План-конспект заняття з теми "Свята та традиції у Британіїї та Україні"

Про матеріал
План-конспект виховного заходу з теми "Свята та традиції"А саме, про такі свята як Різдво, , День Святого Валентина.
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                   Управління освіти  Ніжинської міської ради

                                  Ніжинська гімназія №10










                              Holidays and Traditions in Great         Britain and Ukraine





                                                                                                                Розробка виховного заходу  з англійської мови

                                                                                                                Підготувала та провела

                                                                                                                Вчитель англійської мови

                                                                                                                Брюховецька Т.А.







                                                                     Ніжин 2022


-to sum up the material pupils have learnt;

-to develop listening, reading and speaking skills,

-to enlarge the vocabulary connected with holidays,

-to develop thinking skills, memory.

Audio-visual facilities: TV, mobile, cards.
                        The Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Greeting.Introduction.

-Today you will have a quiz “Holidays and Traditions in Great Britain and Ukraine”. Let`s revise some information about holidays watching a video.

  1. Listening –practice .(Watching the piece of video “Holidays in Great Britain”)

-Pre-viewing.A  short talk about British holidays.

      -What British holidays do you know?What is the most important holiday in Great Britain?

-While-viewing.Watching and answering the questions.

                            -Watch the piece of video.Be ready answer the questions:

                            -What holidays is this video about?

                            -When do we celebrate them?

             -How do we celebrate them?

      -Post-viewing.Comparing holidays in Great Britain and in Ukraine.

                   -What other British holidays do you know?Which of them are celebrated in Ukraine as              well?The most important holiday in Great Britain is…What is Christmas?(We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.)When do Ukrainians celebrate Christmas?

   3. Game” Christmas symbols in Britain”

       a) -Now your task is to guess  the words connected with Christmas from their definitions.

       -a thing that makes something look more attractive on special occasions-decoration

       -the day when Christians celebrate the birth of Christ-Christmas

       -a large bird eaten as food on Christmas-turkey

       -a sweet dish eaten at the end of a meal at Christmas-pudding

       -a day or period of the year when people stop working to celebrate a special event, often religious one-festival

       -It is an evergreen tree.The traditions to put it in homes and decorate it originated in Germany.

       -Christmas tree.

                -a tube of coloured paper that contains a paper hat, a small present and a joke and are used in        Britain at Christmas parties and meals-cracker

       -something given for the birthday-present

      -Children hang them on their beds or put under the Christmas tree.Father Christmas puts     presents into them-Christmas stockings

       -a Christian religious song sung at Christmas-carols

       -First they appeared in Britain in 1843.Then the custom to exchange them spread throughout Britain and the whole world.A message “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” can be read on them- Christmas cards.

       -This is the 24-th December, a day before Christmas-Christmas Eve.

b).Additional information about Christmas.

      -Listen to  something interesting about holly and mistletoe.

Holly is an evergreen plant with sharp pointed leaves and berries.English people use holly to decorate their homes.Long ago people began to put holly in their homes during dark cold winters.They liked to look at holly and think about the spring and the sun.

Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white berries.On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of the mistletoe in every house.Under this bunch boys kiss girls.

4.St Valentine`s symbols.

 Now, complete the rhyme and guess holiday.

  1. Listening to the poem and guessing the holiday.

 Let me give you my hahd.

            Let me give you my arms.

            Let me give you my heard.

            Be my…

  1. Matching the pictures with the words.

-There are a lot of stories about the origion of this holiday.But today let`s talk about symbols of this holiday.Match the pictures with the words.

5 Musical contest.

   -We can`t imagine any holiday without music.Let`s have a musical contest.Let`s check how well you know New Year and Christmas songs.

6.Contest” Who is faster?”

  -Our next contest about Christmas in Ukraine.You should name the Ukrainians dishes for Christmas Eve.The supper on Holy Night having 12 lenten dishes, symbolic of the 12 Apostles who gathered at the Last Supper.Say as quickly as you can.(Kutya, deruny, uzvar, pyrishky, perogies, borshch, nalysnyky,pampushky,kolach, bread balls with poppy seeds and honey, holubtsi).

7. Summarising.

   -What are the most interesting facts about holidays in Great Britain and Ukraine you have learnt?


Briukhovetskaya Tania
5 січня 2023
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