Презентація до уроку англійської мови в 9 класі на тему "Сучасні засоби спілкування"

Про матеріал
Дана презентація розроблена відповідно до конспекту уроку в 9 класі на тему "Сучасні засоби спілкування та Інтернет"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The topic of today’s lesson is “Modern Means of Communication. Internet”

Номер слайду 2

Revise your vocabulary on the topic. Listen and read the texts and do the tasks. Speak about modern communication technologies and Discuss on their role in our life

Номер слайду 3

Try to find the Ukrainian equivalents Searching for information. Communicating. Nanotechnology. Text messagе. Webinar. Шукати інформацію. Спілкування. Захід,що проводиться за допомогою Інтернету. НанотехнологіїТекстове повідомлення

Номер слайду 4

Keypadmouse. Mouse mat. CD-Rom. Computer unitmonitor. Screen

Номер слайду 5

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Номер слайду 6

What do use the computer for?With the help of what device do use the Internet most often?What is the gadget you can not live without?

Номер слайду 7

Complete the sentence. I cannot live without a mobile phone because…

Номер слайду 8

Group work. Advantages of computers. Disadvantages of computers  To find information, to play games, to be computer “addicted”, to do online shopping, to communicate through social networks but not in a real life, to share photos, to watch films, to share personal information with strangers, to send instant messages, to work via Internet, to spend too many hours in front of the screen.

Номер слайду 9


Номер слайду 10

Group work

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

Write abbreviations in words:- cu l8er– OMG– RUOK?– gr8– LOL– it woz ez– ASAP– btw– ily Writing

Номер слайду 13

7. Gap filling exercise: Emails. Cindy Lewis is a journalist. She works for Gender, a weekly magazine on the (a) …………………Cindy writes the problem page for the magazine. She has two young children so she doesn’t work in the magazine office every day, she works at home using her (b) ……………………Every morning she checks her (c) …………………………………………………… She switches on her computer and her (d) …………………………………………………… She starts Outlook Express. This is the email programme which Cindy uses. She (f) …………………………………………………… her e-mail messages. She usually receives about 35 messages every day. Most of the messages come from the Gender office, but she also gets messages from friends and colleagues around the world. They send messages to her email address. Sometimes they just send messages with (h)……………………………………… Some friends send longer pieces of writing in a (i) ……………………………………………….., or photographs in an image file or even music in a (k) ………………………………………Cindy can open these ………………………………………………….and see the texts, pictures or listen to the recordings. Cindy’s e-mail address is cindylewis@demon.co.uk. Demon is a company which Cindy uses to (m)…………………………………………………..her e-mail and the Internet. Demon is an ISP, an Internet service provider. Internet. Computere-mail messagesmodemdownloadsattachmentstext filesound fileattachmentsaccess. Internet, modem, access, e-mail messages, text file,sound file, computer,downloads, attachments(x2)

Номер слайду 14

Complete the sentences Technology will make the world a better place because:- With the help of computers we can…- With the help of the Internet we can…With the help of mobile phone we can…- Some nanotechnologies can help to …

Номер слайду 15

Method “PRESS” Today at the lesson I have known… I can… I know such words as…The lesson was( wasn’t) interesting because … I think my mark is…

Номер слайду 16

(Homework)Write a short paragraph “If you had the possibility to only work from your house via computer, would you do it and why/why not?”

Номер слайду 17

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Всього відгуків: 1
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
1 квітня 2019
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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