Презентація до уроку "This magic world of universe"

Про матеріал
This presentation can help to improve pupils' knowledge about interesting facts of universe, the Solar system, galaxies, planets; to improve their speaking skills on the covered material; to revise lexical material; to involve them into communicative activities by means of group work; to discuss some problems; to develop their creative thinking; to use the achieved knowledge and information.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

This magic world of universe

Номер слайду 2

objectives:-to speak about interesting facts of universe, the Solar system, galaxies, planets; -to discuss some problems;-to improve your speaking skills on the material covered;-to develop your creative thinking;-to use the achieved knowledge and information.

Номер слайду 3

Universe stars galaxies the galaxy Milky Waymeteors asteroids the Solar system comets planets satellites Mars. Mercury Venus Earth Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Номер слайду 4

Answer the questions:1. What science studies the formation and development of space?2. Why is so hard to explore the universe?3. Where is situated our planet?4. What planets does the Solar system consist of ? 5. What is the satellite of our planet?6. What is the Sun?7. Who was the first cosmonaut of the world?8. Who was the general designer of the ship “Vostok”?9. Who was the first astronaut of independent Ukraine?10. What was the first woman cosmonaut?11. What astronaut was the first who visited the Moon?

Номер слайду 5

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

Номер слайду 14

Номер слайду 15

Tasks to the I group. Complete the sentences with the names of the planet.1. ……….is the largest planet.2…………is the closest in distance to the Sun.3…………is sometimes called the morning or evening star.4…………is sometimes called the Red Planet because of its colour.5…………takes approximately 365 days to go round the Sun.6………….was called after the Roman god of agriculture.7………….is the seventh in order of distance from the Sun.8………….was discovered in 1846.9………….is called a “dwarf planet”.

Номер слайду 16

Tasks for the II group. Correct mistakes in these sentences.1. Antropology is science of the space, flying into space and exploration of space.2. Astronauts have walked on Mars.3. Yuriy Gagarin was the first man who stepped into the Moon.4. Neptune has a long gloving tail.5. Mars is named for the Roman god of the sea.6. The Sun is also called a shooting star.7. Beautiful icy rings circle the Earth.8. Earth was takes 84 years to orbit the Sun.9. Mercury is the largest and heaviest planet.

Номер слайду 17

Tasks for the III group. Write the information into the Past Indefinite Tense. We will be on the Moon. It will be a very different world. There will be no air, water clouds, weather or sound. We shall weigh 6 times less on the Moon. We shall see the Earth, small and blue and beautiful. When we shall return to our spaceship, we shall leave behind a plaque that said: “Here men from the planet Earth second will set foot upon the Moon, February 2011, A. D. We shall come in peace for all mankind.”

Номер слайду 18

Guess the puzzles.1. An ……….is a person who has been trained for travelling in spaceship.2. A………….vehicle used for travel in space.3. The ……….is the very large group of stars that contains the Solar system, the Sun and all the planets, including Earth, that go round it.4. A …………. a natural object moving round a larger object in space.5. A……………is an object as a bright line in the sky.

Номер слайду 19

s.a.es.ip, .st.on..t, c.m.t, o.b.t, p.an.t, s.t.lli.e u n e p t u n e s a t u r n r p l u t o o r b i t s u n a m e t e o r a s t e r o I d n v e n u s a s t r o n a u t u n i v e r s e g a l a x y s o l a r s y s t e m a l i e e a r t h j u p i t e r g a n

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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 6 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
16 березня 2020
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