Презентація до теми "Describing a work of art", яка допоможе навчити учнів описувати картину поетапно. В заключенні учні повинні будуть виконати опис картини, використовуючи запропонований план опису на попередніх слайдах.
What can you see on the picture?We can see a girl dancing among colourful leaves. She can be a ballet dancer. We see leaves of red, yellow, orange and grey colours and understand it is autumn
Номер слайду 6
In the foreground we see… a man who is screaming, walking along the bridge
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In the background we see2 people walking away from the man
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The important elements are highlighted
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The painting is…Romantic. Appealing. Lyrical. Powerful. Breathtaking
Номер слайду 10
In the picture the artist managed to capture. The historical importance of the moment
Номер слайду 11
Describe the picture. Нестеров «Видение отроку варфоломею»