Презентація до дослідницької роботи "Sociolinguistic aspect of the clothes inscriptions studying"

Про матеріал

In this researching work it was considered the semantic content of the inscriptions on clothes and studied it in terms of sociolinguistic aspects. The idea is to study the sociolinguistic problems on the material of English inscriptions that have resulted of personal experience, communication with classmates, observations on the streets and in the school. During the research work it was made an attempt to consider clothes inscriptions through the prism of social change and linguistic characteristics, i.e., how this mean of communication reflects the modern society, and how language content characterizes its communicative orientation. The studying of this issue not only make it possible to classify certain inscriptions, but also to identify the main trends in the development of this means of communication.

Зміст слайдів
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The aim is to study the sociolinguistic problems on the material of tees with English inscriptions. Tasks: to investigate origin of the clothes inscriptions; to identify their semantic features ; to inquire unique linguistic structure of the clothes inscriptions; to analyze the degree of the social influence on the semantic content of the clothes inscriptions

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Actuality : is being an integral part of modern man clothing inscripted T-shirts are ways of communication and reflect a lot of social changes . So, studying them helps to understand and describe the development of modern society.

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-work with literature -getting information from the Internet -making a survey -translating tees’ inscriptions -analyses and comparison -systematization of the material

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A t-shirt originally came from Britain 1 2 3 4 5 6 First T-shirt inscriptions appeared in the mid of 60's English inscriptions are widely used Inscriptions can be divided into several semantic groups

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A t-shirt originally came from Britain 1 2 3 4 5 6 First T-shirt inscriptions appeared in the mid of 60's English inscriptions are widely used Inscriptions can be divided into several semantic groups Linguistically inscriptions can be divided into some groups

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A t-shirt originally came from Britain 1 2 3 4 5 6 First T-shirt inscriptions appeared in the mid of 60's English inscriptions are widely used Inscriptions can be divided into several semantic groups Inscriptions have some features Linguistically inscriptions can be divided into some groups

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Jessica Simpson "Real girls eat meat" Misha Barton "Drop knowledge, not bombs"

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Natalie Portman “Stop Wars" Jay Z “Blame Society"

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Have you got any T-shirts with inscriptions?

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Do you pay attention to inscriptions before buying any clothes?

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Do you always translate the inscriptions?

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Have you got T-shirts with pessimistic inscriptions?

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Would you wear T-shirts with any pessimistic inscriptions in the future?

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we considered the semantic content of the clothes inscriptions and studied them in terms of sociolinguistic aspects; we were not only able to make definite inscriptions classification, but also to identify the main trends in the development of this means of communication;

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English inscriptions are widely used on our t-shirts, that’s why we are sure in the practical value of our work as it can be used in the process of English teaching and learning; it is necessary to mind, that T-shirts are popular garments which display one's interests, tastes, and affiliations. So we must be careful choosing English speaking tees;

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 жовтня 2018
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