Презентація до уроку англійської мови для 11 класу "A Place to Live"

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Презентація до уроку англійської мови для 11 класу "A Place to Live" за підручником М.А.Нерсисян, А.О.Пироженко.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

A PLACE TO LIVEfor the 11th form, by Olga Osolodkova

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3


Номер слайду 4

Using Vocabulary. Ex. 1, p. 96. Complete the words and add some more vocabulary to each column. TOWNSCAPESa r______ castlea b _________ harbouran industrial a______a famous m_______a market s________a stunning v________LANDSCAPESa river b_____a dense f______a steep h_____a breathtaking s______

Номер слайду 5

Using Vocabulary. Ex. 1, p. 96. Complete the words and add some more vocabulary to each column. KEYS: TOWNSCAPESa RUINED castlea BEAUTIFUL harbouran industrial AREAa famous MUSEUMa market STALLa stunning VIEWLANDSCAPESa river BANKa dense FOGa steep HILLa breathtaking SIGHT

Номер слайду 6

Using Vocabulary. Ex. 2, p. 96. Think of advantages and disadvantages. Say about the differences of city life and country life. Use the words below:pollution cost of living nightlife local facilities property prices naturetransport and traffic opportunities flow of life population crime rate life standard

Номер слайду 7

Reading. Ex. 3, p. 96. Read the text about the best cities for young people and tell which city is the most suitable for you and why.

Номер слайду 8

Reading. Ex. 3, p. 96. Read the text about the best cities for young people and tell which city is the most suitable for you and why.

Номер слайду 9

Reading. Ex. 3, p. 96. Read the text about the best cities for young people and tell which city is the most suitable for you and why.

Номер слайду 10

Reading. Ex. 3, p. 96. Read the text about the best cities for young people and tell which city is the most suitable for you and why.

Номер слайду 11

Reading. Ex. 3, p. 96. Read the text about the best cities for young people and tell which city is the most suitable for you and why.

Номер слайду 12

Post-reading. Ex. 4, p. 97. Look at the words in colour in the text and match them to their definitions. 1) a pavement made of stone 2) comfortable for travelling 3) arranged 4) historic town centre 5) big urban city6) the degree of wealth and material comfort 7) good possibilities for starting business 8) a lively and popular place 9) financial centre 10) visible horizon

Номер слайду 13

Post-reading. Ex. 4, p. 97. Look at the words in colour in the text and match them to their definitions. 1) a pavement made of stone 2) comfortable for travelling 3) arranged 4) historic town centre 5) big urban city6) the degree of wealth and material comfort 7) good possibilities for starting business 8) a lively and popular place 9) financial centre 10) visible horizoncobbled streetseasy to get aroundhostedhistorical heartmetropolisstandard of livingstart-up scenehot spotfinancial hubskyline

Номер слайду 14

Grammar Lab. Prepositions of Place IN, ON, AT

Номер слайду 15

Grammar Lab. Prepositions of Place IN, ON, AT https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a1/at-in-on-prepositions-of-place/

Номер слайду 16

Grammar Lab. Prepositions of Place IN, ON, AT https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a1/at-in-on-prepositions-of-place/2/

Номер слайду 17

Grammar Lab. Prepositions of Place IN, ON, AT https://test-english.com/grammar-points/a1/at-in-on-prepositions-of-place/3/

Номер слайду 18

Prepositions of Place IN, ON, AT . Ex. 7, p. 98. Choose a suitable preposition for each sentence.1) You can see all members of our staff _________ this photograph. 2) It’s dangerous to play football _________ the streets. 3) The address mentioned _________ the top page of the booklet is out of date. 4) I didn’t have time to read it properly. I just looked at it quickly while I was _____ the plane. 5) We got stuck _________ a traffic jam _________ the way to the airport. 6) The headquarters of the United Nations are _________ Long Street _________ New York. 7) The train stops _________ every station. 8) There is one more entrance _________ the back of the house. 9) In most countries people drive _________ the right. 10)I’ll meet you near the shop _________ the corner of Dale Street and Old Hall Street at 10. 11) Turn left _______ the next crossing and you’ll see that big green building ______ the park. 12)I’ll meet you _________ the cafe _________ the mall. 13) So, did you arrive _________ the destination _________ a plane or train? 14) We stay _________ the hotel _________ the beach. 15) It’s easy to get there. Turn left _______ the next crossing and you’ll see a big green building. 16) That man over there keeps staring _________ you, Mary. Do you know him? 17) There aren’t many public buildings _________ the city centre. 18) What time did you arrive _____ the airport? 19) The man sitting _________ the armchair in the hall is waiting for you, Mr. Green. 20) The address mentioned _________ this booklet is out of date. You can’t use it.

Номер слайду 19

Homework assignment. Writing. Ex. 11, p. 99. Write an essay about the migration from a big town or city to the country. Explain some of the difficulties people can face when moving and tell about the benefits they can get. Use the following points for the discussion.travelling around leisure activities making new friends shopping facilities job and educational opportunities people and neighbourhood

6 лютого 2022
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