Позакласний захід для 2 класу “There is a time for work and a time for play”

Про матеріал
It helps to revise lexical units in pupils’ monologues and dialogues on the topic and comment on the suggested situations; to develop critical thinking, skills of independent and group work, to develop ability to express the attitude toward the topic through the usage of problem situations and creative tasks; to educate socio-cultural awareness , the notion of man’s role in cooperation with others, curiosity and tolerance.
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Позакласний захід для 2 класу  “There is a time for work and a time for play”


-to  revise lexical units  in pupils’  monologues  and dialogues on the topic and comment on the suggested situations;

-to develop critical thinking, skills of independent and group work, to develop ability to express the attitude toward the topic through the  usage of problem situations and creative tasks;

-to educate  socio-cultural awareness  , the notion of man’s role in cooperation with others, curiosity and tolerance.

Equipment: distributive cards, schemes,

Multimedia board, Internet resources, additional materials for creative job.

1.     Greeting.

2.     Singing the national anthem of Ukraine.

3.     T.Today is Wednesday – the middle of the week. You should work harder toreach your weekly goals. You should be hard- working. How does the Bible guide us to be hard- working?

P1  “ Study to work with your own hands.”

T  Do you usually work with your own hands without being told? (Yes, we do).

P2 “Whatsoever you do, do it as to the Lord”.

P3 “ Whatsoever your hand findeth to do, do it with might”(If a job is worth doing, it`s worth doing well).

T So, hard- working means to find things to do with our own hands, to be resourceful (industrious).


4 . And now children, listen to the sounds of different insects, animals and birds.

What sounds can you hear?

P1 I can hear a sound of a bee.

P2 I can hear a sound of a bird.

P3 I can hear a sound of a cock.

P4 I can hear a sound of a dragon fly.

P5 I can hear a sound of a cow.

P6 I can hear a sound of a grasshopper.

T You are absolutely right. Insects, animals and birds are part of nature. They also teach us how to be hard working.

Now listen to a story The ant and the grasshopper  attentively and then answer my questions.

It was a beautiful day. A family of ants was busy, busy, busy putting away food for the long winter ahead.

Along came a hungry grasshopper. He was playing a fiddle and singing a song.

”I` m one hungry little grasshopper”, he said. “May I have some of your food?”

“Don’t  you have any food of your own?” asked the ant. “What where you doing all summer? I was busy finding food to put away for the winter.”

“I was too busy making music,” said the grasshopper. “I had no time to look for food! Please, won`t you give me some of yours?”

“Forget it!” said the ant. “Music is fine. I also love music. But you can`t play music all the time. Now you come for food to me. That isn`t fair. I worked hard to find this food. You should have worked too!”


Do you like the story?

1.     What are the main characters of the story? ( The ant and the grasshopper)

2.     What did the family of ants do in summer? ( The family was busy gathering food for winter)

3.     What did the grasshopper ask the ant for? ( He asked it for food.)

4.     Why didn`t the grasshopper have his own food? (He was very busy playing and singing songs)

5.     Did the ant give him food? Why? ( No, she didn`t, because  she wanted to teach him to plan for the future.)

Yes, you are right. The story tells us if you work hard today, you will reap benefits tomorrow. If you plan your day, you are on the right way. If you set your goals and fulfill them, you get merits or stickers for your hard work. Step by step you do input into your personal development.

Do you remember any proverbs or poems about work?

P1 There is a time for work and a time for play.

P2 The roots are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

P3 Work while work,

     Play while you play,      That is the way      To be happy and gay.

Performing a poem

And now let`s meet real heroes of this story The grasshopper, a cheerful chap,     Enjoyed  the summer’s sun. He danced and played his violin     And life was so much fun.


A  little ant passed quietly by.

    He dragged an ear of wheat. His life was hard, his day was long     And often far from sweet.


“Come on!” called out the grasshopper.

    “Enjoy this day with me.

There’s music, dance and summer sun     And all of this is free!”

 “I’m storing food for winter though,”     The ant called in reply.

“When winter comes, what will you eat

    If you don’t put some by?”


The grasshopper just laughed and said:

    “The winter’s far away.

Don’t think about tomorrow now.

     Enjoy this lovely day.”


He trudged up to the small ant’s home     And knocked upon his door.

“Oh please!” he cried. “Give me some food.

    You’ve plenty in your store.”


The little ant said: “No, no, no!

    I’ve not enough for you.

Whilst I worked hard to store this food.     Well, just what did you do?”

 “I hope you’ve learnt a lesson though.

    You need to plan ahead,

And when those cold winds start to blow     You’ll know that you’ll be fed.” Nice actors, aren`t they?


So, children, describe what kind of insect our grasshopper is?

P1 The grasshopper is cheerful.

P2 -------------------  is joyful.

P3-------------------- is lazy.

P4 --------------------- is idle.

P5 ----------------------is careless.

P6 ----------------------is irresponsible.

P7 ---------------------- is indifferent.

What kind of insect the ant is?

P1 The ant  is hard-working.

P2 ------------- is careful.

P3 --------------is thoughtful.

P4 --------------is reliable.

P5-----------------is determined.

P6 -----------------is persistent.

P7-----------------is serious.

P8-----------------is clever.

P9 ----------------is industrious.


T  What does the story teach you?

P1 It teaches me to be hard-working.

P2 The story teaches me not to put aside for tomorrow what you can do today.

P3 It teaches me to be persistent, reliable and determined.

P4 The story teaches me to plan for the future.

P5 It teaches me not to be  lazy or careless.

P6 The story teaches “ Whatsoever you do, do it as to the Lord”.

All in all, children, if you work hard today, you will reap benefits tomorrow and you will be successful in future.

And don`t forget “There is a time for work and a time for play”.

. image

Traditionally, we finish our devotion  singing a song to cheer you up before hard work at school. Let`s sing a song “Deep, deep, deep”.

Let’s discover, let’s explore your creation and so much more.

It’s exciting; can’t wait to see what you have in store.

Surrounded by waves of your mystery, Lord, show me what you want me to be.


Let’s go deep, deep, deep, deep as the ocean blue.

Deep, deep, deep, deep in my faith with you.

Deep, deep, deep, deep in my heart

I see your love is endlessly deeper than the sea.

Let’s dive deep in our faith.

Let’s dive deep in our walk. Let’s dive deep in our trust Let’s dive deep in our talk.

Let’s dive deep in your word.

Let’s dive deep in your ways.

Let’s dive deep in your love.

Let’s dive deep every day! (Chorus)

Let’s dive deep!

10 січня 2023
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