Презентація "Outstanding Ukrainians"

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Цікавий матеріал про українських науковців світового рівня. Інформація корисна для учнів 9 класів.
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Outstanding Ukrainians. The land of Ukraine is the birthplace of many outstanding scientists and cultural figures who made an invaluable contribution to development world science and culture.

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Many of them worked abroad and enjoyed considerable authority in the scientific world. Among them there were many whose discoveries the whole world is proud... It is our sacred duty to know our history, to know our own luminaries of science and culture. We should remember the following: today Ukraine is striving to join the world community, and therefore it is necessary to demonstrate as effectively as possible not only its original culture (song, dance), but also achievements in various fields of science and technology.

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Ukraine is a space state, in this field we are still not far behind. And it all started, apparently, with Serhiy Korolev, the founder of astronautics. He developed the first Soviet Space Program, the first guided missile, the first artificial Earth satellite, the first nuclear-powered satellite. The man who led the launch of the first manned space flight and the first man’s spacewalk. Serhiy Pavlovich Korolev was born on January 12, 1907 in Zhytomyr in a family of teachers. From the age of ten, he was raised by his stepfather, a mechanical engineer by profession. At the age of 17, Korolev designed his first glider. His dream was to build interplanetary ships that would fly through space and deliver people to other planets. The apogee of the scientist was April 12, 1961. For the first time in the world, a man flew into space. Yuri Gagarin became a world celebrity. Yuri Gagarin's flight lasted 109 minutes. At the same time, Serhii Pavlovich Korolev constantly remained in the shadows. Serhiy Pavlovich Korolev died on January 14, 1966.

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Igor Ivanovych Sikorsky is an industrialist, inventor, and the pioneer in aircraft design who is best known for his successful development of the helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft. Sikorsky was born on May 25, 1889 at Kiev, in Ukraine. He was the youngest of five children. His first invention at age 12 was a small rubber band-powered helicopter that could rise in the air. At 14, he began studying at the Saint Petersburg Maritime Cadet Corps but his interest in engineering led to his resignation from the service in 1906. After briefly studying engineering in Paris, he returned to Ukraine in 1907, enrolling at the Mechanical College of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. By mid-1909 Sikorsky completed his first helicopter. However, even if the counter-rotating rotors thrashed through the air, the craft never lifted off the ground. In June 1909, Sikorsky tried to fly his crude biplane and it rose for twelve seconds into the air. In the months that followed, Sikorsky produced more prototypes, with short flights ending up in crashes. This however, gave him more insight to develop. On February 18, 1918, he emigrated to France (Paris), and in March 1919 he moved to the USA. Before becoming known to many, he took temporary jobs and soon lectured on mathematics, astronomy, and aviation. Sikorsky then designed a twin-engine commercial airplane capable of carrying 12 to 15 passengers, the forerunner of the modern airliner. Sikorsky retired as engineering manager for his company in 1957 but remained active as a consultant until his death. He died at his home on October 26, 1972in Easton, Connecticut.

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Borys Yevhenovych Paton (born November 27, 1918) is the long-term chairman of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He was born in Kiev in the family of a famous scientist and founder of Paton Institute of Electric Welding, Professor Evgeny Oscarovich Paton. His mother was a housewife. In 1941, he completed Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and became an engineer. Paton joined the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on November 18, 1958 and is the first person to have been awarded the title of the Hero of Ukraine. He holds a doctoral degree in technical sciences and is known for his works in electric welding. Paton's father, Evgeny Paton, was also famous for his works in electric welding. The first welded bridge in Kiev, constructed under the supervision of Evgeny Paton, bears his name. In the early 1970s and 1980s Paton had advised the Soviet authorities not to build the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

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Mykola Amosov – one of the most famous heart surgeons in the world, a talented scientist, a founder of bio-cybernetics in Ukraine, and a widely recognized writer both in Ukraine and abroad. Mykola Mykhailovych was born on December 6, 1913, in Olkhovo village of the Vologda province. His mother, Elizaveta Kyrylivna was a local midwife. She was an honest woman, who never accepted presents from her patients, and a role model for the future famous surgeon who acted likewise. His father, a soldier in the First World War, returned from German captivity in 1919. Later, he left his family for another woman and Amosov never forgave him. Amosov finished elementary school in his native village. In 1926, he entered the "second level" school (Cherepovets middle school №1), and later the Lumber-mechanical technical college in Cherepovets. In 1932 he graduated with a Technician diploma, and spent 3 years working at the Arkhangelsk Power station as a mechanic. In 1935, he entered the Arkhanglelsk State Medical Institute, from where he graduated with excellence 4 years later.

