Розробка уроку з теми "Навколишнє середовище"

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Розробка уроку за темою "Навколишнє середовище".

Мета:перевірити навички учнів з аудіювання і читиання; розвивати навички письма листа-скарги з використанням Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect.

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OBJECTIVES: to check students’ skills of listening  and

                            reading comprehension,  writing a letter of complaint

                            to check students’ skills of using Past Simple, Present and Past Perfect

MATERIALS: Window to Britain, Unit 6, p. 32-36, DVD film about environment in Great

                           Britain, handouts.


I.Warm up.


T: Do you know anything about environmental problems in Britain? Try this quiz.


Answer these questions.

  1. When were the first national parks created in Britain?
  2. Why do people go to national parks?
  3. What is the name of this national park? What are the names of the cities that are marked?
  4. What do you think happened to the countryside in Britain during the Industrial Revolution?
  5. What is smog?
  6. How many cars, vans and lorries do you think there are in Britain?


II. Vocabulary Work.

Now try this.

  1. Put the verbs in the box into an appropriate phrase.









  1. To ___________________ national parks
  2. To ___________________ the environment
  3. To ___________________ action
  4. To ___________________ with increasing traffic
  5. To ___________________ pollution
  6. To ___________________ coal
  7. To ___________________ laws


  1. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of one of the phrases above.


  1. In many British cities people are not allowed to ___________________ because the smoke pollutes the atmosphere/
  2. The government ___________________ to keep traffic out of city centres.
  3. The government ___________________ so that certain parts of the countryside would not be damaged.
  4. Many people believe the government should ___________________ against companies which do not ___________________.
  5. It is everyone’s duty to ___________________.
  6. Building more roads is not the best way to ___________________.



  1. Listening and watching activities.


  1. Answer the questions.


How large is the Peak District National Park?

  1. What percentage of the British population live in towns and cities?
  2. How many people can reach the Peak District in less than an hour?
  3. How many people visit the Peak District every year?





2. Watch the sequence with the sound and choose the best answers below.


1) Pollution was a problem in Britain in


a. the 19th century.

b. the 20th century.

c. the 19th and 20th centuries.


2) In 1952 smog killed


a. four thousand people.

b. several people.

c. several thousand people.


3) How many families in Britain have two or more cars?


a. 27 million.

b. 25 percent.

c. 27 percent.


4) The British use buses and trains for


a. two or more journeys a week.

b. one out of every ten journeys.

c. one out of every two journeys.


5)Who can use Oxford High Street?


a. no one. It is a traffic free area.

b. buses, taxis and bicycles can use it during the day; anyone can use it at other times.

c. only buses, taxis and bicycles.











      Work in pairs or small groups. Look at the list below. Which of the ideas do you think should be important in deciding whether an area becomes a national park or not? Discuss the ideas and mark them 1-5 ( 1 = very important…5 = not at all important ).


The area…

 has great natural beauty

is very difficult to get to

is used for farming

is completely wild

is near centres of population

contains some very rare wildlife

contains buildings of historic interest

provides many opportunities for outdoor activities

contains a forest

is uninhabited

is in danger of pollution or development

contains few opportunities for employment





V.Project  work.


Work in groups of four. How would you improve the environment in the town or city where you are now? Make a list of your ideas. Think about:

  • traffic
  • parks
  • public transport
  • cycle paths
  • facilities for young and old
  • factories, shops and houses
  • traffic free areas
  • entertainment facilities

Compare your ideas with those of other groups.







VI. Reading and writing.


Read the letter. Match the headings to the appropriate paragraph.

  1. Importance of land
  2. Traffic problem
  3. Reason for writing
  4. Schools problem
  5. Suggestion


                                                                                                               16 Redlands Rd



                                                                                                                  23rd November


Dear Sir or Madam

     I am writing to protest about the plans to cut down 15 trees and build five new houses on land at the end of Redlands Road. There are a number of reasons why I think that you should build these houses somewhere else.

      First of all, this piece of land is often used by the people who live in Redlands Road. There is a path from Redlands Road through to the shops which many people use every day. A large number of dog owners walk their dogs on the land, too. Furthermore, you are planning to damage the environment by cutting down 15 old and rather beautiful trees.

      Secondly, there is the problem of traffic. More houses means more cars. It is likely that there will be at least ten more cars using Redlands Road. At the moment the road is very quiet and children can often play out in the street. If there is more traffic, this will no longer be possible.

Finally, there is the problem of schools. Obviously we do not know who will buy these houses. However, they are large houses, and it is likely that the owners will have families and children. Both the primary and the secondary schools in the area are already full, so where will these children go to school?

       I realize that there is a shortage of housing in the Barton area, and that you need to build a large number of houses quickly. However, I think you should find places where will be less damage to the environment and to local life.

Yours faithfully

Alice Stones (Mrs).


VII. Reading.


Read the letter again. Correct these sentences. Be careful: one is already correct!

a. They want to build 15 new houses.

b. No one uses the land at the end of Redlands Road.

c. Redlands Road is a busy street.

d. The new houses are for families – not single people.

e. There are already enough houses in Barton.


VIII. Writing.


The local council has decided to build a large multiscreen cinema on a park near your house. You are not happy about this. You like going to the cinema but there are already enough cinemas in your town. A lot of people use the park for a variety of activities. Write a letter of complaint to the council and suggest another site for the cinema.


Plan your letter before you start to write.

Reason for writing: …

Argument 1: …

Argument 2: …

(Argument 3: … )

Suggestion: …






31 жовтня 2018
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