Презентація "Інфінітив"

Про матеріал
Презентація містить інформацію про неособову форму дієслова інфінітив, його функції у реченні, інфінітивні звороти.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Prepared by an English teacher O.A. Lepert Shostka School 1

Номер слайду 2

Plan Tense forms The functions Complex Object Complex Subject For-to-the-Infinitive Construction

Номер слайду 3

Tense Forms Tense forms Active Passive Indefinite to write to come to be written Continuous to be writing to be coming - Perfect to have written to have come to have been written Perfect Continuous to have been writing to have been coming -

Номер слайду 4

The functions In the sentence the infinitive is used: As a subject. If the subject of the sentence is an infinitive phrase it is often placed after the predicate and the sentence begins with the introductory it. e.g. To know him is to trust him. It wasn’t safe to cross the bridge at night.

Номер слайду 5

As a predicative. e.g. The point is to achieve the aim. The only thing to be done was to sit and to wait until someone came by. As a part of the compound verbal predicate. e.g. We must stay at home. He tried to see the men. She began to talk.

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As an object to verbs and adjectives. e.g. He asked me to wait. I shall be happy to accept your invitation. As an attribute. The infinitive in the function of an attribute may have a modal meaning. e.g. I have no right to ask. We made a list of the things to be taken.

Номер слайду 7

As an adverbial modifier of purpose or result. e.g. To earn a living, he became a salesman. I have come here to meet her. She is old enough to go to work. It was too hot to go out into the town.

Номер слайду 8

The infinitive may be preceded by the pronouns what, whom, whose, which, by the adverbs where, when, how, why and by the conjunction whether and if. The infinitive phrases of this kind are most frequently used in the function of an object. e.g. I knew where to look for her. I don’t know how to do it. We don’t know what to do with these people.

Номер слайду 9

Complex Object noun pronoun (to) V The Objective Infinitive Complex consists of a noun in the Common Case or a personal pronoun in the Objective Case and the infinitive. The nominal part of the complex denotes the subject or the object of the action expressed by the infinitive.

Номер слайду 10

1. After verbs to see, to hear, to feel, to observe, to notice. She saw Mary cry. I heard her call my name. to V 2. After verbs to wish, to want, to desire, to like, to dislike, to hate, to intend, should, would like. She wanted them to read this book. I’d you to come to our party. to V 3. After verbs to consider, to believe, to think, to find, to expect, to suppose. We considered him to be the best pupil of our form. We expect the delegation to come at 5. to V 4. After verbs to ask, to order, to allow, to advise, to recommend. We asked Josh to work. The office ordered the soldiets to stand still. to V

Номер слайду 11

Complex Subject noun pronoun to V The Subjective Infinitive Complex consists of a noun in the Common Case or a personal pronoun in the Nominative Case and the infinitive. The nominal part of the complex may denote both the subject and the object of the action expressed by the infinitive.

Номер слайду 12

1. After verbs to see, to hear, to feel, to observe, to notice. Mary was seen to cry. She was heard to call my name. Passive 2. After verbs to consider, to believe, to think, to find, to expect, to suppose. He is considered to be the best pupil of the form. The delegation is expected to come at 5. Passive 3. After verbs to say, to report. He is said to be a bad man. The delegation is reported to be late. Passive 4. After verbs to ask, to order, to allow, to advise, to recommend, to let, to make. They were ordered to stand still. He was made to leave the hall. The children were let to go to the cinema. Passive

Номер слайду 13

5. After verbs to seem, to appear, to happen, to chance, to turn out, to prove. He seemed to be thinking about something. I happened to see her in the street. They turned out to be good friends. Active 6. After word combinations to be certain, to be likely, to be unlikely, to be sure. They are likely to come. He is unlikely to win this game. He is sure to know something. Active

Номер слайду 14

For-to-the-Infinitive Construction The Prepositional Infinitive Complex consists of a noun in the Common Case or a personal pronoun in the Objective Case and the infinitive. noun pronoun to V

Номер слайду 15

In the sentence the Prepositional Infinitive Complex may be used in the functions of: subject e.g. For me to see you is the happiest minute in my life. It’s dangerous for us to be going out in this car. predicative e.g. That’s for you to think on. object e.g. He waited for her to speak.

Номер слайду 16

attribute e.g. There’s nobody here for him to play with. adverbial modifier of result and purpose e.g. The teacher gave several examples for the pupils to understand the rule better. It was too dark for her to see him.

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