Презентація до уроку "PAST TIME IN ENGLISH"

Про матеріал
Objectives: - to control language skills and abilities of the pupils; - to develop phonetic skills; - to cultivate the ability to apply the learned grammatical material “Past Time"; - to increase the interest in learning English.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Thursday, the second of December. Class-work. Past Time in English

Номер слайду 2

Objectives:- to control language skills and abilities of the pupils; - to develop phonetic skills; - to cultivate the ability to apply the learned grammatical material “Past Time";- to increase the interest in learning English.

Номер слайду 3

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Past Time. Past Simple. I studied at school two years ago. – Я навчався в школі два роки тому. He played volleyball yesterday. – Він грав у волейбол учора. Did you drink coffee two minutes ago? Did he play volleyball last Sunday? I didn’t like chess. He didn’t learn English last year. Past Continuous. I was going to the Centre when you met me. – Я йшов до Центру, коли ти зустрів мене. He was playing volleyball at 7 o’clock yesterday. – Він грав у волейбол о 7 годині вчора. Were you drinking coffee when I came to you? Was he playing volleyball at that time?I was not studying geography from 6 till 9 yesterday. He wasn’t learning English while I saw him. Past Perfect. I had come to the Centre by 8 o’clock yesterday. – Я прийшов до Центру до 8 години вчора. He had played volleyball by the evening. – Він грав у волейбол до вечора. Had you drunk coffee by the time I came? Had he played volleyball before the lesson started? I had not studied geography by 2016. We had met each other by 2010. Past Perfect Continuous. I had been going to the Centre for 20 minutes when you saw me. – Я йшов до Центру вже 20 хвилин, коли ти мене побачив. He said that he had been playing volleyball since 2 o'clock. – Він сказав, що грав у волейбол з 2 години. How long had you been drinking coffee? Had he been playing volleyball for 25 minutes when we saw him? She said that she had not been studying geography since 10 o’clock.

Номер слайду 4

Exercise 1.

Номер слайду 5

Exercise 2.

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

Ex.3. Put the verb into the correct form.1. Pam … to parties yesterday. (go)2. Jenny  … Monica by 2019. (meet)3. Yesterday the children … in the garden. (play)4. Sally  … the board before the teacher came. (not/clean)5. My sister … blue eyes when she was born. (have)6. Bill  … the window for 20 minutes when his mom came home. (repair)7. Barbara  … a school uniform by the 1st of September. (buy)8. They all  … dark blue pullovers when I met them. (wear)9. He   … the housework the whole day yesterday. (do)10. My mum  …shopping last Friday. (go)11. I … TV at the time yesterday. (watch)12. She  … on her new notebook since the morning last Friday. (work)13. Fred … football at seven o'clock last Saturday. (play)14. Betty … pizza at the moment I saw her. (eat)

Номер слайду 8

Ex. 4. Put the sentences into negative and interrogative forms.1. My parents was watching westerns at the time yesterday. 2. Mum was washing all the dirty clothes at the time. 3. Peter  had done his homework by 7 o'clock yesterday. 4. Dad had already bought a new plasma TV. 5. The boys  were playing football when we came to the stadium. 6. Last summer we swam in the river. 7. We had  been playing the piano since 2 o'clock last Sunday. 8. Mary  were doing her homework while I was watching TV.9. Richard  played computer games last evening.10. I  lived in a small town last year. 11. He  studied in the library last Tuesday. 12. She had been going to work for 10 minutes when I met her. 13. Bill and Tom were driving to London at that time I saw them.

Номер слайду 9

Homework Translate into English. Я вивчав англійську мову у школі. Ми працювали на навчальному господарстві вчора. Він вже вивчив вірш напам’ять до 5 години вчора. Він сказав, що спілкується англійською мовою з дитинства. Вона навчалася в ЦПТО з 2002 по 2005. Він ремонтував навчальне обладнання у той час, коли я його побачив. Він працював в університеті у 2019 році. Вони сказали, що навчаються в ЦПТО з 2019 року. Хто не зрозумів правила? Вони зробили вже 4 вправи до того часу, як продзвенів дзвінок.

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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 грудня 2021
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