Презентація до уроку

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Презентація до уроку по темі "Робота і Професії".Містить в собі фонетичну розминку ,вправи та завдання.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Jobs and professions

Номер слайду 2

Practice our Phonetics. Read the. Tongue-Twister

Номер слайду 3

Practical skills. To develop reading with the help of the new text. To develop reading , speaking and writing. To get to know more about the different jobs and professions To choose the profession

Номер слайду 4

Plan of the lesson1. Revision of professions2. Read and translate the text “Jobs and professions”3. Answer the questions after the text4. To draw the picture of the company and its resume and aplication5. Present your projects on the theme “My future profession”6. To give the H. W.

Номер слайду 5

Guess the professionaccountantprogrammereconomistseller

Номер слайду 6

Read and translate the text. Answer the questions after the text. What is the simplest ideas in business turn?What was made by Clive Reynard?What was happen in 1990?What was happen when they started publishing?Was it successful?

Номер слайду 7

Group Work10 minutes. Electricity company

Номер слайду 8

Teachers. There are many interesting and useful professions but I like the profession of a teacher. I began to think about my future profession at the age of 14. Once our English teacher caught cold. I was in the 9th form and was fond of English. The head teacher asked me to give an English lesson in the 5th form. I entered the classroom, saw many pupils, sitting at their desks, and said, "Good morning" and began the lesson. I wanted the pupils to like English. We read, wrote, sang songs, asked and answered questions. I gave English lessons several times and I was glad teaching the pupils when the teacher was absent.. I wanted to be a teacher of English. It is a very interesting and difficult profession. It is interesting because you work with the pupils, with the personalities. It is difficult because you have to teach them a foreign language. To be a good teacher means to be a highly educated person and to know a lot. Every day I improve my English, reading books, translating sentences from Ukrainian into English, reading English newspapers, looking through magazines and sometimes speaking with Englishmen. I am fond of English and I want to be a skilled teacher.

Номер слайду 9

“My Future Profession”The accounting profession is quite ancient. Already in ancient India there accountants on accounting of agricultural production. The first printing of the book appeared in XIV - XV centuries, among them the "Treatise on the accounts and records" Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli - the first book on accounting. In Russia, as an accountant was officially founded by Peter I in the early XVIII century. Translated from the German word "accountant" means "knyhoderzhatel" as before income and costs of inventory and cash recorded in a special book. Earlier profession "accountant" was considered only as a worker system whose function is to provide information. Very rarely attracted to its decision-making. However, when the business began to focus on the market, accountants discovered that their area of responsibility was greatly enhanced and got a decent accounting recognition within a functioning system. In Ukraine Accountants Day is celebrated on 16 July. The date of the holiday was chosen due to the fact that the July 16, 1999 adopted the Law of Ukraine № 996-XIV «On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine".

Номер слайду 10

On that day profession of economist excist more than one hundred years. It eppared at that times when sterted begine importante such terms as:, money, commodity and exchange. Sinse last century the duties of economist had changed,there were more them. Economysts take charge in analyses declarations about work of factory. After this he gives the mark , about succession of it deal and present this resalts to the authoryty. Offers the steps for making the factory technology better for good produsing. The work of ekonomyst can have different branches. To be a good economyst means to pay attention more to such subjects as Mathematics since childhood. Economysts have to be gentle and well-educated person. Only such people can find a good job in the reach compony.

Номер слайду 11

Finish the sentences. The most popular professions for me are …Every person must be educated, because… I do not like such professions as … because…

До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
9 лютого 2019
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