План уроку " Daily Routine"

Про матеріал

Урок " Daily Routine" розроблений для учнів пятого класу для розвитку навичок аудіювання тексту з метою одержання детальної інформації.

Робота з текстом з інформаційними прогалинами також має на меті навчити учнів ставити запитання для оержаання відсутньої інформації.

Перегляд файлу

Тема:           Daily routine

Мета:                                    -  активізувати навички вживання  вивченої лексики для     

                                                   опису подій  в Present Simple;

                                         -    розвивати навички аудіювання  тексту з метою   

     одержання детальної  інформації;

                                          -    вчити учнів ставити запитання для заповнення

                                                 інформаційних прогалин

Обладнання:             магнітофон, CD диск, ноутбук, підручник Friends 1,

                                             Language Box, роздатковий матеріал (картки, таблиці)


1. Warming up.

The game.

Pupils practise the use of prepositions of time.

Teacher passes a toy to the pupil and says one of the prepositions of time; the pupil takes the toy and says the sentence with the preposition then passes the toy to another pupil.

Examples: T. – in the morning.     P1. I do exercises in the morning.

                                                       P2. I have breakfast in the morning.

                                                       P3. I walk to school in the morning.

                  T. –at the weekend       P4. I meet my friend at the weekend.

                                                        P5. I play tennis at the weekend.

                                                        P6. I visit my grandma at the weekend.

                                                        P7. I go to the market at the weekend.

                   T. – on Sundays           P8. I buy hot dogs on Sundays.   

                                                              P9. I listen to music on Sundays.

2. Revising Present Simple Interrogative.

2.1. Reading.

- Read out the Language Box to revise the W-questions.



practises every day



practise every day?






2.2. Speaking

- The pupils make the same three types of sentences using they, she, you, we, instead of he:  

Eg.    They practise every day.

         Do they practise every day?

         When do they practise?


2.3. Writing.

Pupils make questions to the underlined words. Check their answers by asking pair of pupils to read out the questions and answers.

  1. He runs in the park. -- Where does he run?
  2. He goes to the gym in the evening. – When does he go to the gym?
  3. He does aerobic exercises in the gym. –What does he do in the gym?
  4. He practises in the afternoon. –When does he practise?
  5. He goes to a disco on Sunday evenings. –Where does he go on Sunday evenings?
  6. He gets home late. –When does he get home?

3. Listening – speaking.

Pupils listen to the text to elicit the specific information. Play the recording twice so that pupils circle the correct words.

  • Pupils use the information to make sentences.

     Name: Maria Sanches

  1. From: Brazil/ Argentina
  2. runs/cycles/walks to school every day
  3. does gymnastic at school/at a club/at home
  4. goes to judo club every Monday, Tuesday, Friday
  5. plays  volleyball, tennis, basketball, on Fridays
  6. swims, jogs, dances at the weekend

- Pupils work individually, completing the questions. They can compare answers in pairs. They check their answers by reading out the dialogue.

Ally         Where are you from?

Maria       I’m from Argentina.

Ally          Do…..?

Maria        Yes, I do. I walk to school every day.

Ally          Where…?

Maria         I do gymnastics at school.

Ally           How often …?

Maria         I go to the judo club every Tuesday.

Ally           When ….?

Maria         I play tennis on Fridays.

Ally          When ….?

Maria         I swim at the weekend.

4. Speaking –Writing.

-Pupils are divided into two groups. Pupils in both groups are given a table with information gaps. Tables are different for each group. Pupils of both groups exchange information by asking and answering questions and write them into the table.

Natalie                                                            Natalie

a pupil from …                                              a pupil from Paris

…. years old                                                  12 years old

have 6 lessons a day                                      have … lessons a day

do not like …                                                do not like History

don’t understand…                                       don’t understand Maths

like PE                                                           like …

go to the gym in the afternoon                      go to … in the afternoon 

… at the gym                                                 play tennis at the gym

meet friends in free time                               … friends in free time

watch TV in the evening                              … TV in the evening  

5. Home task.

Write about your daily routine.








3 грудня 2018
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