Contents The geographical position
The population
History and symbols
The state system
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Canada’s current population is 37.74 million people. Canada's capital is Ottawa and it has more than 300 000 inhabitens, and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.
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National Flag and Coat of Arms Like every country Canada has a flag. It's red and white in the midlle is a maple leaf.
And Coat of Arms
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LANGUAGES IN CANADA AND CURRENCY In Canada a lot of people speak Franch but 60% of people speak English. The currency of Canada is Canadian dolar.
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SPORTS They have a lot of interesting activities like skiing, baseball, tennis, a lot of people fish and hike. But the most popular sport in Canada is a hokey
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The beaver
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INTERESTING FACTS - Canada has more than 38 national parks. The oldest is called Banff.
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It has more 1000 islands
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NIAGRA FALLS Niagra Falls are the most beautiful and most visit falls in Canada. There located beetwen Canada and America. There falling almost 55m deep. And there more than 12 tousand years old. And every year 15 milion people visit Niagra Falls
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TELEVISION TOWER Television Tower it’s 554m high, it was built 1976. Every year almost 2 milion people visit it. It's located in Toronto.
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The Political System Canada’s political system is based on that of the United Kingdom. It is a constitutional monarchy, which means that we recognize the Queen or King as the Head of State, while the Prime Minister is the Head of Government. Canada’s Parliament is composed of the Queen of Canada (who is officially represented by the Governor General), the Senate and the House of Commons. The Senate has 105 seats and its members are appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The House of Commons consists of 338 members who are elected by Canadian citizens in general elections and by-elections.