Практичне заняття "Видатна людина світу. Принцеса Діана"

Про матеріал
Практичною метою заняття є практикувати студентів у читанні тексту з добуванням детальної інформації та формувати граматичні навички побудови складних речень із суб’єктивним інфінітивним комплексом.
Перегляд файлу






 Використання мультимедійних технологій у вивченні іноземної мови 

Методична розробка

  практичного заняття

на тему:


“ Відатна людина світу”






Практична робота № 31

Тема: Видатна людина світу 

Практична мета заняття:

  • практикувати студентів у читанні тексту з добуванням детальної інформації;
  • формувати готовність студентів до спілкування, навчати робити висновки з прочитаного тексту;
  • формувати граматичні навички побудови складних речень з суб’єктивним інфінітивним комплексом
  • формувати навички діалогічного мовлення на рівні мікродіалогу без опори;
  • удосконалювати навички групової роботи з текстом;

Освітня мета заняття:

  • поглибити соціокультурні знання студентів про країну, мова якої вивчається;

      -   націлити студентів на оптимальну оцінку своїх можливостей у виборі життєвого шляху.

Розвивальна мета заняття:

  • розвивати фонематичний та інтонаційний слух;
  • розвивати мовні здібності студентів;
  • розвивати гнучкість інтонаційного апарату;
  • розвивати обсяг оперативної та довготривалої пам’яті;

Виховна мета заняття:

  • прищеплювати студентам сталий інтерес до навчання;
  • виховувати у студентів добре, уважне ставлення один до одного та толерантне відношення до оточуючих;

Тип заняття: практичне

Обладнання заняття:

  • магнітофон,  мультимедійна система для презентації матеріалу заняття,  лексичні та граматичні картки і таблиця.

Хід заняття.

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

         Aim               1.1 Повідомлення теми та мети заняття.

    T:  The headline of our lesson is “Who do you admire?” I’m sure we’ll find out a lot of different people who can be admired and respected. Hope you’ll be active, helpful and supportive in our today’s work. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to write the biography of an outstanding person.

Warm-up     1.2 Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: Revising the pronunciation drill. Mind the sounds.


The reward of fame and the price of fame.

Actions speak louder than words.


Основна частина заняття.

Check on homework             2.1 Контроль домашнього завдання.

Brainstorm activity.              2.2 Речова зарядка

Listening Comprehension    2.3 Аудіювання.  (“Lady D”)

Reading.                                 2.4 Пред’явлення текстy для читання Charity work of Princess Diana

Grammar                               2.5 Повторення вживання Complex Subject 

Speaking practice.                2.6 Формування діалогічних навичок з опорою на таблицю.

3. Заключна частина заняття.


          Summarizing questions/ Home-task.      3.1Контрольні питання/ Домашнє завдання

 Summarizing.                                            3.2Підбиття підсумків.


2.1 Check on homework   /   Контроль домашнього завдання.

T: Your home assignment for today is to speak about the profession attracts you most of all. First I would like you to answer my questions  and then one of you will tell us about his or her preferences.

Talking About a Profession.

  1. What profession are you going to talk (write) about?
  2. What do you know from the history of this profession? (ancient, …goes back to …, quite new…).
  3. What must one consider when choosing a profession?
  4. Must a person be physically strong to take up any profession?
  5. What education is required to become a good specialist?
  6. Is this profession connected with people?
  7. What opportunities are open for people of this profession?
  8. In what way is this profession useful?
  9. Does this profession run in the family?
  10. Are you suited for this profession? Why?


2.2.1 Brainstorm activity.  / Речова зарядка. Демонстрація портретів и бесіда про відомих людей України та Британії.


T: Every nation has its heroes. Actually people must know heroes. Can you recognize the portraits of these famous people? Let’s find out why people admire them. Let’s talk about some Ukrainian and British people.

Sts:   Ivan Franko,  Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Andriy Shevchenko and Klitschko brothers,  William Shakespeare, Princess Diana. (Slides 2-8)


T: 1)What sphere is Ivan Franko famous for?

St: I Know he was a famous  Ukrainian writer.

T: 2)What do you know about  Bohdan Khmelnytsky  ?

St: Everybody knows he was a National Hetman.

T: 3)Why are the Ukrainians proud of Andriy Shevchenko and Klitschko brothers?

St: They are well-known sportsmen who repeatedly proved and prove now their superiority in the world of sport.

