План – конспект Позакласного інтерактивного заходу "MUSIC CAFE" для студентів ІІІ курсу музичного коледжу за курсом «Англійська за професійним спрямуванням»

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план- конспект позакласного заходу з використанням інтерактивних методів навчання
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План – конспект

Позакласного заходу


для студентів  ІІІ курсу музичного  коледжу

за курсом «Англійська за професійним спрямуванням»


Рівень освіти - фахова передвища освіта

  галузь знань 02 «Культура та мистецтво»

спеціальність 025 «Музичне мистецтво»

освітня кваліфікація: Фаховий молодший бакалавр з музичного мистецтва



підготувала: вчитель англійської  мови

 Іваницька Г.В.



 м. Кам’янське,  2024 


Music café










Theme: Music

Suggested level – B1-В2

Form: for students of the third grade


to revise student’s vocabulary on the topic Music;

 to develop speaking ,reading and listening skills

to develop student’s quick reaction;

to teach pupils to co-operate in group work;

to develop student’s ability to learn and understand  English language

to develop creative competence




 Student will be able to demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge

Student will be able to use  knowledge of vocabulary

Students will  be able to understand and operate musical terminology

Students will be able to practice and develop listening,  speaking and reading skills

Students will be able to get  skills working in groups


Materials: cards with tasks, picture of musical instruments, video of songs; Abba Dancing Queen, Queen We are the champions.

















Good day!  Dear students and guests! You are welcome at our music café! You are musicians and music is your life. It is the source of your inspiration!  And today at our Music café  we  will  enjoy one of the best  pieces of music?  Communication

with each other.  And also  we have a great opportunity to  compete!

 At the beginning , what  associations you have with the word

MUSIC. (Brain storm. The circle of  the associations) You have   seen  all the wealth and diversity  of music.

The time to  get to know each  other better.


Get to know students – and helps students get to know one another!

They  have cards .  Fill  this cards and represent.


C:\Documents and Settings\user\Мои документы\NewsletterIceBreaker.jpg

We have had  a great  pleasure to know about each other  such interesting details.

And I have an offering to  check our team work. 

Let’s compete with  each other.

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Мои документы\загружено (1).pngC:\Documents and Settings\user\Мои документы\загружено.pngFirst of all   divide into two  teams.



Students get cards with the CLEFS –

who  has treble  clef is the first team,

who  has bass   clef is the second team.


Your command must   make up your  name and Motto.

And our first task

 I “Guess the music style”

We will listen some pieces of music, you must guess what style of music it  is and may be who is the composer ( revise topic- Music style)

Teacher use some fragments of music. For example:

Beethoven “The Moonlight sonata”,’ Ninth  symphony’

The Beatles “Yesterday”

Paganini “Caprice  # 24”

Elvis Priestley “Love me tender”

Pink “What about us”

Common “Capone”

Eminem “River”

Louis Armstrong “Let my people go”

Some pieces of folk  music(Маруся раз,  два,  три)

What style : Classical, rock and roll, beat, rock, blues, rap, pop, folk)

Next task :

II  What is your impression? 

You will listen  some pieces of music your task – to  describe music, one team by one team , using only one word ( Brilliant, exciting, fantastic, , rousing,  noisy , Loud ,Soft ,Gentle, Violent., Exciting, To  be easy to listen,  to,  To  be difficult to  listen to,  Live, Recorded, Deafening, Loud, Rousing

Sweet,  Innovative, Tuneless,  Discordant, Tuneful, Soothing, Relaxing Peaceful, Modern  ). Who will  say last word- is a winner. (revise topic Describing music)


III Listening.

We will  listen to (watch video) the song and each  team  must  do  the tasks.(Students have cards with the tasks)

1. Listen to the song once (Have you ever heard this song? Who  sings? )

Dancing queen

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, diggin'* the dancing queen

Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance...

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen

You're a teaser, you turn them on
Leave them burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You’re in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance...

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen


2. Listen to the first part of the song again and choose the right word for each blank.

You can dance / chance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene/ film, diggin' the dancing queen

Friday night and the lights are go /low
Looking out for the place to go /low
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing / king
You come in to look for a swing / king
Anybody could be that guy/buy
Night is young and the music is high/guy
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine/right
Youre in the mood for a dance/chance
And when you get the dance/chance...

3. Listen to the next part of the song and fill the blanks with the words you hear

You are the dancing queen, __________ and __________, only __________
Dancing queen, __________ the beat from the tambourine
You __________ dance, you __________ jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen

4. Now, listen to this final part of the song and match the sentences.

1. Youre a teaser, 
2. Leave them burning 
3. Looking out for another, 
4.Youre in the mood
5 And when you get

a. anyone will do 
b. and then you're gone
c. you turn them on
d. for a dance
e. the chance...






And now check your answers (There are to posters with  the gaps for answers on the blackboard. One person  from each  team  fill the gaps) 4 scores for right answer.


IV Music break.

We will  have a game,  it is not a team  game. Sit near the piano  in the circle.

Piano Singing Game

With his/her back to the class, one of you sits at the piano and plays a melody. The other students sit in the circle and toss a soft object. When the student at the piano stops playing, whoever is holding the object must stand before the group and sing a song. Songs can range from  pop songs or common songs (Happy Birthday; Let it snow,  etc.) The student who sings a song may then play the piano to continue the game.

V Guess the song

I will describe the song and give a key word, your task-  name the song.

  1. This song is about the trip only in one direction. Key word – is TICKET (One way  ticket)
  2. This song is about Performance and its continue. Key word is Go (Show must go on)
  3. This song is about the feeling.  Pleasant feeling that you get when  you receive something you wanted, or you have done something you wanted to do.  Key word – TO SATISFY (Satisfaction)
  4. This song is about beautiful  woman in bright dress. Key word is Lady  (Lady in Red)
  5. This song is about expressing uncertainty or possibility. Key  word can not  be named, but this song is very  popular at  the advertising of coffee. (Perhaps)
  6. This song is about the person who  continues to live, despite nearly dying or continue living successfully despite experiencing difficulties.  Key word – to survive (I’m survivor)
  7. This song is about one of the most important body organ and its configuration. Key  word – Shape (Shape of my  heart)
  8. This is a sad  song about the day before today. The key  word is the title of this song. (Yesterday).

VI  Using the letters (name of the notes) you must  write down  the melody,  play  and guess it.

Students are given  only  Letters

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Мои документы\notu.png 





C:\Documents and Settings\user\Мои документы\Happy birthday.jpg 








C:\Documents and Settings\user\Мои документы\hqdefault.jpg 







When do  we sing these songs?



C:\Documents and Settings\user\Мои документы\original-3074216-2.jpgVII Contest for captains.  And the captains of your teams  are invited. Your first  task is connect  the word and picture.












VIII And the final  task.  You Have the staff  and notes express your impression (write on the note and hang on the staff. If you mark  is low- hang on the lower line. If your mark is high- hang on the higher line)


C:\Documents and Settings\user\Мои документы\staff.png 





While students are  expressing their impressions, the scores are  being summed up. The winner are announced.

Final song (Sing all together) We are the champions.






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