Презентація з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему “My favourite kind of sport”

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Презентація з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему “My favourite kind of sport”
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

“My favourite kind of sport”

Номер слайду 2

Today we′ll: speak about different kinds of sport and about our favourite kinds of sport;learn new words;repeat some grammar rules; practice our speaking, reading, listening and writing skills;

Номер слайду 3

Learning outcomes:by the end of the lesson we will be able: to speak about different kinds of sport and about our favourite kinds of sport;to use some grammar rules;to practice our speaking, reading, listening and writing skills;

Номер слайду 4

Thousands of years ago ancient Greeks said:“A sound mind in a sound body”.

Номер слайду 5

So, this is the motto of our lesson! And what proverbs about sport and health in Ukrainian and in English do you know?

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

running swimming skating skiing boxing cycling skateboarding sailing climbing 

Номер слайду 8

I want to be healthy and strong!I want to be so cool and gay. And I play football every day. I can be healthy and polite. And I go swimming every night. I should be thin, I should be strong,And I play tennis very long. Let’s go! Let’s run! Let’s jump and play!And we’ll be healthy every day!

Номер слайду 9

Find and write down all words that mean:

Номер слайду 10

And now our homework. You had to repeat words that mean sport and read and translate words Ex 1 page 66. So, let us start......... Sailing, hockey, skating, long jump,horse riding, gymnastics, tennis,skiing, football, swimming, fencing,skateboarding, karate, high jump,running, volleyball, climbing. Lexical drill. Лексична зарядка. Now listen to the words. Clap your hands if you listen words about sport. 

Номер слайду 11

And now your new words: a match [ mætʃ ] - матчa net [ net ] – сіткаa goal [ ˈɡəʊl ] – голa goalkeeper [ ˈɡəʊlkiːpə ] - воротар a race [ reis ] - змаганняto kick [ kik ] – бити ногоюto roll [ rol ] – котитиto win a game – вигравати груto lose a match – програвати матч 

Номер слайду 12

And now find the meaning of such words: FOOTBALL=FOOT+BALLBASKETBALL=VOLLEYBALL=  

Номер слайду 13


Номер слайду 14


Номер слайду 15

Try to guess what kind of sport… needs a ballneeds using hands to playis played in winteris played in summerneeds a net

Номер слайду 16

Questions:1. Do you go in for sport?2. Do you do morning exercises?3. Do you go in for sport only at PT lessons?4. What is your favourite kind of sport?

Номер слайду 17

Name and write down the verbs on the blackboard.

Номер слайду 18

Name and write down the verbs on the blackboard.

Номер слайду 19

Номер слайду 20

Номер слайду 21

Номер слайду 22

Номер слайду 23

Let’s try to use this QR code!

Номер слайду 24

“True or false”. Read, translate and say if it is true or false. We shouldn’t wake up early every day. We should do morning exercises. We shouldn’t eat much fat products. We should eat 10 times a day. We shouldn’t run every morning. We shouldn’t jogging in the park with our friends. We should take part in sport competitions. We shouldn’t attend a swimming pool twice a week.

Номер слайду 25

Номер слайду 26

Go, Play, Do. Boys and girls! Itʹs good to know!With ending –ing we can use GO!Games with balls and chess we PLAY!For other sports is DO okey!

Номер слайду 27

And now complete the sentences. Use the verbs: to play, to do, to go. I ....... football every day. My sister ....... aerobics twice a week. We ....... swimming with our friends on Mondays. They ....... chess very often. My father ....... jogging every morning. In spring and summer I often ...... badminton with my friends. On weekends we always ....... cycling with our classmates. My aunt ....... fencing every evening.

Номер слайду 28

Make up sentences: favourite, My, is, sport, football. like, I, tennis, much, very. I, go, twice, week, a, swimming. attend, I, a, pool, swimming, Monday, every. helps, to, be, me, Tennis, strong, and, healthy. go, can, We, jogging, our, with, friends. games, Playing, help, look, us, to, wonderful. Skating, to, have, helps, us, a, good, time.

Номер слайду 29

YOUR HOMEWORK: Write about your favourite kind of sports using these sentences: My favourite kind of sports is… . It is very important for… . I want to be…. . I think that… . I attend…… . I should…. . I go (play, do)… every … (two times a week). I want to… (take part in…, win cups, medals…).

Номер слайду 30

What have you learnt at today′s lesson? What can you do now? What was interesting for you? I am able to….. Now I can……

Номер слайду 31

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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 грудня 2021
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