Презентація для заняття "Прес-конференція за підтемою “Technological inventions”"

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Презентація для заняття "Прес-конференція за підтемою “Technological inventions”"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Прес-конференція за підтемою “Technological inventions”.

Номер слайду 2

Zoom in1. Look at the photograph and answer the questions. What can the robot do that you can`t do and vice versa?Do you think the robot would have a life similar to yours? Why? Why not?Would you like technology to keep developing or stop developing? What would be the consequences of each of these trends?Why are some people afraid of technological progress?

Номер слайду 3

Practice task Matching2. You will hear twice four extracts about new technologies. For each extract (1-4) choose the answer (A-E) which you think fits best according to what you hear. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. A The speaker does not agree with a viewpoint he/she quotes. B The speaker is at a shop. C We learn what makes the speaker angry. D The speaker is a great fan of science fiction. E The speaker relies too much on technology.2342341

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Fish for words3. Complete the sentences with the correct words. Which speakers (1-4) from exercise 2 made these statements?1 A lot of young people I know rely too much ____ technology.2 I depend too much ____ things like my smartphone.3 They believe technology will completely take ____ our lives and we will turn into robots with chips in our heads.4 It was the best value ____ money. 5 I`m worried that one day, I`ll end ____ surrounded by technology.6 The device turned ____ to be faulty.on (4)on (2)over (3)for (1)up (2)out (1)

Номер слайду 6

Multiple choice4. You will hear twice six extracts. For the following questions (1-6) choose the answer (A-C) that fits best according to what you hear. Extract 1. The message is for A the conference presenters only. B the conference organisers. C all the conference participants. Extract 2. As far as science fiction books are concerned now, the girl A does not mind them. B is very keen on them. C does not like them. Extract 3. What is the relation between the speakers? A They are strangers. B They are colleagues. C They are school mates. Extract 4. What made the greatest impression on the speakers? A interactive displays B a household appliance C a teenager`s show. Extracts 5. Where are the speakers? A in the school lab B at home C at an electrical shop. Extracts 6. Why did the man prefer sciences to the humanities? A They seemed less useful. B They were less challenging. C They were more practical.style.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.onstyle.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.onstyle.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.onstyle.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.onstyle.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.onstyle.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 7

Fish for words5. Find five words in the word chain. Then complete expressions 1-5 and translate them into Ukrainian.1 _______ noticeboard 4 _______ trends2 _______ competition 5 _______ opinion 3 _______ exhibitions

12 лютого 2023
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