Planning a vocabulary lesson on topic "My Pet"

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Сценарій уроку для першого класу з таймінгом і вказаними вправами та іграми на тему "My Pet"
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EC #30 ‘EKONAD’, Kyiv city 

A teacher -

Nelli Dmytrivna Levchenko

Planning a vocabulary lesson

1-A Grade

December 03, 2021

Lesson 37

Topic: My Pet


Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson learners will be better able to talk about animals and describe their pets

Materials: presentation, vocabulary cards, family dice, colour paper sheets, glue stick, document camera, posters with pictures, ball, pupil’s book






Hello! How are you? - I am happy. How about you? - I am great. ( Playing ball )

1 min


Who is this? This is a mother, father… ( rolling family dice )

Chanting the verse “My Family”

2 min


( controlled )

Gues, what is it? ( Pick the card with a pet and ask pupils to name );

The light game: right - green brick, wrong - red brick. It’s a yellow bird, says the teacher showing a picture of a yellow bird. Pupils show a green brick if they know it. It’s a blue parrot, says the teacher showing a picture of a green parrot. Children rise a red brick.

5 min


Open your books, page 48 ?

The task is to listen, point and say.

For example, Nich has got a green … ( a teacher makes a short pause ) children look for Nick’s pet in the picture what is green and say - turtle!

6 min

Physical activities for the youngest

Jumping along  the toy vocabulary cards one by one in a line and naming them:

Moving fingers and counting them

2 min


The teacher displays a picture of her pet and tells: I have got a pet. It’s a small dog. His name is Rex. It is brown and white. He has got a puppy play mat. I like my dog.

Pupils repeat after the teacher, mocking reading.

Work together making a puppy play mat with colour paper.

 2 min


Have you got a pet? Draw it on a piece of paper, then tell us about it.

Pupil 1 - “I have got a pet. It is a cat. Her name is Simba. It is big. She is white. Simba has got a small ball. I like my cat.”

Pupil 2 - “Pupil1 has got a pet. It is a big, white cat. Her name is Simba.”

15 min

Reflection on pupils feelings/


Give white round-shaped pieces of paper the get pupils to draw their emotions.  Do you like the lesson?

2 min


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Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
19 лютого 2022
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