Посібник з граматики англійської мови для учнів початкової школи "MY FIRST GRAMMAR BOOK"

Про матеріал
Навчально-методичний посібник містить 12 розділів, що містять добірку тестів різного рівня складності для перевірки сформованості мовних компетенцій учнів із граматики англійської мови на початковому етапі навчання. Запропоновані тести можуть використовуватись для опрацювання та перевірки рівня засвоєння певних граматичних явищ та рівня сформованості граматичних навичок.
Перегляд файлу



Сотник Катерина Володимирівна, спеціаліст ІІ категорії, вчителька англійської мови Садового ЗЗСО І-ІІІ ступенів Горохівської сільської ради Миколаївської області.



Коваленко Ольга Анатоліївна, спеціаліст вищої категорії, вчителька англійської мови Горохівського ЗЗСО І-ІІІ ступенів Горохівської сільської ради

Миколаївської області.


Навчально-методичний посібник містить 12 розділів, що містять добірку тестів різного рівня складності для перевірки сформованості мовних компетенцій учнів із граматики англійської мови на початковому етапі навчання.

          Запропоновані тести можуть використовуватись для опрацювання та перевірки рівня засвоєння певних граматичних явищ та рівня сформованості граматичних навичок.

Посібник призначений для учнів початкової школи. Деякі вправи можуть бути використані для середньої ланки.








с-ще Садове




Передмова: проблема контролю та контрольно-оцінної діяльності є актуальною, тому що всі знання, передані вчителем учневі, навички та вміння, сформовані в учня або підлягають розвитку, повинні бути проконтрольовані та оцінені з метою виявлення та подальшого корегування допущених помилок. 

Тестування учнів – дієвий інструмент для урізноманітнення навчального процесу. З їх допомогою можна виміряти навчальні досягнення та провести аналіз успішності дітей, і просто зробити навчання цікавішим.

Метод тестування дає змогу об’єктивно та систематично й з індивідуальним підходом організовувати контроль результатів навчання та рівня оволодіння англійською мовою кожного учня. Тестування надає великі можливості для організації ефективного і якісного контролю та допомагає вчителеві втримати учнів на шляху до досягнення цілей, що стосуються засвоєння мови у межах навчальної програми. Адже це найшвидший спосіб перевірки рівня засвоєння програмового матеріалу учнями.      

Практична значущість і актуальність даної збірки полягає в розробці конкретних тестів, які, застосовуючи на практиці, будуть ефективно сприяти процесу навчання, успішне використання тестових завдань забезпечує формування граматичних навичок на уроках англійської мови на початковому етапі навчання.

Основною метою навчання граматиці є формування в учнів граматичних навичок як одного з найважливіших компонентів мовленнєвих умінь говоріння, читання, аудіювання, письма. Філатов В.М розглядає граматичний навик - як автоматизоване використання граматичного матеріалу в продуктивній і рецептивної діяльності. Це також комунікативна здатність учнів використовувати засвоєний граматичний матеріал при вирішенні комунікативних завдань у різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності.

Контроль граматичних навичок є одним з найважливіших етапів навчання іноземної мови. Під граматикою ми розуміємо структуру мови, систему правил, які диктують допустимі послідовності елементів мови, що утворюють пропозицію на цій мові.

Граматичні тести, що містяться в збірці, краще використовувати як вид поточного та періодичного видів контролю, метою яких є – систематична перевірка засвоєння знань, умінь і навичок на кожному уроці, оцінка результатів навчання на уроці та перевірка рівня сформованості навиків після повних розділів програми, певного періоду навчання чи конкретної теми в граматиці англійської мови.


























Передмова …………………………………………………………………………... 3 Article a/an ………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Adjectives …………………………………………………………………………… 7

Degrees of comparison of adjectives …………………………………………….….. 8

Past Simple Tense ………………………………………………………………….... 9 Present Perfect Tense ………………………………………………………………. 13 Present Simple Tense  ……………………………………………………………… 14

Present Continuous Tense …………………………………………………...…….. 16

Pronouns ………………………………………………………………………..….. 17

Plurals ……………………………………………………………………………….18

Numerals …………………………………………………………………………….20

Question words (Who, What, Where) ………………………………………….….. 22


Відповіді……………………………………………………………………..…….. 26

Для нотаток……………………………………………………………….……….. 30















1. This is ___ old house.

                a) an                             b) a

2. Thi is ___ apple.

c) –

                a) a                               b) an

3. Ronaldo is ___ famous football player. 

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

4. A tiger is ___ animal.

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

5. Is that ___ old book?

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

6. Is tea ___ good drink?

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

7. Mustang is ___ American brand.

c) –

                a) an                                 b) a

8. Thees are ___ eraser.

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

9. "New York Times" is ___ popular news company.

