КЗ «Навчально – виховний комплекс «Криворізька спеціалізована школа I – III ступенів
із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов – дошкільний навчальний заклад»
Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови
Вчитель: Ю.Олару
Hello, everybody! We are happy to welcome you all to our English marathon races. We are pleased to meet the teacher’s of different schools of our districts. We have two teams… They are to pass successfully a number of tasks. Then according to their results we will define the winner, that’s the best and the smartest team. To cope with this task we have a commission of strict jury consisting of …
Veni, vidi, vici. Every intellectual person should know these words of wisdom. Guy Julius Ceaser once said them. He used them in order to inform Rome about his victory. If we translate Latin words into English it will sound like “Came, saw and won”.
And today we’ll try to do it. Be enthusiastic, initiative and high-minded and you are sure to cross your Rubicon. Good luck!
Teams presentation
-Now let’s have a look at our participants – each team is supposed to have their particular features – I mean the name and the motto. So, let’s get acquainted with them.
Team 1 – you are welcome!
Team 2 – you are welcome!
To check up your knowledge about sport I’ll ask you questions and you should answer them. One correct answer is a point. Get, set, go!
T: Listen to the descriptions of the sports and try to guess what kind of sport is it.
10) A place where boys and girls go in for sports… (gymnasium)
Missing Letters
T: So, you see, you are clever, now let’s check how you can organize the work in teams. You must run to the table with a task on it with a ball between legs and to write the the missing letter ( one for each member). One correct answer is a point. Get, set, go!
Настав час перевірити, як капітани можуть організувати роботу у своїх командах. Тримаючи м’яч ногами, вам треба дістатися до столу із завданням та вставити пропущені літери.
(sw…mming, tenni…, winds…rfing, f…tball, k…rate, a…robics, volle…ball, basketb…ll, j…do, cy…ling, s…ateboar…ing, at…letics)
Magic Square
T: You have to take a hoop and run in it to the table and do a task. You have to find 12 sports on the word square and to cross them out.
T: Find 12 sports here.
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Guess a crossword
T: You have to jump with a skipping rope to the table and guess a crossword.
Guess and write down the missing letters
T: You have to jump in the bag inside to the table and do a task. You have to Guess and write down the missing letters according to the pictures.
Unscrambled Words
T: Throwing the ball with tennis racket run to the table, do the task and come back quickly. You have to unscramble the words and to write them down.
g,n,m,i ,s,w,m,i
Understand me
T: It’s a famous kind of a competition and four members of each team can try their abilities in miming. Take a card with a word on it and mime it to another team. Their task is to recognize the word correctly. For each correct word you’d get a point.
1. football 1. swimming
2. tennis 2. karate
3. figure skating 3.car racing
4. running 4. basketball
- Наступний конкурс називається «Зрозумій мене». Для участі запрошуються по чотири учасники від команд. Їхнє завдання мімікою та жестами показати слово на картці. Команда суперник повинна відгадати.
Now we have finished all the tasks and its time to announce the winner. According to the scores and juries decision we can congratulate the team …..with the victory and present them with golden medals “ The best English learner”. And the next team also receives silver medals “ Good English learner”.
Thank you both teams for the participation. Good bye!