offer you."
The fox was annoyed, having thought she would eat for the whole week. She went home having gotten nothing.
It was tit for tat! From that moment on, the friendship between fox and crane was over.




Teacher: We know some English proverbs about people’s manners, friends and friendship.


Учащимся даются разрезанные поговорки и картинки к ним, какая группа быстрее соберет поговорки и даст им русский эквивалент.



A good name is better than riches.

My home is my castle.

A man is known by his company.

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Smile to each coming day.

Charity begins at home.

A good dog deserves a good bone.


P1:                                      Always try to be polite

                                            In everything you do.

                                            Remember always to say “Please”,

                                            And don’t forget “Thank you”.



Teacher: Now I want you to listen to some wise pieces of advice. Look at this “Wisdom tree”. It will help you to be wiser.



Нарисованное Дерево мудрости висит на доске. Оно украшено серпантином и  вырезанными детскими ладошками, держащими голубков. Старшеклассники подходят к дереву, снимают голубка, читают мудрый совет вслух, переводят его на русский язык и дарят голубка детям.


P1: Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

P2: Promise yourself to talk health, happiness to every person you meet.

P3: Promise yourself to make all your friends, tell that there is something in them.

P4: Promise yourself to look at the sunny side of everything, and make your optimism come true.

P5: Promise yourself to think only of the best, to work only for the best.


P6: Promise yourself to forget the mistakes of the past .

P7: Promise yourself to  give every living creature you meet a smile.

P8: Promise yourself to be too large for worry, too noble for anger,  and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.


Teacher: I think that you can wish something to each other at the end of our party.


Учащиеся берут заранее приготовленные «сердечки» с пожеланиями, читают и прикрепляют их на дерево мудрости. Оно превращается в дерево добра.



P1: I wish you to be kind.

P2: I wish you to be clever.

P3: I wish you to be helpful.

P4: I wish you to be hardworking.

P5: I wish you to be a good pupil.

P6: I wish you to be good at school.

P7: I wish you to be brave.

P8: I wish you to be honest.

P9: I wish you to defend the youngest ones.

P10: I wish you to do good.


Teacher: Look, children. Our “Wisdom tree” has become “Kindness tree”. Well, friends, our lesson is coming to the end. Let’s sing “The more we get together” then.




The more we get together

Together, together,

The more we get together

The happier we’ll be


Cause  your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends,

The more we get together

The happier we’ll be!



Oh, how’s for getting friendly,

Quite friendly, quite friendly,

Oh, how’s for getting friendly,



Both your friends and mine&

If your friends like my friends,

And my friends like your friends

We.ll all be friends together,

Now won’t that be fine!


Teacher: You have worked hard. Here is a “magic box” with some presents for you.


Учащиеся поочередно достают из шкатулки сюрпризы с похвалой на английском



Pupil 2:

I’m making a list

I’m making a list of the things I must say

For politeness

And goodness and kindness and gentleness,

Sweetness and rightness:


Pardon me

How are you?

Excuse me

Bless you

May I?

Thank you

                                        If you know some that I forgot,

Please stick them in your eye!


                                       Good bye


Teacher: Good bye. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you next time.






6 травня 2021
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