Protection of the environment

Про матеріал
Презентація до уроку "Protection of the environment" для учнів 9 класу за підручником О.Карп'юк. План уроку, посилання на відео, завдання - все необхідне ви знайдете в презентації. Дякую за увагу!
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

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Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

Номер слайду 13

Номер слайду 14

Номер слайду 15

Номер слайду 16

Номер слайду 17

Номер слайду 18

Номер слайду 19

Номер слайду 20

Make up sentences 1. or/ reuse/ recycle/must/ we/ waste2. make/ we/ of/ leaves/ the/ fire/ mustn’t.3. rear/ we/ kill/ shouldn’t/ for/ animals/food.4.throw/ we/ shouldn’t/ litter/ the streets,/ into/parks,/woods.5. plant/ trees/ and/we/should/ bushes.6. should/ the/solar/we/use/ wind/water/energy/and.

Номер слайду 21

 1. We must recycle or reuse waste.2. We mustn’t make fire of the leaves.3. We shouldn’t kill rare animals for food.4. We shouldn’t throw litter into the streets, parks, woods.5. We should plants trees and bushes.6. We should use the solar, wind and water energy.

Номер слайду 22

Fill the gaps with the words: cultivate, open, planet, both, save, turn off, running, switch off ,leave. You can do a lot to ___________ the environment. Please, remember to __________the TV when you are not watching it. Don`t forget to ________the light when you leave the room. Don`t leave the refrigerator door______. Draw and colour on ________sides of paper. Don`t _____ the water when you brush your teeth.________plants, plants are the lungs of our _______

Номер слайду 23

1. You can do a lot to save the environment.2. Please, remember to turn off the TV when you are not watching it.3. Don`t forget to switch off the light when you leave the room. 4. Don`t leave the refrigerator door open.5. Draw and colour on both sides of paper.6. Don`t leave the water when you brush your teeth.7. Cutivate plants, plants are the lungs of our planet.

Номер слайду 24

If + Present Simple,will + V (1)(infinitive) 1. If I study today, I’ll go to the cinema.2. If she comes to school,we’ll congratulate her..

Номер слайду 25

Номер слайду 26

Номер слайду 27

Захист навколишнього середовища. Мета:1. Закріпити знання ЛО з теми.2. Розвивати уміння вживати вивчені граматичні структури в писемному мовленні ( умовні речення 1типу, must, mustn`t, should, shouldn`t)3. Практикувати учнів у виконанні комунікативних проблемних завдань з елементами аналізу та самоаналізу4. Удосконалювати навички читання і аудіювання.5. Виховувати Тип уроку: закріплення з.у.н.

Номер слайду 28

Хід уроку: Організація класу. Вступна бесіда. Поставлення мети уроку. Т: Dear guest and pupils!Of course, all of us want to live in a beautiful, safe and healthy world. And we are aware how important the problem of keeping environment is. We have already learnt about environmental pollution at our lessons and today the pupils of the 9th form have gathered to discuss and try to solve some aspects of this theme. Перегляд відеокліпу №1. Cxu988s&t=28s Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. The Earth Hello! I’m your planet. I have come to you to ask for your help. I give you air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat. There are flowers in the fields, they are so pretty. There are birds and animals in the forests and parks. Enjoy everything! But now I’m so unhappy. Help me, please. Look, the fish are dying in my seas. Can you help me? Who will help me?Look, the factories put chemicals into the air!There are many nuclear power stations. I’m afraid of them. Many people are ill. They are dying because of pollution. Help me!(video 2) HMKpt. M

Номер слайду 29

2. Мовленнєва розминка. Teacher : We shall be your helpers. We help you with these problems. Let’s discuss what does the word “environment “ mean?Pupils the word “environment” means what is around us: air, water and land in which people, animals and plants live. T: What does this indicate?P: This logo indicates the item is made from recycled materials. T: What can you say about this sign?P: This logo indicates that the item can be recycled. Teacher: Our pupils are divided into two teams and each team has got the task. Read the definitions of the words to each other and try to guess the words 

Номер слайду 30

Garbage - It`s rubbish, waste or other things we throw away. Pollution - It`s the process of making our environment dirty and unhealthy for living,Energy - It can come from nuclear, electrical, solar or wind power. Fumes – Harmful gas or smoke from cars or factories. The Earth – It`s our planet. Rainforest – It`s a thick forest in tropical parts of the world. Nuclear testing – They are experiments with nuclear weapons. Environmental problems – We have so many of them, like air, water and land pollution. Ecology – It`s the science that studies the relations of plants, animals and people to each other and to their environment. Greenhouse gases – Gases that form a layer around the Earth and keep the heat in. Global warming – General increase in the temperature of the world caused by pollution from cars or factories. The ozone layer – a layer of natural gases around the Earth. Deforestation – A situation, in which trees in an area cut down. Endangered species – Types of plants or animals that disappear as a result of pollution or hunting. Toxic waste - Waste material that can be harmful or deadly to living creatures and the environment. Acid rain – Rain that contains pollutions from factories, power stations … Pecticides – Chemicals that are used for killing insects that attack crops.