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

10. Derek is ___ football player.

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

11. Angelina Jolie is ___ actress.

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

 12. Simpson have ___ children.

c) –

                a) an                             b) a

c) –






1.       That test was not easy. It was very ___.

a)   fluffy       b) light        c) difficult 

2.       He is not rich. He has no money so he is very ___.

a)   well-off    b) poor        c) heavy

3.       He is not energetic and alert right now. He is very tired and ___.

a)   exhausted          b) watchful  c) ready

4.       His answer is not correct so he is ___.

a)   bent         b) wrong      c) calm

5.       She is not outgoing and sociable at first. She is ___. 

a)   shy          b) friendly   c) extroverted

6.       The sky is not cloudy. The sky is very ___ today.

a)   glamorous         b) dirty        c) clear

7.       That machine is not safe to use. It's very ___.

a)   secure      b) dangerous         c) expecting

8.       That painting is unlike the others. It's very ___ and unusual.

a)   regular     b) different  c) ordinary

9.       That gift was not cheap. In fact, it was very ___.

a)   expensive          b) weak       c) uninteresting

10.   He is not sleepy today. Rather, he is very ___ and attentive.

a)   fancy       b) alert         c) cloudy

11.   Tom can do Maths exercises. He is very ___.

a)   clever       b) shy          c) brave

12.   My mother looks like a princess. I think she is ___.

a)   fancy       b) pretty      c) good






1.   The more you know ___ you forget. So why study?

a)   more        b) the most c) the more

2.   The traffic is ___ downtown than on this road.

a)   heavier     b) the heaviest       c) heavy

3.   It's ___ building in the town.

a)   more higher       b) the highest        c) higher

4.   The boys felt ___ than the girls about losing the game.

                a) badder                      b) the worst

5. I like both football and baseball, but I prefer ___.

c) worse

                a) the last                      b) the latter

6. Who is ___ among your friends?

c) the least

                a) the oldest                  b) older

7. I think that roses are ___ flowers in the world.

c) as old

                a) beautifuller               b) beautifullest

8. Tom is very tall, but his sister is ___.

c) the most beautiful

                a) as tall                        b) taller

9. Marta is thin, but Maria is ___.

c) the tallest

                a) as thin                       b) thinner

10. Amazonka is _____ river in the world.

c) the thinnest

                a) the longest                b) longest

11. Leo drives a car well, but Collin does it ___.

c) the most longer

                a) the best                     b) better

12. My mother is ___ for me.

c) as well

                a) the niciest                  b) nicier

c) as nice



1. Ruslana ___a famous singer.

                a) were                          b) is

2. They ___ in Italy last summer.

c) was

                a) was                           b) were 

3. He ___ a fantastic football player.

c) are

                a) was                           b) is

4. Did you ___ home in the evening? 

c) were

                a) came                         b) comed  

5. Mike ___ do his homework last Wednesday. He was ill.

c) come

                a) did not                      b) do not 

6. My mother ___ a cake yesterday.

c) does not

                a) bakes                        b) baked 

7. My friend ___ five pictures last lesson.

c) bake

                a) drew                         b) did draw 

8. I ___ all cake yesterday.

c) draws

                a) eat                            b) did eat

9. Susan ___ a new funny cartoon last weekend.

c) ate

                a) watched                    b) did watched 

10. The children ___ at school yard yesterday.

c) watches

                a) were                          b) been

11. ___ you read a story yesterday?

