Презентація " Tag questions"

Про матеріал
The presentation contains some examples of verbs and expressions, that form question tags differently
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Question Tags

Номер слайду 2

Tag questions - short questions, made of the auxiliary verb and a personal pronoun This rose is beautiful, isn’t it? This yellow rose smells nice, doesn’t it?

Номер слайду 3

We need them : to confirm something - to find out if sth is true. It was winter, wasn’t it? Spring has come, hasn’t it?

Номер слайду 4

To make up a tag, don’t forget! The main sentence and the tag must be opposite in meaning

Номер слайду 5

Henry went to the park, didn’t he? Sandra will do it, won’t she? The kids are reading now, aren’t they? The boy has failed his test, hasn’t he? Min can swim very well, can’t he? It is getting warmer, isn’t it?Sally reads a lot, doesn’t she? The girl has been watching this film for an hour, hasn’t she? The dog played with a puppy, didn’t it?

Номер слайду 6

Ben didn’t do his homework, did he? Sally won’t buy this bag tomorrow, will she? The boys haven’t come home yet,have they? My mother isn’t sleeping, is she? You don’t like apples, do you? Sharon doesn’t speak English, does she? The dog can’t eat fish, can it ? The desk isn’t black, is it? It wasn’t raining yesterday, was it?

Номер слайду 7

But there are exceptions Positive imperative Help me, will you? Water the flowers, will you? Do your homework, won’t you? Open the window, won’t you?

Номер слайду 8

Some more exceptions. Negative Imperative Don’t panic, will you? Don’t run in the room,will you? Don’t touch my pen, will you? Don’t shout at me, will you?

Номер слайду 9

The exceptions ( 2.0) Let’s talk, shall we?Let’s do it, shall we? Let’s help Ben with his work, shall we? Let’s discuss it, shall we?

Номер слайду 10

A very important exception )HAVE / HAVE GOT I have got a red pen, haven’t I? She has got a big flat, hasn’t she? The boys have lesson every day,don’t they? The girl has a shower in the morning, doesn’t she?

Номер слайду 11

The exception with “I”I am tall and slim, aren’t I? I am happy, aren’t I? I am at home, aren’t I ?I am not a doctor, am I?I am not at home now, am I? I am not talking to you, am I?

Номер слайду 12

And, finally…There is a tree in the yard, isn’t there? There isn’t any noise in our house, is there?This is a tree, isn’t it? That isn’t a flower, is it?

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