T: 4) Why do the British adore Florence Nightingale?

St: The British adore Florence Nightingale because she saved many people after battles and reformed the system of the army hospitals.

T: 5) Why do the British respect William Shakespeare?

St: I think the British respect William Shakespeare because he was a mysterious and legendary person and wrote many historical plays, comedies and poetry.

T: 6) Why are the British proud of Admiral Nelson?

St: I think the British are proud of Admiral Nelson because he served his country best and won the battle of Trafalgar.


 2.2.2     На дошці розвішені зображення речей або понять, які асоціюються із словом «знаменитість»

 Teacher:   Let’s try to remember the necessary words and expressions which are associated with the word  «celebrity».  Look at the blackboard.  You can see some words here.


Слава glory,  визнання recognition,  репутація reputation, оточення surroundings, авторитет authority, кумир idol, brilliant блискучий, famous видатний, popular популярний,   experienced досвідчений, successful успішний,  trendy модний, любить to love, подражать to imitate, захоплюватись to admire, брати приклад to follow an example, gang бандa,  crime злочинність, violence насильство, danger небезпека, drug-addiction наркоманія, degradation деградація, rebellion бунт, успіх success, багатство wealth.


2.3 Аудіювання.  Listening Comprehension (“Lady D”)  (Slide 9)


T: Celebrities can be different. Some of them  let us enjoy wonderful music and songs, other save animals,  serve their country. But there are people who  devote their lives to missionaries and help people all over the world. Do you know this attractive woman? This is Princess Diana and she is such a woman. Listen to the information about her and find out if the statements true or false.



Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1st of July, 1961, in a very privileged and aristocratic English family with royal ancestry in Norfolk, England. Her parents divorced when she was a young girl. As a child, Diana studied at a boarding school in Kent. She continued her education in Switzerland. When she came back to England she worked as a nanny in London. Diana married Prince Charles in July, 1981, at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. People all around the world watched her wedding on television. Charles and Diana had two sons, William and Harry. But Diana’s life wasn’t  happy. She and Charles had problems with their marriage. They finally divorced in August, 1996. Diana’s  life was very short - she died in a car accident on 31st August, 1997 in Paris. She was only thirty-six years old.


Choose the correct answer: (Slide 10)




  1.    Diana Frances Spencer was born in autumn.



  1.    Diana was born in a poor English family



  1.    Diana Frances Spencer got her education abroad and worked with children in London.



  1.    At the age of 20 she became a royal family member



  1.    Diana’s wedding ceremony was held at Westminster Abbey.



  1.    Prince Charles and Diana’s marriage was not successful.



  1.    Princess Diana died when she was very old from a serious illness



2.4. Reading. / Пред’явлення  тексту для читання з детальним розумінням. “Accomplishments of Princess Diana” Групова работа. Group work.

2.4.1 Pre-reading activities. Teacher: These are the new words on the topic we are going to discuss today at our class. I would like you to repeat them after me. Mind your sounds, please.


to succeed

досягати успіху

to support


a charity project

благодійні проекти

a rare ability

рідкісна здатність

to shake hands

потиснути руки

to give a hug




a victim




a campaign

захід, компанія

а participation


due to smb concern

завдяки переконанню

an injury

травма, ушкодження


збір коштів



raising AIDS awareness

підвищення рівня інформованості про СНІД

to be frightened about

боятися, бути наляканим

to deserve


a local shelter

місцевий притулок

a disease




British Deaf Association

Британська асоціація глухих

an initiative


sign language

мова глухонімих

homeless and deprived children

безхатченки та покинуті діти

drug abused


a cancer disease

хвороба на рак

2.4.2  T:  It’s high time to find out who is who. I think it’ll be interesting because you’ll work in a group. Everybody must be helpful. Now split into 3 groups. Match the pictures and the information about   accomplishments of Princess Diana. One student of each group has to be able to retell the passage (Slides 11- 14)


Charity work of Princess Diana

(July 1, 1961 – August 31, 1997)


Princess Diana succeeded in making the world a better place for a lot of people all over the world.  Princess Diana helped very many people personally. She was also a supporter of many charity projects.

Princess Diana had a rare ability to make people happy just by talking to them, shaking their hands, or giving a hug. Her ability to listen, look directly into the eye, and talk to a person in a way that "made you feel that you were the only person that she was at all interested", made her a subject of true  love of a lot of people that she helped. Once asked if she ever felt depressed about visiting ill patients, she answered: "No, they’re happy to see you, you’re happy to do whatever you can do just by being there. And it’s incredibly energizing. It’s what keeps me going."