c) was

                a) Do                            b) Does 

12. I ___ with my friends on the stadium.

c) Did

                a) played                       b) plays 

c) did play





1. I ___ in Canberra last spring.

                a) was                           b) weren’t

2. We ___ at school last Saturday.

c) were

                a) was                           b) wasn’t

3. Tina ___ at home yesterday.

c) were

                a) weren’t                     b) were

4. He ___ happy.

c) was

                a) weren’t                     b) was

5. Robert and Stan ___ Garry's friends.

c) were

                a) was                           b) wasn’t

6. You ___ very busy on Friday.

c) were

                a) were                          b) was

7. They ___ in front of the supermarket.

c) wasn’t

                a) were                          b) was

8. I ___ in the museum.

c) wasn’t

                a) weren’t                     b) were

9. She ___ in South Africa last month.

c) was

                a) weren’t                     b) was

10. Jessica and Kimberly ___ late for school.

c) were

                a) was                           b) wasn’t

c) were

11. Sara and I ___ at home that night. We saw football match at my aunt’s house. 

                a) were                          b) was

12. The weather ___ nice yesterday.

c) weren’t

                a) wasn’t                       b) was

c) were





1.   There ___ old ships in Mykolaiv 120 years ago.

a)   was          b) were        c) wasn't

2.   Pam and Vic ___ at school yesterday.

a)   was          b) weren't    c) wasn't

3.   There ___ the Internet one hundred years ago.

a)   were        b) weren't    c) wasn't

4.   There ___ the pyramids in Egypt one thousand years ago.

a)   were        b) was         c) wasn't

5.   My relatives ___at home last Sunday. We celebrated Easter.

a)   were        b) weren't    c) was

6.   “Tom and Jerry” ___ my favourite cartoon many years ago.

                a) were                          b) was

7. The river Inhul ___ in Mykolaiv two hundred years ago.

c) wasn't

                a) were                         b) weren't 

8. Modern buses ___ in Ukraine two hundred years ago.

c) was

                a) wasn't                       b) weren't 

9. My friends ___ at the seaside last summer.

c) were

                a) was                           b) wasn't

10. I didn’t do my homework yesterday. I ___ ill.

c) were

                a) was                           b) were

11. We ___ at school last Saturday.

c) wasn't

                a) was                           b) were

12. Where ___ Matt at seven o'clock?

c) weren't

                a) was                           b) were

c) wasn’t


1. I ___ to England in 1993.

                a) come                         b) came        

2. She ___ under a tree to shelter from the rain.

c) comed

                a) stand                        b) standed 

3. They ___ their homework yesterday.

c) stood

                a) did                            b) done

4. We ___ too much last night – I have a sore throat!

c) do

                a) sing                          b) sang

5. It ___ three hours to drive to Paris.


c) sung

                a) take                          b) taken 

6. I ___ your keys under the table.


c) took

                a) found                        b) finded

7. She ___ a new bike for her birthday.


c) find

                a) goted                         b) get 

8. We ___ to New York in January.


c) got

                a) go                             b) went

9. We ___ the new film yesterday.


c) gone

                a) sawed                        b) see 

10. Billy ___ after the bus.


c) saw

                a) runed                        b) run 

11. We ___ a cake – it was delicious.


c) ran

                a) make                        b) made

12. They ___ a letter to their parents.


c) maked

                a) wrote                        b) write


c) writed


1. Jane has ___ presents for her mother.

                a) bye                           b) byed

2. Mary and me ___ cleaned all rooms.

c) bought

                a) have                          b) has

3. ___ you ever made a cake?

c) had

                a) Did                           b) Have

4. Have you already ___ your homework?

c) Had

                a) done                          b) did

5. Have you ___ the story?

c) doed

                a) told                           b) tell

6. We have already ___ play football. 

c) telled

a) finished   b) finish 7. Has your mom ___ a TV show?

c) finishes

                a) watches                     b) watch

8. Have you ___ Tom?

c) watched

                a) saw                           b) seen

9. What ___ they done?

c) see

                a) have                          b) had

10. Have you ___ a breakfast?

c) haved

                a) has                            b) have

11. Why have you ___ ?

c) had

                a) stopped                     b) stop 

12. Has Jim ever ___ this book?

c) stops

                a) readed                       b) reads

c) read




1. My mum often ___ the housework.

                a) do                             b) does

2. We ___ football in the evening.

c) dos

                a) do play                     b) plays

3. ___ your brother a football player?

c)  play

                a) Are                           b) Is

4. Tom ___ from America.

c) Am

                a) doesn’t come             b) don’t come

5. I ___ a good pupil.

c) doesn’t comes

                a) are                            b) is

6. ___ Bill and Liz ride a bike together? 

c) am

                a) Do                            b) Have

7. I always ___ my mum.

c) Does

                a) helps                         b) help

8. She ___ like cook very much.

c) helped

                a) doesn’t                      b) hasn’t

9. Where ___ he ___ from?

c) don’t

                a) do, come                   b) does, comes

10. They ___ at the weekend.

c) does, come

a) doesn't work      b) don't work 11. Harry Potter ___ to Hogwarts School.

