Урок №
Клас: 4
Тема: У магазині
Очікувані результати: на кінець уроку учні вміють називати упаковки харчових продуктів.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Обладнання: зошит, словник, підручник, робочий зошит, дидактичний матеріал.
Підручник: Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова. 4 клас.
Робочий зошит: Косован О. Англійська мова. Робочий зошит для 4 класу.
Хід уроку
І Початок уроку
T.: Today we are going to continue our talking about food. And we’ll learn the packaging of food.
Ex. 4, p. 68
A teacher checks homework and corrects mistakes.
Mind map “Food groups” (HO1)
Students write a list of products to every group.
ІІ Основна частина уроку
Countable/Uncountable (HO2, HO3, HO4, HO5, HO6, HO7, HO8, HO9, HO10, HO11, HO12, HO13, HO14, HO15, HO16)
Before the lesson a teacher sticks flashcards of food and students need to divide these flashcards in 2 groups: countable and uncountable.
T.: We can say: ≪one apple≫ or ≪two chickens≫. But can we say ≪one water≫ or ≪two oils≫? No, we can’t say so because they are uncountable — we can’t count them. We usually pack these things in bottles, bags, cans etc. You can see those packages in exercise 1 on page 69.
Now point and repeat.
(on the back side of the blackboard)
B_r, p_ck, b_ttl_, c_rt_n, j_r, b_g
Students write missed letters.
T.: Stick the packages with food.
Before the lesson a teacher prepare the table with food in different packages (flour, jam, macaroni, rice, sugar, butter, etc.) and flashcards with names of packages. Students need to stick a particular flashcard to correct food item.
Students do the exercise in their workbooks.
A teacher shows pictures with wrong names of packages on the screen. Students need to correct every mistake. (HO17, HO18, HO19, HO20, HO21, Ho22, HO23, HO24)
Students sing a song and do actions.
T.: Look at the ex. 4 on p. 70. Who can you see there? Where are they? What is the boy doing?
Students answer.
Ex. 4, p. 70
Two students read a dialogue.
T.: What does Bill need to buy? How much does it cost?
Students answer.
Fill in the gaps and act out a dialogue
Shop assistant: Can I ________________you?
You: I need _____________________________
Shop assistant: That’s __________________ pounds.
You: Here you _________. ____________ you.
Students work in pairs. Every pair gets a set of British money (HO25, HO26) and a card with a dialogue. Students need to complete the dialogue and using a table with food (p. 2.3) act this dialogue out.
ІІІ Заключна частина уроку
T: Today you’ve leaned about some traditional English food. Don’t you think the getting knowledge can help you in your real life?
Учитель прикріплює на дошку зображення дерева.
T: Look at your desks. Each of you have got three apples – red, yellow and green one (HO27, HO28, HO29). If you took part in all activities and did everything correct, put a green apple on the tree. If you only helped sometimes and didn’t understand everything, put a yellow apple on the tree. If you didn’t understand and didn’t remember anything, put a red one.
Students stick their “apples”
Ex.2, 3, p. 25 (WB)