Номер слайду 31

T: Now do the crosswords. LISTENING (video 3) SPWjqp7g. C0 Listening (додаток)A: How many kinds of pollution are there?B: There are many types of pollution: land, water, noise, air, light, thermal pollution. A: What type of pollution is very popular in your country?B: The most popular is water pollution, I guess. A: Have you ever littered?B: Yes, I have, but when I was taught the lesson of protecting Mother Nature , I quit littering. A: What can you do help to prevent of pollution?B: Reduse and reuse whatever I can to eliminate the amount of waste is what I can do to prevent pollution. A: What does the government do to encourage people to protect the environment?B: They organize some campaigns to raise the awareness of people. Everything should start from education. A: Are people in your country aware of the environmental issues?B: Yes, they are. They care about what happens to the environment around them. A: Is there any law to force people to protect the environment?B: The environment law states punishment to people doing harm to the environment. Do the task : true or false.1. There are three types of pollution.2. She has littered.3. Water pollution isn’t the most popular.4. She can recycle to prevent pollution.5. The government educate people how to protect the environment.6. There aren’t any laws to force people to protect the nature.  

Номер слайду 32

T: Let`s imagine that we are representatives of the one of the most known international organization called “Green Peace”. What do we have to tell about? Our representatives are …. P: Our organization was founded in 1970 for protecting the ecology of our planet. And humanity has many environmental problems now. We prepared the report for you. P, (презентація)P: p.147-148; Karpiuk , 9th form. P: p.160;1. The African elephant is killed for its tusks.2. Panda is endangered by the disappearance of bamboo.3. Rhinos are hunted for their horns.4. Sea turtles are caught for their shell and meat.5. Ivory tasks are used for making jewellery.6. Rhino horn is used as a medicine.7. Many animals are killed for sport.8. A large number of plants are destroyed. And air, water and land pollution is very dangerous for living beings. Harmful fumes, toxic waste, pesticides, acid rains pollute our surrounding. Earth is our home and we must take care of it. T: Thanks our reporters.

Номер слайду 33

READING ( додаток)Every year more plants and animals disappear. In many lakes fish are dying. Fishermen are worried because every year there are fewer fish and some lakes have no fish at all. Scientists are beginning to get worried too. What is killing the fish?The problem is acid rains. Acid rain is a kind of air pollution. It is caused by factories of that burn coal, or oil, or gas. These factories send smoke high into the air. The wind often carries the smoke far from factories. Some of the harmful substances in the smoke may come with the rain hundreds of miles away.8. Етап – власне читання тексту. Читання тексту учнями вголос та переклад9. Контроль сприймання прочитаного. (Додаток №2)So you have a test paper, read the sentences and choose the right answer a, b or c

Номер слайду 34

Виконання тестів за текстом. This text is about…Fishing. Acid rains. Air pollution. Every year thousands of species of animals…Are hunted for the meat. Fly away to different countries. Die out. Acid rains is caused by…Natural gas. Dust. Smoke send by factories. Factory smoke. Stays over the factories. Is usually clean now. Can travel hundreds of miles. Some lakes have no fish at all because…People kill the fish. Fish can’t live in the polluted water. The water is too salty there. Scientists…Are sure that acid rains are not harmful for animals and plants. Are beginning to get worried. Pay attention to the problem Share your work and check each other T: Do the ex ( from the screen) 

Номер слайду 35

Make up sentences 1. or/ reuse/ recycle/must/ we/ waste2. make/ we/ of/ leaves/ the/ fire/ mustn’t.3. rear/ we/ kill/ shouldn’/ for/ animals/food.4.throw/ we/ shouldn’t/ litter/ the street,/ into/parks,/woods.5. plant/ trees/ and/we/should/ bushes.6. should/ the/solar/we/use/ wind/water/energy/and. Fill the gaps with the words: cultivate, open, planet, both, save, turn off, running, switch off You can do a lot to ___________ the environment. Please, remember to __________the TV when you are not watching it. Don`t forget to ________the light when you leave the room. Don`t leave the refrigerator door______. Draw and colour on ________sides of paper. Don`t leave the water when you brush your teeth.________plants, plants are the lungs of our _______ 

Номер слайду 36

T: Now let’s think and make up sentences about how we can protect our environment. Do the task in groups. Make up sentences , read and translate them. Revise the 1st conditionals. Look at the screen, you can see the rule of the 1 st conditionals. 1. If you don’t litter it will be cleaner around you.2. If we reuse things we’ll save our resourses.3. If people clean after picnics they’ll protect nature .4. If people recycle old magazines and books they’ll save trees from cutting.5. If you turn the lights when you leave a room you’ll reduse the use of electricity.6. If people stop killing rare animals they’ll save endangered species.7. If people don’t take a baths and don’t leave the water running while brushing teeth they’ll save water.8. If factories , plants and cars stop pollute air people will have less breathing problems. Pupils read and translate. Making projects. Pupils go out before class and present their projects. Summing up the projects.

Номер слайду 37

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 лютого
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