for the most beautiful
Easter bonnet
April, 29 2011
for a wonderful
Easter bonnet
April, 29 2011
for a very beautiful
Easter bonnet
April, 29 2011
for the most beautiful
Easter tree
April, 29 2011
for a very beautiful
Easter tree
April, 29 2011
Сумська загальноосвітня І-ІІІ ступенів школа №18 м. Суми Сумської області
Сценарій позакласного заходу для 5 класу
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Open your window and welcome this spring!!!
Open the windows, and open the door,
And let the fresh breeze blow in.
Jack Frost has gone to his home in the north.
And all of a sudden it’s spring!
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Spring is coming! Spring is coming!
How do you think I know?
I see a flower blooming,
I know it must be so.
Spring is coming! Spring is coming!
How do you think I know?
I see a blossom on the tree,
I know it must be so.
Spring is beautiful time for everyone. The cold dark days of winter are over. Birds return singing. Grass and flowers begin to make a new carpet for the Earth.
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Nature awakens from its long winter sleep.
Frogs croak. Rains soak.
Cheeks peep. Crickets leap.
Bees hum. Robins come.
Birds sing. It’s spring!
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Spring Song (to the tune of “Twinkle, twinkle, little star…”
Spring, spring is coming soon,
Grass is green and flowers bloom,
Birds returning from the south,
Bees are buzzing all about,
Leaves are budding everywhere,
Spring, spring is finally here!
A girl with a bunch of flowers comes forward:
Buttercups and daisies –
Oh, the pretty flowers!
Coming here the springtime
To tell of sunny hours!
While the trees are leafless,
While the fields are bare,
Buttercups and daisies
Spring up here and there.
Spring is the time for one of the best holidays called Easter. The date of Easter is not the same from year to year. But it always comes on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring.
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For Christians Easter Sunday is the greatest religious holiday of the year. It is a day of joy. It celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who rose from death to new life many years ago.
Easter time, Easter time,
We have so much to do.
Time for bunnies, time for eggs,
And time for Jesus, too.
Oh, Easter time, Easter time,
Jesus showed his love.
He died for us and rose again.
He is with the Lord above.
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Christians go to church on Easter. White lilies and candles in church help Christians think about new life.
Song “On Easter Morning”
The little birds with joy will sing,
On Easter morn, on Easter morn,
The lilies fair, their bells will ring,
On Easter morn.
Old winter's cold and snows have past,
New life, new hopes, are here at last,
On Easter morn, on Easter morn,
On Easter morn.
Each blade of grass that upward springs,
On Easter morn, on Easter morn,
To waiting hearts a message brings,
On Easter morn.
The life that buds in flower and tree,
Will bring new hope to you and me,
On Easter morn, on Easter morn,
On Easter morn.
Easter ducks and Easter chicks,
Easter eggs with chocolate thick;
Easter hats for big and small,
Easter Bunny makes a call;
Happy Easter always brings
Such a lot of pleasant things!
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The symbols of Easter are:
Easter bells: They ring on Easter Sunday to tell people that Jesus is alive.
The cross: It is the symbol for the Christian religion as Jesus was nailed to a cross but then came back to life.
Easter eggs: An egg is a very old symbol of new life. The early Christians gave eggs to their friends and families.
Bread and wine: People eat bread and drink wine at Easter to remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice.
Candles are lit in churches as a symbol of eternal life.
The Easter lily: It is the symbol of purity.
Hot cross buns: People in England eat hot cross buns at Easter. It is a tradition.
Easter Bunny: A little rabbit is a symbol of spring and new life.
Easter chicks: Chicks are born from eggs, and they are also a symbol of new life.
Ester’s everywhere:
Rabbits soft and cuddly, baby chickens, too.
Easter eggs for baskets are white and pink and blue.
Easter cards of greeting, music in the air,
Lilies just to tell us: it’s Easter everywhere!
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На сцену виходять учні з кольоровими хустками.
The colours of Easter are red, white, yellow, green, purple, pink, orange and black.
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Red: It is the symbol of the blood that Jesus Christ had shed for mankind. But it is also a symbol of love.
White: This Easter colour means purity and grace.
Yellow means the brightness of the sun. This colour brings joy and happiness.
Green is the symbol of hope. It is the colour of grass and young leaves.
Purple is said to bring wealth.
Pink means fresh beginning.
Orange means hope. It is the symbol of the dawn.
Black is the symbol of evil and darkness.
Easter is not just bunnies, eggs and flowers;
Easter is Jesus and his living powers.
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There are a lot of interesting traditions in England, connected with Eater.
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The first Easter tradition is colouring Easter eggs.
Before Easter people colour and paint eggs to make them look beautiful.
I take an egg, all shiny white,
And then I dip it out of sight.
I leave it there, within the cup,
Then after a minute I pick it up.
And, oh! It’s a lovely shade of green!
The prettiest Easter egg I’ve ever seen!
Song “Easter Eggs”
Easter eggs! Easter eggs!
Hidden all away;
Let's go find our Easter eggs,
On this Easter Day.
Easter eggs! Easter eggs!
Don't you hide from me!
Look here, Sis, I found an egg,
Underneath the tree.
Easter eggs! Easter eggs!
What a pretty sight!
Blue and pink and yellow, too,
Purple, green and white.
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Відеоролик “Inside an Easter Egg. A Kids’ Easter Story”
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Easter eggs, yellow and blue,
Easter eggs for me and you!
Easter eggs, candy sweet,
Easter eggs are good to eat.
Easter eggs, pretty and funny,
But… where, oh, where is Easter Bunny?
