Про матеріал

Підтема: У гостях добре, а вдома все ж краще.

Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексичний матеріал за темою уроку. Тренувати учнів у вживанні часових форм дієслова. Продовжувати формувати навички усного мовлення. Розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів.

Проконтролювати вміння учнів самостійно читати текст. Закріпити вивчений граматичний матеріал на письмі. Заохочувати учнів читати англійською.

Виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Перегляд файлу



Підтема: У гостях добре, а вдома все ж краще.


Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексичний матеріал за темою уроку. Тренувати учнів у вживанні часових форм дієслова. Продовжувати формувати навички усного мовлення. Розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів.

Проконтролювати вміння учнів самостійно читати текст. Закріпити вивчений граматичний матеріал на письмі. Заохочувати учнів читати англійською.

Виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.



І. Організація класу.


Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку, бесіда з учнями про погоду.

I’m very glad to see you. Today we have our home-reading lesson. I hope you’ll be careful and hard-working because the best time for learning is lessons at school


ІІ. Підготовка до іншомовного спілкування. Мовленнєва зарядка.


Т. Do you like to read or to listen to tales? 

What tales do you remember?

Who read you tales and funny stories when you were a child? What are your favourite tales, characters?

T. Do you like to visit your relatives (grandmothers cousins, aunts)?

Do they ask you to stay for dinner, supper? '

Do you always thank them for tasty dinner?



Once there was a Mouse. She lived in the country. One day her cousin came to see her. Her cousin lived in the city.

The Country Mouse was very glad to see the City Mouse, and asked her to stay for dinner.

“Thank you,” said the City Mouse. She took off her hat and coat and helped to put the plates on the table.

When dinner was ready, the City Mouse looked at the corn and said, “What a funny dinner! Come to my house. Every day I have a piece of cheese for my dinner.”

“Thank you very much," said the Country Mouse. “I`ll come.” So the two Mice went to the city.

When they came to the city they were very hungry.

“Come to the kitchen,” said the City Mouse, “the Cook made a cake. Here it is. This is better than your corn.” They began to eat. Suddenly they heard a terrible noise in the kitchen.

“What’s that?” asked the Country Mouse.

“That`s the Cat,” answered the City Mouse. “Run!"

The mice ran. When they were safe, the Country Mouse asked,

"Why did you run?

“Never stay in the kitchen when the Cat comes,” said the City

Mouse. “Every day she kills many mice. Let us go to the cellar.”

“Do you smell cheese?" asked the City Mouse.

“Yes, I smell cheese,” answered the Country Mouse.

“Do not eat it. It is in a trap!” cried the City Mouse.

“What is a trap?” asked the Country Mouse.

The City Mouse showed her the trap. “The Cook puts a piece of cheese in it,” said the City Mouse, “but if you eat the cheese, something comes down on your head and kills you.”

The Country Mouse looked at the trap.

“I shall go home,” she said. “I do not like your house. There is a Cat in the kitchen, and a trap in the cellar, I like my corn better than your cake and cheese.”


So, tell me:

1. What is the title of the text?

2. Who is the main character of the text?

3. Did you like the the text? Why?

4. Was it interesting for you to read it?


ІІІ. Основна частина уроку


1). New words to know, find them in the text

a cellar ['seb] — підвал

to be hungry — зголодніти

a trap [traep]— пастка

cheese [tji:z] — сир

corn[ko:n] — кукурудза

a cook [ku:k] — повар

to be safe — бути в небезпеці

to kill [kil] — вбивати

2). So let’s deal with the text in details.1. Find equivalents of the words and word combinations


to stay for dinner

to put the plates on the table


a piece of cheese

to be hungry

a terrible noise

a cake


to stay in the kitchen

to be safe


to smell cheese


comes down on your head

a cellar

жахливий грюкіт


залишатись на кухні

спускатися тобі на голову


бути у безпеці


запах сиру



шматочок сиру


розставити тарілки

залишитись на обід



2. Put the sentences in the logical order


When they came to the city they were very hungry.

Suddenly the mice heard a terrible noise.

The mice ran to the cellar.

The City Mouse showed the trap.

The Country Mouse said it was better to live in the country, then to be afraid of cats and traps in the city.

When dinner was ready, the City Mouse said, “What a funny dinner!”

Cheese was in a trap.

The Country Mouse invited her cousin and was glad to see her.

In the kitchen they began to eat a cake.

