Показовий урок на тему " Еverything must be beautiful in person"

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Даний матеріал демонструє інновацвйний підхід до висвітлення теми" Зовнішність". Буду рада, якщо мої ідеї надихатимуть колег.
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Topic : Everything Must Be Beautiful in Person.


Aim: to help learners consolidate and develop their vocabulary by active using of the words given;

to develop pupils’ skills of information reading;

to practice extensive listening for specific information; 

to develop pupils’ speaking and writing skills;

to teach to be tolerant;

to help to understand individuality of everyone;

to teach to respect each other.





  1. Worming up

=wish each other something good for today

1)T “p, I wish you to be happy & smart today , to proud of yourself-P2-P9

2)Comment an Anton Chechov’s quotation “Everything must be beautiful in person-face, clothing, spirit & mind”

P1,P2,P3  (5)


II Introducing the topic 

Today we are going to speak about beauties, about that what makes us attractive. And besides, we’ll try to understand is the most beautiful person in the world or not.

First of all let’s sure differences between the meanings of the word “like”.


Match the questions with the answers

1What does he look like?                               a) Music& dancing

2 What does she like?                                     b) Cheerful but disorganized

3What is she like?                                           c) She’s tall with dark hair(5)




III As we must learn a lot of new words I want to propose you to make rep-song about yourselves. Here is a list of them.  As you have been making this song during some previous lesson I think you don’t need much time. Some minutes for comparing and ‘vuala   




Look here and choose one chocolates. Then listen to the radio programme, do you  agree with the description of you personality?

























Text:And that was the latest from the “Carnivores”. Er , an interesting article in today’s Mirror here. It says that you can tell someone’s personality by the kind of chocolate they choose. Yes, really, listen to this. It says if you choose a round chocolate, you’re very sociable person.

And if you choose a square chocolate, then you’re very honest and reliable. Do you believe this?

It says people who choose oval chocolate are very creative, and if you choose a rectangular one, you are sympathetic person, a good listener .Mm, what about me? Well, I always go for those spiral ones, and according to this, I’m dynamic- but very disorganized. Is that true?   Suppose it is. Now then,

If you choose a diamond-shaped chocolate, you’re probably materialistic and interested in money, and, oh dear, people who choose a triangular chocky are insensitive. This is all in a new book by a psychotherapist from New Zealand.


IV Discussion on the  text.(10)


V Reading

1.Jane is…

Jane’s clothes are very smart and clean. Her hair is nice and she never looks messy or untidy.


  1.  Clive is……Clive  always arrives early in the morning and  stays late in the evening. He only takes half an hour for lunch and he seems to work all the time.
  2. Alison is….

Alison is always very careful about her work. She thinks about all the small details and never makes mistakes.


  1. Michael is…..

Michael has lots of different abilities. He can do almost anything, and he can do it properly.

  1. Caroline is....

Caroline has such a nice personality. You know, everybody likes her-she doesn’t have enemies.

  1. Peter is….

Peter is always so calm. Whatever happens he never gets angry or shouts, he just quietly goes on with his work.(10)


VI The next step of our lesson is presenting of your projects.

You had to work in groups and answer such questions


“Is there the most beautiful woman in the world?


“Who is ideal pupil?”


“Who is the best personality?”(10)



VII  I am impressed by you projects. All of you well done. You are cool pupils, smart& bright. But I couldn’t  do if don’t answer you with the same. Here is my projects.

This is the fortunes for you , but when you will read them pleas put adjectives into superlative form:

1You are the ( most) energetic pupil in the class. All your wishes will come true.

2. You are (nicest)& (kindest) person. Whole  world will love you.

3.You are (clever). You will be the president.

4.You are (funny). Your fate will smile to you.

5.You are the(generous) . you will meet only helpful friend.

6. you are (reliable) .You’ll have honest friends.

7. You are( hard-working). You will be rich.

9.You are( brave). You’ll never have enemies.

10. you are sympathetic. All people will understand you.



VIII Writing

 Fill in the comics.

IX Sum up the lesson

Do you like today lesson? Why?

Do you agree with the quotation of Anton Chechov?








1You are the ( most) energetic pupil in the class. All your wishes will come true.


You are(smart).Big deals are waiting for you.




2. You are (nicest)& (kindest) person. Whole  world will love you.



3.You are (clever). You will be the president.



4.You are (funny). Your fate will smile to you.



5.You are the(generous) . you will meet only helpful friend.



6. you are (reliable) .You’ll have honest friends.




7. You are( hard-working). You will be rich.




9.You are( brave). You’ll never have enemies.




10. you are sympathetic. All people will understand you.






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31 березня 2020
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