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На сцену вибігає пасхальний зайчик:
Here I am!!!
(Зайчик співає пісню “I Am the Easter Bunny”)
(to the tune “I'm A Little Teapot”)
I’m the Easer Bunny, soft and white.
Here are my ears. And tail is so light.
I hide Easer eggs all over town.
Just watch me hop and hop around.
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British children believe that Easter bunnies bring Easter eggs.
One egg, two eggs, three eggs, four!
All the eggs in the store!
All of them are so fun!
I will buy them,
So I can dye them.
Then on the Easter Day
I will hide them,
So my friends can find them.
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Song “Easter Bunny”
I come when the children are sleeping,
And many surprises I bring;
As long as no child is peeking,
I'll leave my tokens of spring,
I'll leave my tokens of spring.
I come when the children are sleeping,
Hiding eggs in each cranny and nook;
And then quick as a wink, I'm leaping
Right back into my storybook,
Right back into my storybook.
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Mr. Bunny, Mr. Bunny,
Won’t you stop, stop, stop?
“No”, said Mr. Bunny,
“I must hop, hop, hop.
Easter is coming, and there is lots to do.
Eggs must be coloured green, pink and blue.
I’ll tie each basket with a pretty bow.
Children are waiting, so I must go.”
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They say that Easter bunnies hide coloured, chocolate and candy eggs in the garden or inside a house while children are asleep.
Easter Bunny
(to the tune of “Shopping, shopping, much to do…)
Easter bunny, soft and white,
Hopping quickly out of sight!
Thank you for the eggs you bring
At Easter time to welcome spring.
Yellow eggs, and blue, and red
In the grass and flower bed!
We will hunt them everywhere.
Is it you who put them there?
Secret Information
Would you like to know a secret?
Well, I’ll tell you one I know:
The Easter Bunny’s coming!
My mama told me so.
He’ll bring a basket filled with eggs,
And leave it in my yard.
And I will find it on Easter morning,
If I look very hard!
I shouldn’t tell my secret,
But I think it should be shared.
You ought to know that Bunny’s coming,
So you can be prepared!
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Song “Happy Easter”
Finding a Treat
Hippity-hop, hippity-hop!
Will the Easter Bunny stop?
Will he leave a treat behind,
An Easter basket for me to find?
I’ll look over here, I’ll look over there,
I’ll look behind things, I’ll look everywhere.
I’ll look until I find my treat,
And then I’ll sit right down and eat.
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On Easter morning children search for the eggs that the Easter Bunny has hidden while they were asleep. It is called Easter Egg Hunt.
Eggs are hidden in the house or in the garden and sometimes there is a special prize for the child finding the most eggs.
Easter Eggs Hunt
(to the tune of “Clementine”)
Easter morning, Easter morning, Easter morning dawning fine!
Have to find the Easter eggs now! I’ve already picked up nine.
Fill the basket, fill the basket, fill the basket every time!
Candy eggs and jelly beans are tucked behind each growing pine.
Bend and scramble, bend and scramble, bend and scramble, reach and climb!
Find each hidden Easter treat now, pick them up, and they’ll be mine.
See them glow and see them glisten, see them glow and see them shine!
Join me with my Easter candy, and together we will dine.
Look and see
Where the eggs may be!
Here is one, and here’s another!
Here’s a lovely one for mother!
Let us look and see
Where the eggs may be.
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Another popular Easter fun is Egg Roll. Let’s play it, too.
(Діти грають у гру “Egg Roll”)
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English people like to decorate an Easter Tree with coloured Easter eggs. Have a look at our Easter Tree! It’s great, isn’t it? All of you made very beautiful Easter eggs to decorate our Easter Tree. Three eggs were found the most beautiful. They were made by _________________________________________________________________. They get prizes.
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Another Easter tradition is to exchange Easter eggs.
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On Easter Sunday many families get together to have a big dinner.
They eat coloured Easter eggs and hot cross buns.
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Children like chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies most of all. They say:
Bunnies are brown,
Bunnies are white,
Bunnies are always
An Easter delight!
Bunnies are cuddly,
The large and the small!
But I like chocolate ones
The best of them all!
Hop, hop, hop!
Hop, my bunny, hop!
Hop along, my little bunny!
You look sweet and very funny
On this Easter day.
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A hot cross bun is called so because of the icing cross on the top. People in Britain like eating hot cross buns on Easter Sunday.
(Дівчина співає пісню “Hot Cross Buns”.
Hot cross buns!
Hot cross buns!
One a penny,
Two a penny
Hot cross buns!
Give them to your daughters,
Give them to your sons.
One a penny,
Two a penny
Hot cross buns!
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There is one more very interesting Easter tradition in Great Britain. It is wearing new clothes at Easter. Ladies usually wear special hats called Easter Bonnets.
In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it,
You’ll be the greatest lady in the Easter Parade.
Oh, I could write a sonnet about your Easter bonnet,
And of the girl I’m taking to the Easter Parade.
The Easter Parade appeared in America, in New York City in 1870 and has become very popular since then. A lot of people usually take part in this parade.
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In the evening there are fireworks. People believe that fireworks frighten away evil spirits. They also show that after darkness comes light.
And now let’s start our Easter Parade!!!
(Діти під музику проходять по залу. Журі вибирає найкращий капелюшок. Власники найкращих капелюшків нагороджуються призами.)
The young and the old, the rich and the poor, men and women and people of all races celebrate Easter.
The wish is old,
The wish is true:
Happy Easter,
My friends, to you!!!
And now I invite everyone to try hot cross buns.
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