Презентація до уроку "And we`ll never be royals"

Про матеріал
Матеріал являє собою урок-обговорення Британської королівської родини. Учні ознайомляться з відео-матеріалом на тему та лексикою з нього. Учні відпрацюють необіхду лексику та навчаться вживати її під час обговорення теми. Фінальна стадія уроку - дебати на тему "Is the royal family an essential part of the nation's cultural heritage and identity, or does it symbolize outdated traditions that are incompatible with modern values?"
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Look at these photos. Who is depicted in them? How do you feel when looking at each?



Think about the meaning of the words in bold

image The assent of the King is required for every decision made by a family.

image Some of the family members don`t go above and beyond, however, they still do their fare share.

imageimage The less is said about the relationship between princess Diana and King Charles the better.

image Princess Kate has always played the role of a morale booster. image Every time a royal couple ties the knot  the public goes rampant.

image Princess Diana`s life looked  as if  it had been a fairytale, however, this all comes at a cost.

image Megan Markle cannot even hope for the rosy relationship with the public.

image No one could ever abolish the British royalty

keep them

dump them



Watch the video and note some prons and cons of having the monarchy

Fill in the gaps. Watch the video and check your ideas

image rosy relationship, tie the knot, assent, the less is said the better, morale boosters, abolished, this all comes at cost, do their fare share

1.Every bill that goes through Parliament needs royal ____.

2.Younger members are expected to _____.

3.The ____ about prince Andrew____.

4.But essentially the royals are the____.

5.18 millions of us tuned in to watch Harry and Meghan____in 2018.

6._____. In 2019 the royal family cost the Uk tax payers 67 million pounds.

7.It seems unlikely the royal family will be ____anytime soon, but there are signs the _____ with the public could change.

Катасонова О.О.

Complete the sentences with your own ideas

image If I was a member of the royal family, I would never expect to have rosy relationship with...

image Only after....may you tie the knot.

imageimage only would I give my assent to become the Queen if...

image the less is said about.... the better.

image Morale boosters can also be...

image It`s high time.... were (was) abolished. image Yes, Meghan Markle is...., but this all comes at cost.

image Even though...., they still  do their fare share.

You are the Queen/King. Make the following proclamations:

image you managed to improve the relationship with the neighbouring country image your son is getting married

imageimage you allowed your subjects to dm you and tag you on Instagram image you approved the law against domestic violence image you don`t want to comment on the latest scandal your family was involved into

image you express gratitude to your subjects for supporting you while you were ill

image you speak about the duties of the other family members image you justify the tremendous taxes your subjects pay


Is the royal family an essential part of the nation's cultural heritage and identity, or

imagedoes it symbolize outdated traditions that are incompatible with modern values?

Катасонова О.О.

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
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