Позакласний захід "Слідство ведуть..."

Про матеріал
Якщо ви шукаєте загадки, які змусять задуматися, то ви потрапили в потрібне місце. Даний захід містить загадки із секретом, які дозволять потренувати свій розум. Ласкаво просимо в світ загадок! Тут ви знайдете все, що потрібно для захоплюючого проведення часу - загадки на логіку, складні загадки і логічні загадки, які допоможуть розім'яти мізки і розслабитися. А Шерлок Холмс та його вірний друг Доктор Ватсон вам допоможуть подолати усі труднощі!
Перегляд файлу

Мета:  - розвиток мислення та логіки;

-         Розширення літературних знань;

-         Розвиток навичок усного мовлення.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, картки із завданнями, виставка книжок А.Конан Дойла.


Хід заходу

- Good afternoon, lady and gentlemen! Good afternoon, experts of books! Today we’ll play the game “The investigation is carried…” It’s interesting and informative game. But before starting let’s meet the guests. So, imagine: England, London and our guest – Sherlock Holmes! Either adults or children like him. He came not along. He came with his friends Dr.Watson and Mrs. Hardson.

Sh.H.: Hello, friends! Nice to see you! We want to tell you about the author who created us. It is Arthur Conan Doyle. The computer presentation will help me to do it. (presentation with comments)

-         Thanks for your story. We like the book about you and you as the main character of it. Our today’s game is devoted to you. Please take the seat we prepared for you and your friends. We need jury. Can you be jury in our game? Thanks.

-         It’s time to get acquainted with teams. Please name and introduce yourselves.

(презентація команд)

Level 1 “Warm-up ”  (1 point for 1 right answer)

Answer the questions

  1. Who created Sherlock Holmes? (АртурКопанДойл).
  2. Who is the friend of Sherlock Holmes? (доктор Ватсон).
  3. Where did Sherlock Holmes live? (Лондон, Бейкер-стрит).
  4. Was Sh.H. a policeman? (ні).
  5. What was the profession of Sh.H.?
  6. What was the room hostess name? (детектив).
  7. Whatwashishobby? (грана на скрипці, заняття хімією).


Level  2“Supervision” (1 point for 1 right answer)

-         Sh.H. is a very attentive man. And he sometimes sees a thing that other man doesn’t see. Let’s listen to their conversation.

Sh.H.; You are not very supervisory. You look but don’t see. For example, have you often seen the stairs in our house?

Dr.W.: Often

1: How often?

2:Lots of times.

1;Great! So how many stairs are there?

2: I haven’t paid attention.

1.Oh! But you saw them. As for me I not only saw I also watch.

 - Now you like Sh.H. will watch. I’ll show you the picture. Look at it 1 min. Then answer my question.

(команди по черзі витягують питання із скриньки і відповідають на них)

http://www.poetryclub.com.ua/upload/poem_all/00417478.jpg1. What room is it?

2. Was there a boy or a girl in the room?

3. What time was there?

4. How many books were in the shelf?

5. What program was on TV?

6. What toy animal was there in the shelf near TV?

7. Was there a teddy bear?

8. What form was the clock?

Level 3 “Logic of thinking” (2 points)

-         The main hobby of Sh.H. is thinking. He couldn’t sleep if he had not solved a problem. I suggest you also to solve the problem and name the words.




The Hound of the Baskervilles

Level 4 “Identification”(1 point for 1 right answer)

-         Guess a literary character.

-         1. It is a girl. She is very kind and hard-working. She likes dancing very much. (Cinderella)

-         2. It is an animal. He is helpful and friendly. He likes honey very much. (Winey the Pooh)

-         3. It is a boy. He is lazy. He is very naughty. He is full of ideas. (Tom Sawyer)

-         4. It is a boy. He is full of ideas. He is selfish. He is funny. He can fly. (Karlson)

-         5. It is a girl. She is very lively. She is helpful. Many animals are afraid of her. (Masha)

-         6. He is big and green. He is very kind-hearted and thoughtful of others. (Shrek)

Level 5 “What difference”(1 point for 1 right answer)

You see 2 pictures. What differences can you see.


Level 6 “Find the answer”(1 point for 1 right answer)

  1. There are nearby two persons, one of them - the father of the son of another. Who are those persons?

(Это отец и мать ребенка.)

  1. 3 hens lays 3 eggs for 3 days. How many eggs will 12 hens lay for 12 days.

(Одна курка несе одне яйце за три дні. За 12 днів одна курка несе 4 яйця, отож, 12 курей за 12 днів знесуть 12х4=48яєць)


-         It’s time to listen to the Sherlock Holmes and his friends to get to know the results of the game.

Sh.H.: Both teams were good. Bu we have such results. Level 1____.... We congratulate the team ______ for their work. You are the winner!  You’ll get the medals of junior Sh.H. Thank you for your work! Good bye!


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