READING[i:] between, street, leave[i] building, trip, river, city[E:] turn left, turn right, church[au] house, down[Q] car, park, market[qu] boat, road, post, museum[e. I] train, plane, famous [x] taxi, travel, bank, gallery
Thursday, the twenty-third of aprilclasswork
Guess the words! ARTINSUBIXATKEBIARCBOTA bustaxibikecartrainboat
How do you like travelling?I like travelling by … (ship, plane, train, car)I don’t like travelling by … (ship, plane, train, car)
Vocabulary. Comfortable - зручний. Pleasant - приємний. Exciting - захоплюючий. Nice - добрий. Fast - швидкий. Slow - повільний. Interesting - цікавий
Degrees of comparison{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}positivecomparativesuperlativefastfasterthe fastestslow. Slowerthe slowestcomfortablemore comfortablethe most comfortableinterestingmore interestingthe most interesting
Let’s compare! fast. Bus is faster than train. Plane is the fastest.
Let’s compare! Comfortable. Travelling by car is more comfortable than travelling by bus. Travelling by ship is the most comfortable.
Homework! Complete the table. Заповни таблицю. {5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}positivecomparativesuperlativeniceexcitingpleasanthappyheavybeautiful
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