Презентація до уроку англійської мови в 11 класі на тему: "Youth problems".

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Презентація до уроку англійської мови в 11 класі на тему: "Youth problems."
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Youth problems

Номер слайду 2

Youth is a very complicated period when young people undergo the painful transition from childhood to independence. There are so many problems facing teenagers nowadays. It's difficult for young people to deal with these problems.

Номер слайду 3

What are teenagers like?TEENAGERS

Номер слайду 4

People think teenagers are

Номер слайду 5

Youth problems

Номер слайду 6

Physical health

Номер слайду 7

Generation Gap

Номер слайду 8

Relationships with friends

Номер слайду 9

Appearance and Clothes

Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11

First love

Номер слайду 12

School marks

Номер слайду 13

Being overworked at school

Номер слайду 14

Alcohol and drug abuse

Номер слайду 15

Pregnancy and sex

Номер слайду 16

Номер слайду 17

Earning money

Номер слайду 18

Youth problems: Physical health |ˈfɪzɪk(ə)l   helθ| фізичне здоров'я;Generation Gap |dʒɛnəˈreɪʃ(ə)n ɡæp|– конфлікт поколінь;Relationships with friends  |rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪps| відносини з друзями;Appearance and clothes |əˈpɪər(ə)ns|  |kləʊ(ð)z| – зовнішність та одяг;Earning money |ˈɜːnɪŋ ˈmʌni  |– заробіток грошей;Bullying |ˈbʊlɪɪŋ|– цькування, залякування;Alcohol and drug abuse |ˈælkəhɔl  drʌg əˈbjuːs |– зловживання алкоголем і наркотиками;Being overworked at school – |ˈbiːɪŋ ˌəʊvəˈwɜːkt|   велике шкільне навантаження;Pregnancy and sex |ˈprɛɡnənsi|– вагітність і секс.

Номер слайду 19

Youth problems. Physical health. Generation gap. Relations with friends. Appearance and clothes. First love. School marks. Alcohol and drug abuse. Bullying. Future. Earning money

Номер слайду 20

Listening. Words:a growing tendency - зростаюча тенденція;underpaid – недоплачений;a minimum wage - мінімальна заробітна плата.

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Номер слайду 23

Read the text and fill in the gaps in it. There are two words you don’t need to use:politics, part-time, problems, spots, boring, money, chore, appearance, guy, drugs, grades, hours, semester I am a teenager so my life isn’t easy. I have many _______. My parents want me to get good _______ at school. But I have so many subjects at school and some of them are extremely _______. I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don’t understand that their subjects are not the most important things in my life. Some of my friends worry a lot about their __________ and their teenage _______ which spoil our lives! I must confess that _______, alcohol and AIDS don’t really bother me or my friends. The same I should say about ________. What we really care about is how to impress a cute _______ or an attractive girl. Of course I, like many other teenagers, have problems with _______. Some of my friends found a _______ job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money. But despite all these problems, the life of a teenager today isn’t a _______, it is still fun.

Номер слайду 24

Read the text and fill in the gaps in it. There are two words you don’t need to use:politics, part-time, problems, spots, boring, money, chore, appearance, guy, drugs, grades, hours, semester I am a teenager so my life isn’t easy. I have many _______. My parents want me to get good _______ at school. But I have so many subjects at school and some of them are extremely _______. I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don’t understand that their subjects are not the most important things in my life. Some of my friends worry a lot about their __________ and their teenage _______ which spoil our lives! I must confess that _______, alcohol and AIDS don’t really bother me or my friends. The same I should say about ________. What we really care about is how to impress a cute _______ or an attractive girl. Of course I, like many other teenagers, have problems with _______. Some of my friends found a _______ job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money. But despite all these problems, the life of a teenager today isn’t a _______, it is still fun. gradesproblemsboringappearancespotsdrugsmoneypoliticspart-timeguychore

Номер слайду 25

Read the teenager’s letters published in a youth magazine. Give them advice. Hi. My name is Helen. I’m 16. I have a problem with my mum. She doesn’t like my boyfriend. Shedoesn’t trust him and doesn’t let meto hang out with him. I’d like that my mum respect my choice. I’m nota child any more!Hi! I’m Jess. My father forgot about me!I understand that it’s very difficult to find a well-paid job. My dad has one and he has to work hard and littletime is left to spend with me. I don’t even remember whenhe talked to me last time. It’s not right I think!Hello! I’m Nora. My dad. And mum are ok, but theyhave too much controlover me and I lack of privacy. When I go out with friends,I always have to be back homeby 10 p.m. I have to ask permission for everything. It doesn’t fair. My name’s David. Recently I changedmy school and now I have problems withmy new classmates. They always make funof me and tease me because of my nationality. It’s too difficult for to adapt.

Номер слайду 26

Speech patterns. Why don’t you…? Чому б тобі не …? You really ought to… Тобі слід би було ... How about…? Як щодо…?If I were you, I’d… На твоєму місці я б…The best thing you can do is to… Найкраще, що ти міг би зробити … I advise you to… Я раджу тобі …I suggest… Я пропоную…Cheer up! Не журися! Не падай духом!Take it easy! Заспокойся! Не бери до серця! There is no need to get so upset. Не треба так засмучуватися.

Номер слайду 27

Emotions. Alarm – тривожити,Annoy – дратувати,Bore – нудьгувати, Depress – пригнічувати,Excite – захоплювати, Embarrass – бентежити,Exhaust – виснажувати,Scare – лякати, Interest – цікавити, Surprise – дивувати, Shock – шокувати. Worry – турбувати. I am Ved. I feel

Номер слайду 28

Alarm – тривожити,Annoy – дратувати,Bore – нудьгувати, Depress – пригнічувати,Excite – захоплювати, Embarrass – бентежити,Exhaust – виснажувати,Scare – лякати, Interest – цікавити, Surprise – дивувати, Shock – шокувати. Worry – турбувати Ving NOUNFact. Situation. Film. Book. News. Work

Номер слайду 29

What emotions do these people have?

Номер слайду 30

Номер слайду 31

Номер слайду 32

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Номер слайду 35

keep things in perspectiveоцінювати ситуацію в цілому;treasure [ˈtreʒə] цінувати;compare [kəmˈpɛə] порівнювати;judge  [ˈdʒʌdʒ] осуджувати. 7 golden rules for a happy life

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Номер слайду 37

How to be happy?

Номер слайду 38

Talk about your problems!Enjoy life!Be active!Trust and respect your parents!You are unique!Help others!Have a hobby!Say “No” to bad habits!

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Номер слайду 42

Homework. Exercise 9 page 226. Do the project. Design your poster or leaflet about one of the problems and be ready to present before the class. Exercise 4 page 247.

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Номер слайду 44

Номер слайду 45

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17 березня 2019
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