3. Утвори порівняльний ступінь прикметників за допомогою — ег або mоге. Great, clean, sharp, attractive, famous, deep, dangerous, cold.
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4. Утвори найвищий ступінь прикметників за допомогою -еst або most. Interesting, long, helpless, large, active, amazing, comfortable, great, thin, brave.
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5. Порівняй дані предмети, поняття, людей і тварин. A dog and a puppy, (old, small) — A dog is older than a puppy. A puppy is smaller than a dog,
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A lesson and a break, (long, short, noisy)A clock and a watch, (large, small)
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An apple and a candy, (sweet,useful)
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A city and a town, (large, small)Winter and autumn, (warm, cold, rainy, frosty)
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6. Заповни пропуски. The White Shark is not as ... as the Tiger Shark. The Tiger Shark is ... than the White Shark. (dangerous)
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The Elephant Shark is not as ... as the Whale Shark, The Whale Shark is ... than the Elephant Shark. (big)
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The Indian Ocean is not as ... as the Pacific Ocean, The Pacific Ocean is ... than the Indian Ocean. (deep)
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7. Утвори форми вищого і найвищого ступеня слів у дужках і заповни пропуски. August is ___________ than February. (long)Nick is __________ boy in our class. (tall) English is __________ than Mathematics. (difficult)
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1) Physical Training is ___________ than Reading. (interesting)2) Kyiv is __________ city in Ukraine. (large)3) June is ________ than February. (warm)