A cat came to the kitchen to kill the mice.

The cook puts a piece of cheese in a trap to catch mice.


3. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?


a) Once there was a pig.

b) The mouse lived in the country.

c) One day her brother came to see her.

d) Her cousin lived in the city.

e) The country mouse was very glad to see her.

f) The country mouse asked her cousin to stay  for supper.

g) The city mouse helped to put the plates on the table.

h) The city mouse has a piece of cheese for dinner every day.

i) Two mice went to the park.

j) The mice were very hungry.

k) They began to eat some meat.

l) Suddenly they heard a terrible noise in the kitchen.

m) There was a cat in the kitchen.

n) Every day the cat kills one mouse.

o) Then they go to the cellar.

p) There was a mouse0trap in the cellar.

q) The country mouse didn’t like the house in the city.


4. Choose the best ending for each sentence.

1) Once there was…

a) a pig;   b)  a cat;   c)  a mouse

2) One day … came to see her.

a) a sister;  b)  a brother;   c)  a cousin

3) The city mouse took off…

a) her hat and scart; b)  her had and coat;  c)  her hat and jacket

4) Every day a city mouse has…

a) a cake;   b)  (some) cheese;  c)  meat

5) When the mice came to the city they were…

a) very thirsty;  b)  very angry;  c)  very hungry

6) In the kitchen they began to eat…

a) a cake;   b)  bread;   c)  corn

7) When they heard a terrible noise in the kitchen there was…

a) a dog;   b)  a cat;   c)  bird

8) Every day the cat kills…

a) one mouse;  b)  two mice;   c)  many mice

9) Then they went to…

a) the café;  b)  the cellar;   c)  the bar


5. Match the multi-part verbs with the definitions.

1) to eat     1)  to start

2) to see smb    2)  a basement

3) to begin    3)  to reply

4) a cellar     4)  to visit smb

5) to answer    5)  to have meal

6) terrible     6)  to beg

7) to ask     7)  horrible


6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1) One mouse (to live) in the country.

2) One day her cousin (to came) to see her.

3) The country mouse (to be) glad to see her.

4) The dinner (to be) ready.

5) Every day the city mouse (to have) a piece of cheese for her dinner.

6) When the mice (to come) to the city they (to be) hungry.

7) They (to begin) to eat a cake.

8) Suddenly they (to hear) a terrible noise in the kitchen.

9) Two mice (to run) to the cellar.

10) The country mouse (to go) to the country.


7. Answer the questions, find the answers in the text.

Who came to see the Country Mouse one day?

Where did the Country Mouse’s cousin live?

How did the Country Mouse meet her cousin?

What did she cook for dinner?

Did the City Mouse like com?

Did the City Mouse thank her cousin for dinner?

Did the City Mouse invite her cousin to the city?

What did they begin to eat in the kitchen?

What did they hear?

Why did the mice run away?

Why were they afraid? '

What did the mice see in the cellar?

Why didn’t they eat cheese?

What did the Country Mouse say to her cousin?

Контроль розуміння змісту тексту для домашнього читання «The Country Mouse and the City Mouse» (c. 162).

Учитель роздає учням картки із завданням для самостійної роботи і пропонує закінчити речення, використовуючи текст «The Country Mouse and the City Mouse».


Key: 1. Mouse; 2. in the country; 3. cousin; 4. in the city; 5. dinner; 6. funny; 7. the city; 8. cake; 9. terrible noise; 10. Cat; 11. killed many mice; 12. the cellar; 13. cheese; 14. the trap; 15. .her cousin’s house; 16. corn better-than cake and cheese.


Discuss in groups:

Учнів розділено на групи.

1). Divide the tale into logical parts and give a name to each other.

2) What is the best moral of the story? How do you understand the phrases.

East or West home is best.

There is no place like home.

What lesson does this tale teach us? (To be polite, careful (уважним), kind, not to boast (вихвалятися))


IV. Conclusions


I think that today’s lesson is interesting. Do you agree with me? Why? (Use in the technique which is called «Why».)

1) Why is today’s lesson interesting?

2) Why was the tale interesting for you to read it?

3) Why did the country mouse like her corn better than her cousin’s cake and cheese?

I am sure that you have worked hard and done your best. Your home task for the next time is...

1. І gr. Give the summary of the tale.

2. ІІ gr. Retell the story as the author of the tale.

Your marks are:

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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 жовтня 2018
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