Сценарій позакласного заходу "Британські свята" для учнів 4-5 класів. В ході заходу діти знайомляться з традиціями святкування найвідоміших свят Великобританії. Захід розроблено у вигляді ігрового шоу з конкурсами та іграми.
Чернігівська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 35
Чернігівської міської ради Чернігівської області
British Holidays
(playing show)
Позакласний захід для учнів 4-х класів
англійської мови
Бабич А.В.
Чернігів 2017-2018 н.р.
Функції предмета:
1.Освітня: Ознайомити учнів з найпопулярнішими святами Великобританії, залучити до діалогу культур, порівнюючи традиції святкування.
2.Розвивальна: Розвивати навички розуміння почутого з метою виконання завдань, логічне мислення та творчі здібності учнів, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати позитивну мотивацію.
3. Виховна: Зацікавлювати учнів темою заходу та вивченням англійської мови, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, створити позитивний психологічний клімат, який сприяє формуванню особистості учнів.
Очікувані результати: Учні повинні показати знання лексичного матеріалу, пов’язаного з темою заходу при різних видах роботи, уміння працювати в парах та групах, проявити цікавість до участі в конкурсах та іграх.
Обладнання: комп’ютер, проектор, презентація, роздатковий матеріал із завданнями, олівці, овочі, іграшки.
Хід заходу
Warming up.
Teacher: Hi, kids!
Audience: Hi! Hello!
Teacher: How are you today?
Audience: Very well! / Fine, thanks! / OK!
Teacher: Are you ready to play / to have fun / to get new knowledge?
Audience: Yes!
1.Teacher: So, let us start our “British Show”! Today we’ll learn more about …
Slide 1
Oh! What’s this? A question? What will we speak about? Hm… I need your help. I invite 2 pupils from every form: 4a, 4b…
/Children come up to the teacher and get a task: papers with pictures/
Teacher: You have to guess the word according to the first letter of the picture meaning
Card 1.(додаток 1)
H |
O |
L |
I |
D |
A |
Y |
S |
H |
O |
L |
I |
D |
A |
Y |
S |
H |
O |
L |
I |
D |
A |
Y |
S |
H |
O |
L |
I |
D |
A |
Y |
S |
H |
O |
L |
I |
D |
A |
Y |
S |
Card 2.
Teacher: Yes! That’s right! The guessing word is “Holidays”
Slide 2.
2.Teacher: Today we are going to speak about British holidays.
British people are fond of holidays.
Let’s start from winter.
Slide 3
The most favourite kid’s holidays are Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Slide 4
Christmas starts on the 25-th of December.
Small children believe that Santa Claus comes at night
and leaves presents for them in special Christmas stockings.
Slide 5
Do you know, that people in the UK have one more pleasant winter holiday.
The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day. Family and friends celebrate
together this day. People give each other presents.
Slide 6
New Year’s Day is a start of the next year.
It is on the 1-st of January. People begin celebrating it
on the night before, on the 31-st of December.
Do you like such holidays?
Audience: Yes!
Teacher: Do you like presents?
Audience: Yes!
Teacher: Let’s check what presents can children get.
/ Teacher invites 1 pupil from every form. They close eyes and guess presents, touching them./
3. Teacher:
Slide 7
Valentine’s Day is also a winter holiday.
It is celebrated on the 14-th of February.
You can give a card or a present to someone you love and admire.
/ Teacher invites 1 pupil from every form. They get cards with words and make a sentence: I Love You With All My Heart! (додаток 2) /
4.Teacher: Let me introduce spring holidays.
Slide 8
The most popular spring holidays are Mother’s Day and Easter.
Slide 9
Mother’s Day is celebrated on Sunday, three weeks before Easter.
It is time to thank mothers for their love, care and all the work
they did about the house. People thank their mothers,
give them cards and presents.
/Game with audience./
Teacher: Are you ready to play?
Audience: Yes!
Teacher: Clap your hands and shout “Yes!” if you hear names of food, fruit or
vegetables. And keep silent if you hear another thing.
Slide 9
Easter weekend is usually in March or April.
People give each other colored eggs. Often they made from chocolate.
They say that Easter Bunny brings these eggs to families.
Families cook special Easter cakes for a holiday dinner.
/ Teacher invites 1 pupil from every form. They take cards with colour./
Teacher: Now you are the Egg hunters. Run around the hall and find eggs of
your colour.
6.Teacher: Of course, there are many holidays in summer and autumn. But I want
to tell you about one of them. It is not a national holiday but it is a very old
tradition in England.
Slide 10
It is a Harvest Festival. It is usually celebrated during
the month of September. It is a very old English tradition.
In Britain, people have given thanks for successful
harvests since pagan times. English men celebrate
this day by singing praying and decorating their
Slide 11
The most interesting things about this holiday, as for me, is a Corn Dolly. It is a doll or symbolic “doll” made at Harvest time from the last sheaf of corn cut. This doll looks like Ukrainian national doll “Berehynia”
/ Teacher invites 1 pupil from every form. They close eyes and go through the kitchen-garden overstepping the vegetables . But children do not see, that teacher take them away. /
Teacher: So, let’s play a game. … You have to go through the kitchen-garden with closing eyes overstepping the vegetables …(Teacher names the vegetables with audience and takes veg. away)
Teacher: I hope our show was interesting and useful for you. Thank you very march. See you next time!
/ Happy song/