презентація school life 1 grade

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LESSON PLAN OUTLINEШкільне життя. Шкільні речі..............................
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Номер слайду 1

Шкільне життя. Шкільні речі.1 клас

Номер слайду 2

ЗАКАРПАТСЬКИЙ ІНСТИТУТ ПІСЛЯДИПЛОМНОЇ ПЕДАГОГІЧНОЇ ОСВІТИ    Випускна робота. Шкільне життя. Мій портфель  Слухачів курсів підвищення кваліфікації учителів англійської мови. Білоус Маріанни Іванівни,вчителя англійської мови Свалявської ЗОШ №3 І-ІІІ ступенів. Петкі Вікторії Золтанівнивчителя англійської мови Ужгородської СЗОШ №2 І-ІІІ ступенів. Керівники: Баяновська М. Р., доцент кафедри суспільно-гуманітарних та етико-естетичної освіти. Тріфан М. С., методист кабінету методики викладання суспільно-гуманітарних та художньо-естетичних дисциплін  Ужгород –2017 Lesson plan Тeacher: Bilous Marianna,Class/group 1 Date. Topic : School life Microtopic : My bag Objectives: at the end of the lesson children will be able to: -to operate with new wordsto use a question “What is this? Vocabulary : a rubber,a bag,a pencil case,a pen,a book. Grammar item : What is this?Materials to be used : a board,cards,a smart board,HO. Structure of the lesson. Step1: Greetings, organizing moment. T: Good morning, children. Ch: Good morning to you! Good morning to you! We are all in our places With sunshiny faces. Good morning to you! Good morning to you!T. Let’s find out”How are you today?”(Children use a ball and ask each other” How are you?” ,another pupil answers ”Fine,thank you.”)Step2: Representing the theme. T: Show me your shiny faces. Very well. I am so glad to see you happy today. Now look here and say what it is . Yes, I have brought you a bag. T: What is in the bag?Let’s have a look.(Teacher shows things:a pen,a pencil,a book…)T: So,the theme of today’s lesson is:”My bag”. Step3: Warm-up. A song about colours or use a PB” Get set go!” p.9-10(a song)Learn Colors with Crayons WOODEN FACE HAMMER XYLOPHONE For Toddlers Soccer Balls for Kids by King TV(You tube)Step4: Vocabulary. Presentation of new words by listening. Now,let’s listen to the Fairy who‘ll name all these school objects that are on my table.(Teacher presents new words, using a video from You tube “English for children . Starlight starter.”- the first part,children listen and repeat.)Practice . A team game. Now let’s divide the class into 2 teams and get the right thing from my table (there are some rubbers,pens,pencils,books)will get a point. Production. (Children take the picture and paint it.) Do the task on HOs. I’ll give you pictures of objects that we learned. Then I’ll say the word and you’ll take the right picture and paint it the colour you’ll hear. After the task they make up a sentence:”It is a…(red pencil)”. Step5: Physical activities . I see you are little tired? Yes? It`s time to relax. Stand up and sing our song:1,2,3, look at me!Hands up! Hands down!Hands on the hips! Sit down!Stand up! Hands to the sides. Bend left! Bend right!1,2,3, hop!1,2,3, stop! Step6: Grammara)Presentation of a question: What is this?Our fairy wats to tell us how to ask about the objects. So,let’s listen.(Children listen to the second part of a video from You tube:”English for children.” And complete the sentences.) b) Practice. A game .(PB”Get set go!p.8. in pairs)Let’s work by two. Let’s hiden our school objects under a scarf and try to guess what object is this using a question:”What is this?”c)Production. A dialogue.-Hello!-Hi!-Wha’s your name?-Name.-How old are you?-I’m 6.-What’s this?-It’s a red pen. Step7:a)Entertainment . A song. Children listen to the song(the third part of a video) and sing a song. Summing up.a)Doyou like the lesson? Do you remember school objects? Reserved activity : A song. Children listen to the song(the third part of a video) and sing a song.       Objectives: to learn and practise new lexical units;to stimulate speaking activities practising new vocabulary in the speech pattern ‘What’s this?’ ‘It’s a….’ Learning outcomes: at the end of the lesson children will be able to: identify and say 4 school objects;to use a question:”What is this?” Vocabulary a book,a pen,a pencil,a bag. Grammar item : “What is this?” “It is a…”

Номер слайду 3

Warm-up. “Hello” song

Номер слайду 4

Presentation of new material(work with flashcards) Students are going to learn the words:a book,a pen,a pencil,a bag. Before class, print off enough flashcard pictures of each of these words. Point and repeat them. Next give each student the same flashcards and have them lay the cards out in front of them. Touch one of your cards saying the word and have your students touch and repeat on their cards. Go through all of the cards.

Номер слайду 5

Practice of new material Play "What’s Missing?" Tell everyone to close and cover their eyes. Take away an item from the table and hide it behind your back. Then say "Open your eyes". Point to the missing space on the table and encourage everyone to shout out the missing item. Keep playing until you have practised every word. Play "Bring me the item" Pick up all of the items from the table and place them around the room. Then select a student and say "Bring me the (book)" – that student will have to stand up, locate the object and bring it to you (dropping into your bag).

Номер слайду 6

Match,draw and say

Номер слайду 7

Application of new material. Now repeat our new words and colours. Look at the blackboard and say in pairs: What’s this? It’s a pencil. It is red.

Номер слайду 8

Listen and colour: I am Sue. I have got a red book, a green pen, a blue bag and a pink pencil

Номер слайду 9

Summing up Do the "Colour" worksheet Give out the worksheets and have each student colour the star in. As students are working away, circulate and ask questions (e.g. What's this? What color is this?). Pupils say the words they’ve remembered.

Номер слайду 10

Reserve activity. Учням це найкращий друг: їм про все розкаже… BOOK . Англійською ми кожен день називаймо ручку… PEN . Я не брав до школи пензлі, а дістав з пеналу… PENCIL

Номер слайду 11

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Англійська мова, 1 клас, Презентації
14 січня 2024
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