Презентація з теми "Professions"

Про матеріал
Цю презентацію можна використати для ознайомлення з темою "Professions" з метою вивчення нових ло та тренування використання Future Simple.Як приклад побудови речень у майбутньому часі.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Read the transcription of the following words ['fa:mə] ['prəugrжmə] ['draivə] ['saiəntist] ['ti:t∫ə] ['lo:jə] [di'zainə] [lai'breəriən] [nз:s] ['doktə]

Номер слайду 3

a lawyer [lo:jə]

Номер слайду 4

a vet [vet]

Номер слайду 5

a teacher [ti:t∫ə]

Номер слайду 6

a doctor [do:ktə]

Номер слайду 7

a policeman [‘pə’li:smən]

Номер слайду 8

a worker [‘w3:kə]

Номер слайду 9

a librarian [‘laibreəriən]

Номер слайду 10

a bodyguard [‘bodiga:d]

Номер слайду 11

a sailor [‘seilə]

Номер слайду 12

a computer programmer [‘kompju:tə ‘prəugrжmə]

Номер слайду 13

a pilot [‘pailət]

Номер слайду 14

a teacher [ti:t∫ə] a librarian [‘laibreəriən] a worker [‘wo:kə] a vet [vet] a computer programmer [‘kompju:tə ‘progra:mə] a lawyer [lo:jə] a pilot [‘pailət] a salor [‘seilə] a bodyguard [‘bodiga:d] a policeman [‘polismən] a doctor [do:ktə] учитель бібліотекар робітник ветеринар комп”ютерний програміст юрист пілот моряк охоронець поліцейський лікар

Номер слайду 15

Match the profession to its meaning Librarian Carries people by car Driver Gives us the book we need Computer programmer Treats our teeth Dentist Helps sick people in hospital Nurse Works with computers Lawyer Grows fruit and vegetables Farmer Knows many laws Housewife Treats sick people Doctor Helps people to buy food and clothes Shop-assistant Does not work, takes care of the house and the baby

Номер слайду 16

Formation of the Future Simple Tense Допоміжне дієслово Will/Shall + основне дієслово Показники часу: tomorrow, in 10 days, the next year/month/week. He will go to Spain the next year. I shall cook dinner tomorrow. You will cook dinner tomorrow. She/he/it will cook dinner tomorrow. We shall cook dinner tomorrow. You will cook dinner tomorrow. They will cook dinner tomorrow

Номер слайду 17

Make up and write down 5 sentences as in the example, using the names of professions. Change the underlined words. Example: In 15 years I will be a doctor. In 10 years Mary will be a computer programmer.

Номер слайду 18

Answer the questions in a written form. You can choose several variants. What will a classroom be like? 4. What will people eat and drink? a) pupils, a teacher and a computer a) pizza b) pupils and a robot teacher b) space milk c) a pupil at home with a computer c) star hamburgers 2. What will children learn? d) space fruit a) English 5. What sport will children play? b) Mathematics a) tennis c) the history and Geography of space b) moon badminton d) space cooking c) star skating 3. Where will people live? d) space chess a) in houses 6. What transport will be there? b) in spaceships a) bicycles c) under water b) buses d) on the Moon c) cars d) spaceships

Номер слайду 19

Read the text. Mark the sentences with true (+) or false (-) a. m. [ei em] – до опівдня, у ранковий час p. m. [pi: em] – після опівдня magazines [mжgə'zi:nz] – журнали polite [pə'lait] – ввічливий necessary ['nesəsri] – необхідний important [im'po:tnt] – важливий I’m Sara Clifford. I live in Bath. I work from 9.00 in the morning till 6 in the evening. I shall not work at weekends and on holidays. There are a lot of different books, newspapers and magazines at my work place. I shall work both with books and people. And I shall always be friendly and polite. I’ll help people to find necessary books and magazines. I love my job. I think it’s very important. Sara lives in Australia. She will work on holidays. Sara will work with people. Sara helps people. Sara’s job is not very important.

2 липня 2022
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