План-конспект уроку з англійської мови "At the Farm" для 4 класу. До підручника Англійська мова, 4 клас. Start Up/ C. Губарєва, О. Павліченко. - Харків: Вид-во "Ранок"

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розробка уроку англійської мови для 4 класу "На фермі", за стандартами Нової Української Школи до підручника Англійська мова 4 клас. Start Up. C. Губарєва, О. Павліченко.
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Lesson 38 (form 4/term 2)

На  фермі

Мета: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, збільшити знання про соціокультурну специфіку мови, вдосконалення умінь будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці; розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні свої знань

Обладнання: тематичні картки за підтемою «Свійські тварини».

Хід уроку


1. Greeting - song

2. Check on h/t

- письмову вправу читаємо по реченню

- діалог в парах

- число іменників – диктант : listen, write the word I read to you and it’s plural form ---- goose, farmhouse, dog, roof, sheep, garden, mouse, lesson, frog, rabbit

3. Aim and motivation

- Today we continue to talk about farmhouse life. And to the of the lesson you will enlarge the amount of words and read very interesting text.

- Do you remember how to make the degrees of comparison of adjectives. Word ‘big’, ‘nice’, ‘happy’ (на кожен випадок повторюємо правило),  ‘comfortable’? To the end of the lesson we will learn the rule for this adjective and other adj. that have 2 and more (складів)

4. Warm-up

Elicit : Do you have the grandparents in the country? Do you like to visit them? What do you like to do in the village? Is it better to be there in autumn? What can you do there?


  1. Reading


  1. Vocabulary presentation and practice

  • Listen and repeat (p. 119, ex. 1).
  • Read the words.
  • repeat the words. (the pictures on the board.)  
  • say the letters of the words.
  • Write to the dictionaries

While reading

2)Grammar Presentation and practice The Deegrees of Comparison

  •  attention to the Section ‘Remember’. (Read out the sentences one by one. Pupils listen, read and repeat after you. Ask individual pupils to read out the sentences. Translate the sentences. Remind or explain the structure ‘an adjective + than’ using long words. Explain that long words cannot add ‘-er’ because they would be difficult to say, instead they have ‘more’ in front of them.
  • Pay attention to irregular adjectives ‘good - better’ and ‘bad - worse’.


Words p. 116. Make up the degrees of comparison (compalative)

Post reading

  1. Listen and read. Find out what changed on the farm (p. 119, ex. 2).

look at the picture of the farm. Read the text and pupils listen and read silently. You can ask the translation of any word use What does “…” mean?  

  • Pupils listen and repeat in a chain.

-      read it finding out what changed on the farm.

2 . Grammar practice

  • Complete as in the example (p. 120, ex. 3).

Pair work: you are going to change the words in brackets as in the example using ‘-er’ ending, the word ‘more’ or irregular adjectives ‘better’ and ‘worse’.

  • read the sentences to the class and spell the words.

Answers: 1. cleaner; 2. more beautiful; 3. newer; 4. more comfortable; 5. more useful; 6. worse; 7. better.

3. Choose and read (p. 121, ex. 5).

- read the sentences and choose the correct adjectives in brackets to make true statements about the Uncle Fred’s farm.

- write the sentences down in your copybooks.


- bright pupils to write the sentences on the board too.

Answers: 1. more beautiful; 2. more comfortable; 3. more interesting; 4. better; 5. more difficult; 6. worse.

4. Speaking

-  Ask and answer in pairs (p. 121, ex. 6).

Pair work: You are going to read and answer the questions.


  1. Game “Hangman"

Draw a blank line on the board to represent each letter of a word (e.g., for the word “farm”, you write______).

Pupils call out letters. If the word contains the letter mentioned, write the letter on the appropriate blank line. If it doesn’t, draw one line of the Hangman picture. Pupils need to guess all the letters in the word or guess the word before you have drawn the ten lines to complete the Hangman. Also, let individual pupils choose a word and draw the blank lines on the board.

  1. Home work

Write  p. 120-121, ex. 4.   (Answers: 1. chicken house; 2. flowers; 3. life; 4. cows; 5. tractor; 6. farmhouse; 7. life; 8. life.)          WB

  1. Feedback
  • The lesson was interesting because…
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