  1. Princess Diana succeeded in many charity projects, didn’t she?
  2. How did Diana, British princess, communicate with people?
  3. What did she feel visiting sick patients?



Helping victims of Landmines

  She played an active role in the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, a peace activities campaign that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. Her participation was due to her concern about injuries landmines create, often to children. She organized and participated in protests and fundraisers across countries in Europe, Asia and Africa -- hotbeds for landmines left over from previous wars. In 1997, she spoke at an anti-landmines conference in Washington DC. During this time, she met Mother Teresa.


  1. What kind of peace activity campaign did Diana play an active part in?
  2. Why was Diana worried so much about anti-landmines campaign?
  3. Who did Diana met in USA at an anti-landmines conference?


Group 3

Raising Aids awareness

  Princess Diana  helped to raise AIDS awareness. At the time when people were frightened about catching AIDS by touching someone, she visited people with AIDS to show that this wasn’t true. She showed to the world that people with AIDS deserve love and kindness.

In 1987, she visited the Middlesex Hospital in London and was the first to shake hands with an AIDS patient . Then, in 1991, she traveled to Sao Paulo, Brazil, to comfort  children living with AIDS in a local shelter. It was here that she was photographed holding a baby with the disease. When asked about her work, Diana simply replied: "HIV does not make people dangerous to know. You can shake their hands and give them a hug. They need it."


  1. Diana visited people with AIDS, didn’t she?
  2. Was she frightened about catching AIDS by touching sick people?
  3. Did Diana raise Aids awareness?

Group 4

Helping sick children

  A lot of charity work of Princess Diana involved children of any kinds. As a patron of the British Deaf Association, Princess Diana had taken the initiative to learn a number of words in sign language. She worked on her skill, mastered it and later used it in her work.  She also supported many charities related to homeless and deprived children, drug abused, children with cancer disease. One of the achievements of Princess Diana was raising funds for various children charities.


  1. What children did Diana help?
  2. How did Lady D help deprived children?
  3. How did Diana communicate with deaf children?


2.4.3  Fill in the scheme. Charity work of Princess Diana (Slide 15)

Teacher: You can see a scheme in your worksheets. I want you to fill it in according to the text and then we shall discuss Diana’s living position.

This is a sample of possible student’s scheme.



2.5 Grammar box./ Повторення  граматики.                                                                                            


Complex Subject в англійській мові (the Nominative with the Infinitive).

 На відміну від складного доповнення, в складному підметі основними складовими елементами крім інфінітива є або іменник в загальному відмінку, або займенник у називному відмінку. А інфінітив в Complex Subject в англійській мові може бути у всіх своїх шести формах. Наприклад:

to write – to have written – to be written – to have been written – to be writing – to have been writing.


 У реченнях з конструкцією Complex Subject ще одним основним елементом є присудок, особливо дієслово, яким воно виражене. Так як самий вид дієслова буде залежати, в дійсному (активному) або пасивному (пасивному) стані буде стояти присудок.


Complex Subject складається з :

Перша частина  іменник у загальному відмінку або займенник у називному відмінку.

Друга частина - інфінітив у потрібній формі.

Обидві частини розділені присудком.

  Не is said to live in Moscow.     Кажуть, що він живе у Москві.


 The youth is known to tobe independent nowadays .

Відомо, що сучасна молодь незалежна.

The  moral values were reported to  to be taught to these children.

Доповіли, що моральні цінності викладали цим дітям.

He was thought to study here.

Думали, що він тут навчається.

The student is expected to become a well-mannered in words and actions .

Сподіваються, що студент стане добропорядною людиною

Complex Subject вживається, коли присудок виражений дієсловами у    Passive Voice: .

   to say   to hear  to expect  to state  to announce  to know  to suppose  to believe   to understand to see   to think   to consider   to order  to ask    to allow


T: Imagine you are reporters at the BBC channel. You are going to interview the best friend of  Lady D. Think of the statements in  Complex Object you could use.  Here are some prompts in Ukrainian.

2.6 Speaking practice. / Формування діалогічних навичок          

T: Read, understand and dramatize the dialogue


1 -  Look! Is not it Jane over there?

2 -  Oh, yes. That’s true. I haven’t seen her for a long time.