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In November 1952, the family moved to Kyiv on a special invitation from A. S. Mamolat, director of the Kyiv Tuberculosis Institute. In 1955, Amosov founded and headed the department of chest surgery for doctors’ professional development. Amosov, who had been the deputy head of the clinic since 1968, became director of the newly established institute until 1989. Throughout its years of operation, the clinic created by the talented surgeon performed around 7,000 lung reductions, and over 95,000 cardiac defect surgeries, including 36,000 using a CPB pump. The scientist’s life ended on December 12, 2002. He died from an extensive myocardial infarction. As one of the most famous surgeons in the world, Amosov considered operating on the esophagus, lungs, and particularly the heart to be his life’s work. He always took up the scalpel at the threat of an impending death of a patient, oftentimes when nobody else would do so. He created a whole school of cardiac surgeons in Ukraine; he advised the defense of 35 Doctor’s and 85 Candidate’s Theses. A pioneer in cybernetic research in the USSR, Amosov developed directional models of the human organism, researched "artificial intelligence", and attempted to build an "optimal society" model. The scientist left behind around 400 scientific papers, including 20 treatises on cardiovascular diseases, suppurant diseases, and tuberculosis, as well as on various topics in physiological, sociological, and psychological cybernetics.

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The life of people suffering from diabetes is difficult and no one will argue with that. But Petro Bobonych, a scientist from Zakarpathia, found a way to make their lives much easier! He invented a glucometer (a device for measuring blood sugar) in the form of a wristwatch. With the help of this device, diabetics can know their blood sugar level at any time. You don't need to donate blood for this. Also, its glucometer can be used to inject insulin using an insulin pump, which is programmed through the glucometer-watch. Bobonych developed and patented attachments for mobile devices for measuring blood glucose concentration in diabetes patients. He is also the author of an optical tomograph for diagnosing diseases of the mammary gland in women. This device could make it possible to diagnose diseases without the use of X-rays, which are harmful to humans. Petro Bobonych

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Ivan Puluj was an Ukrainian physicist and inventor, who has been championed as an early developer of the use of X-rays for medical imaging. His contributions were largely neglected until the end of the 20th century. Puluj did heavy research into cathode rays, publishing several papers about those rays between 1880 and 1882. In 1881 as a result of experiments into what he called cold light Prof. Puluj developed the Puluj lamp.[6] Puluj experimented with his new device and published his results in a scientific paper, Luminous Electrical Matter and the Fourth State of Matter in the Notes of the Austrian Imperial Academy of Sciences (1880–1883), but expressed his ideas in an obscure manner using obsolete terminology. Puluj did gain some recognition when the work was translated and published as a book by the Royal Society in the UK. While Puluj's finding were essentially X-rays, he reported his results 6 weeks after Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen published his, and can not be credited with the discovery of X-rays. Puluj made many other discoveries as well. He is particularly noted[citation needed] for inventing a device for determining the mechanical equivalent of heat that was exhibited at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878. Puluj also participated in opening of several power plants in Austria-Hungary.

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The prominent surgeon, anatomist, scientist, humanist and teacher Mykola Ivanovych Pyrohov (1810 – 1881). Mykola was educated first at home and then in a private boarding school. At the age of fourteen, he persuaded a priest to “enlarge” his age for two years for some fee and passed an entrance examination very well. Then Mykola became a medical student at Moscow University. Pyrohov unlike most strictly specialized counterparts combined his experience and knowledge as a surgeon and anatomist very well. Before doing any operation on a living man, he practiced in details on a dead body. Due to this methodology thousands and thousands of lives were saved. Mykola Ivanovych invented some unusual surgical instrument, which had not been used abroad, an uproar about his philosophizing was made immediately But later an instrument, created by the scientist due to its convenience was practised on a large scale and replaced a traditional one. But the most dissatisfaction was caused by his extremely simple and reliable device for inhaling ether vapors for general anaesthetic during difficult operations. On February 14, 1847 Pyrohov performed his first operation using ether as an anaesthetic. During the heroic defense of Sevastopol, where Pyrohov was as a volunteer in 1854 , he was impressed by the high mortality of wounded men. The scientist canceled the “common queue” of easily and severely wounded and also infected patients; so he offered to sort them and as a result he arranged a process of medical aid providing at all stages. Personally examining victims, Pyrohov gave instructions where and when a particular soldier or officer would be hospitalized, which significantly reduced mortality and postoperational difficulties. During this period Pyrohov saved health or perhaps even life of 21-year-old Dmytro Ivanovych Mendeleev, who was appointed as a senior teacher of natural sciences in the gymnasium in Simferopol. Pyrohov immediately disproved Mendeleev’s diagnose of “tuberculosis” and quickly returned him to normal life. In 1862, Pyrohov saved a wounded leg for a national hero of Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi. All prominent surgeons of that period unanimously offered to amputate a leg, in the bone of which a bullet stuck in, and only Pirogov examined the wound carefully and rejected that proposal categorically. And then a miracle happened: on the twenty-fifth day of the patient’s lying the bullet approached the surface of the wound and was easily removed, and in a few days the wounded man could already walk.

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In July 2022, mathematician Prof. Maryna Viazovska received a Fields Medal, a prestigious honour often described as the ‘Nobel Prize of Mathematics’. The 37-year-old professor, who works at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, is the second woman to receive this prestigious award in the 86-year history of the prize. We spoke to her about academic freedom, her love of science, and its role in times of war in her homeland, Ukraine. Prof. Viazovska, born in Kyiv, Ukraine, was awarded the Fields Medal for her work on the sphere-packing problem. As she explains in a video posted on the International Mathematical Union You. Tube channel, sphere-packing formulas can be used to solve geometric questions such as how best to stack cannonballs in a ship or arrange oranges in a supermarket. Her formula shows the solution for this problem for spaces of 8 and 24 dimensions.

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