c) not work

                a) goes                          b) go 

12. Granny ___ him very funny story.

c) not goes

                a) telled                        b) tell

c) tells





We ____broccoli.

                a) no like                      b) doesn't like

2. My parents ___ a lot of cherry trees there.

c) don't like

                a) find                           b) finds

3. Mary ___ TV every evening. She likes read a book.

c) findes

a) don't watch        b) doesn't watch  4. My friends ___ the cinema every weekend. 

c) not watch

                a) visits                         b) visit

5. Pam ___ the piano every Sunday.

c) doesn't visit

                a) plays                         b) play

6. Mary doesn't ___ the guitar.

c) to play

                a) plays                         b) to play

7. My sister ___ Maths.

c) play

                a) do not like                 b) does not likes

c) does not like

8. Sarah usually ___ “Sponge Bob square pants” every evening.

                a) watch                        b) watches

9. It often ___ in autumn.

c) watchez

                a) rain                           b) rains

10. In winter I usually ___ a coat.

c) raines

                a) wear                         b) wears

11. My parents sometimes ___ on weekends.

c) doesn't wear

                a) works                       b) does

12. Mr Jones is a teacher. He ___ History.

c) work

                a) teach                         b) teachs

c) teaches





She ___ reading a book now.

                a) am                            b) is

2. We ___ playing football with our friends.

c) are

                a) is                              b) am

3. I ___ playing computer games.

c) are

                a) am                            b) is

4. I ___ washing my face now.

c) are

                a) am                            b) is

5. My mum ___ cooking lunch.

c) are

                a) is                              b) are

6. Sally and Karla are ___ postcards.

c) am

                a) makeing                    b) makying 

7. Pam and Kate ___ dancing.

c) making

                a) is                              b) are

8. ___ they washing?

c) am

                a) Is                              b) Are

9. ___ he making his bed at the moment?

c) Am

                a) Am                           b) Is

10. ___ Liz having lunch?

c) Are

                a) Is                              b) Are

11. ___ I writing?

c) Am

                a) Is                              b) Are

12. Is the frog jumping?

c) Am

                a) Yes, he is.                 b) Yes. he are.

c) Yes, it is.






Can you help ___ with my homework?

                a) you                           b) she                                     c) me

2.   Where's my father? I can't find ___.

a)   it    b) him         c) her

3.   Here's the lid. Put ___ on.

a)   it    b) It   c) her

4.   Would you like to play with ___?

a)   they         b) us c) we

5.   Where are apples? John ate ___. 

a)   them        b) us c) you

6.   Get the pineapple and chop ___.

a)   her b) them        c) it

7.   Can you see my sister over there? Give this book to ___, please.

                a) her                            b) She

8. We are playing computer games. You can play with___.

c) it

                a) we                            b) us

9. I can't do my homework. Can you help ___?

c) our

                a) I                                b) mine

10. My uncle is good at Art. ___ likes painting.

c) me

                a) He                             b) His

11. Whose photo is this? - It' s ___ photo.

c) Him

                a) mine                         b) my

12. Is she ___ teacher?

c) me

                a) you                           b) your

c) yours






1. A cat –

a) cates

2. A lady –

b) cats

c) a cats

a) a ladies

3. A candy –

b) ladies

c) ladyes

a) candyes

4. A witch –

b) candies

c) candys

a) a witches 

5. A bike –

b) witchs

c) witches

a) a bikes

6. A class –

b) bikees

c) bikes

a) classes

7. A shelf –

b) class

c) a classes

a) shelfs

8. A tomato –

b) shelves

c) shelfes

a) tomatos

9. A peach –

b) tomatoes

c) a tomatoes

a) peachs

10. A piano –

b) peaches

c) a peaches

a) a pianoes

11. A box –

b) pianos

c) pianoes

a) boxes

12. A pencil –

b) boxs

c) boxses

a) pencils

b) a pencils

c) penciles






1. A person –

a) people

2. A foot –

b) persons

c) a persons

a) a feets

3. A child –

b) foots

c) feet

a) childes

4. A mouse –

b) childs

c) children

a) a mouses 

5. A sheep –

b) mice

c) mouses

a) sheep

6. A man –

b) sheeps

c) sheepes

a) mans

7. A shelf –

b) men

c) mens

a) shelfs

8. A goose –

b) shelves

c) shelfes

a) gooses

9. An ox –

b) geese

c) a gooses

a) oxs

10. A woman –

b) oxes

c) oxen

a) womans

11. A tooth –

b) womens

c) women

a) toothes

12. A quiz –

b) teeth

c) tooths

a) quizzes

b) quizs

c) quizes






1. How many cats do you see? I see ___ cats.

                a) thee                           b) third

2. My dranny is ___ years old.

c) three

a) eighty-four        b) eighteen 3. My mum has ___ teeth.