1 -  Me too.

2 -  Lets say hello to her.


1 - Hello, dear. How are you?

2 - Hi, what are you doing here?

J - Hi girls! I am so happy to see you! We will have a seminar about British Royal family and I will make a report .

1 - Well, well --- who is this? Who is this pretty woman?

J  -   This is Lady Diana, princess of Wales. I am supposed to speak about her tomorrow.

2 – Oh, I’ve heard a lot about her. She is said to have had two sons Henry and William.

J  - That’s true. She was a great     but  a different royal mother: she wanted to keep her children with her everywhere. She was not afraid to give them much love and hugs in public

1 -  I like her eyes. It seems to me she is a very kind and sociable woman.

J. – Right you are. She is known never to have lost her capacity to smile and laugh in good times and bad.

2 – Diana was reported to have died in a car accident, wasn’t she?

1 – Oh, really? It’s a pity! She looks very young in this picture.

J – Ye, she was only 36. Thousands of people all over the world were announced to have grieved about her death.

1. – You know what I am thinking about? Diana is a real celebrity. People loved her not because she was a princess……

2 – …. but because she was very close to them through her charity projects, they felt her physically and spiritually.

J – I fully agree with you. Diana is a real celebrity.

1 – Well, Jane. We are sure you will do a great job tomorrow.

2  - Bye, Jane! See you soon. Take care!

1 – Bye, come over!


2.7. РелаксациІя. Relaxation.

T: You are quite right, people remember her. Right now you have a musical pause. I give you a chance to listen to the song by Elton John devoted to Diana . Listen and relax for a minute.  

(Прослухування пісні у виконанні Елтона Джона  Goodbye England's rose)


Princess Diana Song Elton John"


Goodbye England's rose

 May you ever grow in our hearts

 You were the grace that placed itself

 Where lives were torn apart

 You called out to our country

 And you whispered to those in pain

 Now you belong to heaven

 And the stars spell out your name



And it seems to me you lived your life

 Like a candle in the wind

 Never fading with the sunset

 When the rain set in

 And your footsteps will always fall here

 Along England's greenest hills

 Your candles burned out long before

 Your legend ever will



 Loveliness we've lost

 These empty days without your smile

 This torch we'll always carry

 For our nation's golden child

 Even though we try

 The truth brings us to tears

 All our words cannot express

 The joy you've brought us through the years




 Goodbye England's rose

 May you ever grow in our hearts

 You were the grace that placed yourself

 Where lives were torn apart


 Goodbye England's rose

 From the country lost

 Without your soul who missed the wings of your compassion

 More than you will ever know



 Your footsteps will always fall here

 Along England's greenest hills


 Your candle burned out long before your legend ever will


3.1Summarizing questions/ Home-task./Контрольні питання/ Домашнє завдання


 Teacher: Our lesson is about to be finished. It’s time to see what you have learned. Answer my questions, please.


  1. What topic were we discussing today at our lesson?
  2. Have you remembered new vocabulary? Tell at least 3-5 new words you have learned. Keep the chain.
  3. What grammar material have we revised today?
  4. What is the title of the text we have read today? Was it hard to understand it?
  5. What kind of work or exercise did you like the most?

Teacher: Your home assignment for the next lesson is:

1.  Do  task 5 of the worksheet (see appendix 1)


3.2Summarizing. /Підбиття підсумків.Today at our lesson we’ve learned some material which I consider to be very important and useful for you. Try to systemize it! Your marks are……..




  1. Бабанский, Ю. К. Интенсификация процесса обучения / Ю. К. Бабанский. – М. : Знание, 1987. – 79 с.



  1. Бичкова, Н. И. Особенности интенсивного обучения иностранным языкам в языковом педагогическом вузе // Интенсивное обучение иностранным языкам в высшей школе / Н. И. Бичкова, Н. К. Скляренко ; под ред. Г. А. Китайгородской. –М. Издательство Московского университета, 1998. – 127 с.



  1. Джонсон, Д. Методы обучения. Обучение в сотрудничестве / Д. Джонсон, Р. Джонсон, Э. Джонсон-Холубек ; пер. с англ. З. С. Замчук. – СПб. : Экономическая школа, 2001. – 256 с.



  1. Китайгородская, Г. А. Методика интенсивного обучения иностранному языку / Г. А. Китайгородская, В. А. Бухбиндер. – К. :Освіта, 1988. – 279 с.



