Подорожі та транспорт

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Урок формування лексичних навичок усного мовлення і читання з теми "Подорожі та транспорт"
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Тема:   Подорожі. Види транспорту.

Мета навчальна:  роширити знання учнів про подорожі і види  транспорту; ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями; закріпити ці знання у ході виконання практичних завдань.

Мета розвивальна:  розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів; формувати здатність порівнювати мовні явища рідної та іноземної мов; розвивати здатність мовного

самоконтролю; розвивати уяву учнів в умовах роботи

в парах ; удосконалювати техніку читання; розвивати

вміння аудіювати текст, ігноруючи незнайомі слова;

удосконалювати навичку вживання ГС в усному

мовленні на рівні фрази; навчити утворювати


Мета виховна:  формувати всебічно розвинену особистість;

                                        виховувати інтерес до вивчення теми та до     

іншомовного середовища; виховувати потребу розширювати свій кругозір; формувати мотивацію до вивчення іноземної мови.

Обладнання:   роздатковий матеріал; ілюстративний матеріал.

Тип уроку:  формування лексичних навичок усного мовлення і читання.









                                          Зміст уроку

І. Початок уроку. Організаційний момент

- Good morning, dear pupils. I`m glad to see you. Get ready for the lesson.

Sit down, please.

- Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Look attentively around the class and tell me please: Who is absent today?

 1. 1 Фонетична зарядка

- Let`s revise the sound [v] and sound [z]. Look at the black-board. You can see there a tongue-twister. At first I`ll read it to you and then we`ll try to translate it together. Listen to me carefully.

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy ... was he?

1. 2 Мовленнєва зарядка

- How are you today?

(Fine/ Bad/ So-so)

- What is the weather like today?

(The sun is shining. It is not cold and frosty. It is not windy. It is not cloudy. It is not foggy. It is slippery.)

- Do you like today’s weather? Why?

(Yes, I do. I like this weather because the sun is shining which makes me to be in a high spirit)

- You will have your spring holidays soon. What are you planning to do? Maybe some of you will have a trip? Maybe are you going to travel a little? 

(No, I`m planning to stay at home. / Yes, I`m going to visit my relatives in Russia)

2. 1 Подача нового матеріалу

- Let`s read and translate together the text "What is Travelling?"

New vocabulary:

- Let`s try to translate our new vocabulary with the help of my explanation the words in English. Then you have to make your own sentence with the new word.

To be fond of: as to like something. It is… – подобатися / захоплюватися. (I am fond of reading)

A vocation is the time when people can have a rest from their work and daily routines. It is … – відпустка (When I have my summer vocation I always go to the Black See) 

To arrange: the synonym for this word is to organize. It`s … – організовувати (The excursion to this museum was arranged by my mother)

It is for sure: as it is exactly. It is … – це точно (It is for sure that my father will go to work tomorrow)

A view: you can observe picturesque and beautiful view. It`s … – вид (There is a wonderful view on Everest)

An ancient: it is very old. It is … – стародавній (The ancient tribes of Celts  settled in England in 1234 BC)

To be pleased: as to be satisfied. It is … – бути задоволеним  (We are pleased with our new teacher of English)



- Let`s discuss such items:

1) Do you agree that the best way to study geography is to travel?

(I agree with tis saying, because when you travel, you see all places of interest by your own eyes)

2) Why do people travel when they are on their vocations?

(Because they can relax during their vocations and can travel where they want)

3) Who can help with transport and planning your vocations?

(Travel agencies can help you with it)

4) What means of transport can you travel by?

(By plane / train / car / bus / ship / bicycle)

5) What do people think about when they choose the way of travellling?

(They think about advantages and disadvantages of their trip)

6) What should you do before you go on a trip?

(We should not forget to take all things that we need)

7) What photos can you take while travelling?

(I can take photos of sights of a city or views of mountains, lakes, forests or famous people)

8) Why do peole take photos?

(They take them to see later the happy moments of their life)

- Now, I propose you to see the Presentation about Travelling.

Slide 1: People often have trips during their vocations, but what for?

Slide 2: Look at the reasons, why people go on travelling.

Slide 3: Let`s see the reasons, why to travel to the United Kingdom.

Slide 4: Where do you want to go on travelling?

Slide 5: To Japan?

Slide 6: To Turkey?

Slide 7: To Jamaica?

Slide 8: To France?

Slide 9: To the USA?

Slide 10: To Great Britain?

Slide 11: Let`s divide pluses (pros) and minuses (cons) of Travelling.

Slide 12: We must remember, that East or West, but Home is best!


- Now, let`s work with our Letter Corner at page 82.

At first, look at the New Vocabulary, let`s translate it together:

A cart – кошик

A check-in desk – стійка реєстрації

A suitcase – валіза

Comfortable – зручний

To arrive – прибувати

To point – вказувати

To book a ticket – замовити квиток

To feel excited – почувати себе схвильовано

- And now, we are ready to read and translate the text.


- Your task is to choose the right word according to the letter above to complete each sentence.

1) Julia went to the airport …

a) by bus           b) by taxi

2) They put their suitcases …

a) on a cart        b) on a trolley

3) The airport was very …

a) quiet               b) busy

4) Some of the people stood at the …

a) souvenir shop b) check-in desk

5) When they got on to the plain … said "hello" to them

a) a pilot              b) an air hostess

Заключна частина уроку 

Повідомлення домашнього завдання

- Your home task to the next lesson is: to write down new words in to your vocabularies, to learn these words, to learn the tongue twister, to write a composition about Your Last  Treap.

Підбиття підсумків до уроку. Мотивація оцінок

You were very active on the lesson. Your marks are: …

 I hope that our topic was rather interesting for you.

- Stand up, please. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Мельник Анна
8 травня 2020
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