c) eigty-four

                a) thirti-two                  b) thirty-two

4. I have ___ fingers on my left hand.

c) thirty-to

                a) fife                            b) five

5. I need just ___ bottles of water and no more. 

c) fifth

                a) tventi                        b) twenty

6. There are ___ days in one week.

c) tventy

                a) seven                        b) seventy

7. My parents got married ___ years ago.

c) seventeen

                a) fifteen                       b) fiveteen

8. There are ___ pupils in our class.

c) fifteens

                a) thirty-too                  b) thirty-two

9. My new book has ___ pages. 

c) thirteen-two

                a) seventy-for                b) seventi-four

10. My elder sister is ___ years old.

c) seventy-four

                a) twenty-six                 b) twenty-sixty

11. This table weighs ___ kilograms.

c) tventy-six

                a) fifty-twenty               b) fifty-two

c) fivety-two

12. I need to earn ___ dollars in order to take a trip. 

                a) one handred              b) one hundrad                       c) one hundred




1. One –

                a) the first                     b) the second

2. Two –

c) the oneth

                a) the twoth                   b) the second

3. Three –

c) the secondth

                a) threeth                      b) the threeth

4. Twenty –

c) the third

                a) the twentyth              b) the twenty

5. Sixty-five –

c) the twentieth

                a) the sixty-fifth            b) the sixtyth-five

6. Eleven –

c) the sixty-fiveth

                a) the eleven                 b) the eleventh

7. January is the ___ winter month

c) eleven 

                a) first                           b) one

8. Our football team won ___ match in this year. 

c) ones

                a) the sixth                    b) six

9. I sit on ___ desk in class.

c) the sixs

                a) the fives                    b) the fifth

10. New Year is on the ___ of December

c) fifth

                a) thirty-first                 b) the thirty-first

11. St Valentine`s Day is on the ___ of February

c) thirty-one

                a) fourteenth                 b) forteenth 

12. December is the ___ month of the year.

c) fortieth 

                a) twelfth                      b) twelve

c) the twelfth  






1. ___ is your name? – I’m Liz.

                a) What                         b) Who                                    c) Where

2.   ___ do you live? – I live in Sadove village.

a)   What       b) Who        c) Where

3.   ___ are you from? – I’m from Ukraine.

a)   What       b) Who        c) Where

4.   ___ is your favourite teacher? – Mrs. Brown.

a)   What       b) Who        c) Where

5.   ___ does your grandmother live? – In Shevchenko Street.

                a) What                         b) Who

6. ___ colour is her dress? – Green.

c) Where

                a) What                         b) Who

7. ___ are you good at? – I’m good at dancing.

c) Where

                a) What                         b) Who

8. ___ was your brother born? – He was born in Mykolaiv.

c) Where

                a) What                         b) Who

9. ___ tells you stories in the evening? – My mom.

c) Where

                a) What                         b) Who

10. ___ does your dad work? – My dad works at school.

c) Where

                a) What                         b) Who

11. ___ is your new book? – It’s in my bag.

c) Where

                a) What                         b) Who

12. ___ is Tom’s best friend? – It’s Mark.