  1. Кларин, М. В. Педагогическая технология в учебном процессе. Анализ зарубежного опыта / М. В. Кларин. – М. : Знание, 1989. – 80 с.



  1. Мурадова Н.С. Коммуникативносвязующая роль культуры общения студентов технических заведений в интерактивном обучении. –  http://www.ostu.ru/conf/ruslang2004/trend2/muradova.htm


  1. Організація навчально-виховного процесу. З досвіду роботи вищих навчальних закладів I-II рівнів акредитації./ Ред.Салмай Н.М., Цибенко Н.В. – Випуск 10. – 2007. – с.80-95.


  1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=cttog6XfYVU


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHAeIvoyt-g


  1. methodiks.ucoz.ru/index/complex_subject/0-285


  1. Шамота Л.Ф. Презентація  power point  Видатні люди світу. - 2013. – 19 слайдів













Appendix 1.

Картка для перевірки домашнього завдання


Name _______________________________________________________________


Card 1

Task 1 Translate the following words into Ukrainian

  1. dress- maker
  2. backer
  3. electrician
  4. fitter
  5. technician
  6. turner
  7. geologist
  8. agronomist
  9. accountant
  10. adjuster
  11. weaver
  12. stewardess
  13. musician
  14. radio-assembler


Task 2 Find the definition


  1.    Occupation
  1.    is an occupation which needs high level of manual skills


  1.    Profession
  1.    is an activity of any kind for which a person has necessary qualification
  1.    Trade
  1.    is an occupation which needs intellectual work and higher education.
  1.    Job
  1.    includes unskilled and semi-skilled manual occupations



















Student’s worksheet # 1

Name __________________________________                  Group_______________________


Task1. Write down several associations to the word “celebrity”.













Task 2. Listen to the text and choose the correct answer:





  1.    Diana Frances Spencer was born in autumn.



  1.    Diana was born in a poor English family



  1. Diana Frances Spencer got her education abroad and worked with children in London.



  1. At the age of 20 she became a royal family member



  1. Diana’s wedding ceremony was held at Westminster Abbey.



  1. Prince Charles and Diana’s marriage was not successful.



  1. Princess Diana died when she was very old from a serious illness




Task 2. Read  and retell the text :

Charity work of Princess Diana

(July 1, 1961 – August 31, 1997)


Princess Diana succeeded in making the world a better place for a lot of people all over the world.  Princess Diana helped very many people personally. She was also a supporter of many charity projects.

83Princess Diana had a rare ability to make people happy just by talking to them, shaking their hands, or giving a hug. Her ability to listen, look directly into the eye, and talk to a person in a way that "made you feel that you were the only person that she was at all interested", made her a subject of true  love of a lot of people that she helped. Once asked if she ever felt depressed about visiting ill patients, she answered: "No, they’re happy to see you, you’re happy to do whatever you can do just by being there. And it’s incredibly energizing. It’s what keeps me going."


to succeed досягати успіху

to support підтримувати

a charity project благодійні проекти

a rare ability рідкісна здатність

to shake hands  потиснути руки

to give a hug обійняти

Task 3. Translate the sentences using   Complex Subject.





Task 4.  Fill in the scheme. Charity work of Princess Diana




Task 5.  Write the composition on the topic  “My Idol”





Proper Name   

Personal Pronoun

(nominative case)



Passive Voice


аm,is,are / was,were said to              Кажуть/Казали, що

аm,is,are / was,were seen to            Бачать/Бачили, що

аm,is,are / was,were heard to          Чують/Чули, що



Simple Infinitive    Perfect Infinitive

toV                 to haveVed, III






The Queen

is said

Кажуть, що королева

to support antiwar campaign.

підтримує антивоєнні заходи.


Princess Diana

was seen

Бачили,що принцеса Діана

to have succeeded in charity.

досягла успіху у благодійності.


were heard

        Чули, що вони

to have been a happy couple

були щасливим подружжям.



Присудок, що вживається в Complex Subject.

... was said to

Казали, що…

...was heard to

Чули, що…

...was believed to

Вважали,, що…

...was reported to

Доповідали, що…

...was thought to

Гадали, що…

...was announced to

Повідомляли, що…

...was seen to

Бачили, що…

...was supposed to

Припускали, що…

...was expected to

Сподівались, що…

   ...was considered to

Рахували, що…


9 листопада 2022
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