c) Where

                a) What                         b) Who

c) Where





1. ___ 3 o'clock      

a) in

2. ___ May


b) on

c) at 

a) in

3. ___ Sunday


b) on

c) at 

a) in

4. ___ noon 


b) on

c) at 

a) at

5. ___ the summer


b) in

c) on

         a) at

6. ___ 6 March


b) in

c) on

         a) on

7. ___ bedtime        


b) at

c) in

         a) at


b) in

c) on

8.   ___ the 1990s     

         a) on

9.   ___ Christmas Day



b) at


c) in

a) in


b) on

c) at 

10. ___ the moment




a) at

11. ___ the past/future


b) in

c) on

         a) on

12. ___ my birthday


b) at

c) in

a) in


b) at

c) on





1.       I have a meeting ___ 9 am.

a)   in   b) on c) at 

2.       In England, it often snows ___ December.

a)   in   b) on c) at 

3.       The shop closes ___ midnight.

a)   in   b) on c) at 

4.       Do you work ___ Mondays?

a)   at   b) in   c) on

5.       Jane went home ___ lunchtime.

a)   at   b) in   c) on

6.       Do you think we will go to Jupiter ___ the future?

a)   on b) at   c) in

7.       Her birthday is ___ 20 November. 

a)   in   b) on c) at

8.       I stay with my family ___ Christmas.

a)   on b) at   c) in

9.       I don't usually work ___ the weekend.

a)   in   b) on c) at 

10.   Where will you be ___ New Year's Day?           

a)   at   b) in   c) on

11.   We usually goes on holiday ___ July.

a)   on b) at   c) in

12.   I brush my teeth ___ the morning.

a)   in   b) at   c) on



1. ___ the corner.

a) in

 2. ___ the garden.

b) on

c) at 

a) at

 3. ___ the wall.  

b) on

c) in

a) in

 4. ___ the menu.

b) on

c) at 

a) at

 5.  ___ the crossroads.  

b) in

c) on

         a) at

6. ___ in a pocket.

b) in

c) on 

a) on

7. ___ a car. 

b) in

c) at

         a) in

8. ___ on a page.

b) on

c) at 

a) on

 9. ___ the front desk.  

b) at

c) in

a) in

 10. ___ the floor. 

b) on

c) at 

          a) at

b) in

c) on

 11. ___ the top of the page.  

         a) on                             b) at

 12. ___ a box.  

c) in

                a) in                              b) at

c) on





Article a/an

1   a         5 a     9 b

2   b        6 b     10 b 3 b       7 a     11 a

                           4 a                                          8 c                                          12 c



1   c         5 a     9 a

2   b         6 c     10 b 3 a       7 b     11 a 4 b       8 b     12 b


Degrees of comparison of adjectives

1   c         5 a     9 b

2   b         6 a     10 a 3 b       7 c     11 b

                           4 c                                         8 b                                          12 a


Past Simple Tense

1   c        5 a     9 a

2   b        6 b     10 a

3   a        7 a     11 c

4   c        8 c     12 a


Past Simple Tense (to be) I

1   a        5 c     9 b

2   c        6 a     10 c

3   c        7 a     11 c 4 b       8 c     12 b

Past Simple Tense (to be) II 

1   b        5 a     9 c

2   b        6 b     10 a

3   c        7 c     11 c

4   a        8 b     12 a


Past Simple Tense (irregular) I

1   b         5 c     9 c

2   c         6 a     10 c 3 a        7 c     11 b

                          4 b                                         8 b                                         12 a


Present Perfect Tense

1   c        5 a     9 a

2   b        6 a     10 c

3   b        7 c     11 a

4   a        8 b     12 c


Present Simple Tense I

1   b        5 c     9 c

2   c        6 a     10 b

3   b        7 b     11 a

4   a        8 a           12 c


Present Simple Tense II

1 c        5 a     9 b 2 a         6 c     10 a

3   b        7 c     11 c

4   b        8 b     c


Present Continuous Tense

1   b        5 a     9 b

2   c        6 c     10 a

3   a        7 b     11 c

4   a        8 b     12 c



1   c        5 a     9 c

2   c        6 c     10 a

3   a        7 a     11 b

4   b        8 b     12 b


Plurals (regular)

1   b        5 c     9 b

2   b        6 a     10 b

3   b        7 b     11 a

4   c        8 b     12 a


Plurals (irregular)

1   a        5 a     9 c

2   c        6 b     10 c 3 c        7 b     11 b

                          4 b                                         8 b                                         12 a


Numerals (cardinal)

1 c        5 b     9 c 2 a         6 a     10 a 3 b       7 a     11 b

4 b        8 b     c Numerals (ordinal)

1   a        5 a     9 b

2   b        6 b     10 a

3   c        7 a     11 a

4   c        8 a     12 a


Question words (Who, What, Where)

1   a        5 c     9 b

2   c        6 a     10 c

3   c        7 a     11 c

4   b        8 c     12 b


Prepositions of Time (at, in, on) I

1   c        5 b     9 b

2   a        6 a     10 a

3   b        7 a     11 c

4   a        8 c     12 c


Prepositions of Time (at, in, on) II

1   c        5 a     9 c

2   a        6 c     10 c

3   c        7 b     11 c

4   c        8 b     12 a


Prepositions of Place (at, in, on)

1 c         5 a     9 c 2 c         6 b     10 c 3 b       7 a     11 b

                           4 c                                          8 a                                             a


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