Reading Juice for kids 2.

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Extensive reading. Interesting texts and exercises for curious kids. Develop reading skills.
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Nor-Ficf•ion Pendina in Science and Socidl




Created by THE LAB Education Research Center


                                  4 About Reading Juice for Kids Series                   image

imageUnit 1 Why Onions Make You Cry image

Unit 2 How Long is the Great Wåll of China?

Unit 3 An Ant Farm image

Unit 4 Animal Shelters image

22 Vocabulary Check 1

imageimage24 Unit 5 The Milky Way image

28 Unit 6 Leaves and Needles image

32 Unit 7 A Sound Player image

36 unit d A Winter Carnival

40 Vocabulary Check 2


Unit 9

Smelly Spray image


Unit 10

Dinosaurs in the Rock


unit 1 1

Washoe's Words


unit 12

History of Ice Skates

imageimageimageimage58 Vocabulary Check 3

imageimage60 Unit 13 The New Soil image

64 Unit 14 Cars for Clean Air image

68 Unit 1 5 Out of the Dark image

72 Unit IG White as Snow image

76 Vocabulary Check 4


About Reading Juice for Kids Series

imagewritten non-fietic

to prediet the main idea Of the passage Bilh their print knowledge about the topic,

image introduees the key words of the passage with lislening practice. The English definition of each word appears in the Glossary on page 78.

Build Vocabulary imagethe meaning oftheEeywordSin various contexts with questions in test format.


Check Comprehension prepares students

to get familiar with test format questions as we" as confirms students' understanding of the passage,

Organize Information

helpsstudents to and summariæe the knowledge they obtained through reading.


Get Ready

l. What makes you cry?

test   sad movie dentist  roller coaster

beautiful music ghost house

Listen and repeat,


sting gas break      cell

goggles refrigerator


Your mother is crying in the kitchen, Is she sod? No. She is cutting an onion! The onion is making her cry. Why?


An onion is made up of many cells. When you cut an onion, the cells break open. Then, a gas comes out of the cells. You cannot see the gas, but it stings your eyes. Your eyes do not like the gas, They are trying to wash it away with tears. So you cry!

What can you do? Put the onion in the refrigerator. or cook the onion first. Now, cut it, See? You do not cry, If you are in a hurry, here is another idea, Wear goggles!


Check Compre ension B

Choose the correct answers.

1. The passage is mainly about imageo why you cry while eating onions o why you cry while cutting onions

2, A gas comes out of


                      onion cells                                     onion skins

     3. Put onions in the                             before cutting.


                     refrigerator                                      dark box

Check the correct answers.

True False

image4. The color of the onion gas is yellow.

5, Your tears wash away the onion gas.

Build Vocabulary image

imageComplete the sentences.




1. Put on yourimagewhen you ski.


imageimageimageimageimageimageimage2, There is a strong smell ofimagein the kitchen.

3. If soap gets into the eyes, itimage

Organize Information CCCimage

image Complete the graphic organizer.


• Onion cells imageopen.


  Onion cells make aggs,

  The gasimageyour


image break


a stings


image• Cut an onion.


Get Ready

I . What do you know about the Great Wall of China? True False


Look around your house. The walls protect yoo from many things, They protect you from wind and rain. They protect you from your enemies. They keep you safe.


Many years ago, an emperor in China wonted to protect his country. So the emperor decided to build a wall—a very big and long wall. It took hundreds of years to build the wall, The wall is called "The Great Wall of China." It became the longest wall in the world, It is about 2,400 kilometers long. It takes one month to walk the wall!

Today, the Great Wall of China is not used to protect


Check Compre enslonimage

Choose the correct answers.

image , The passage is mainly aboutimage

O the treasure of the Great Wall of China

O the history Of the Great Wall of China

2.                                                                       protect you from wind, rain, and enemies.


                            Walls                                          Mountains

3.                                                                       It takes        to walk the Great Wall of China,


                      one month                                     one year

Check the correct answers.

True False

4.                                                                       The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world,

5.                                                                       The Great Wall of China still protects China.


Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.




l. The soldiers won the battle. Theirimageran away.

2.   The mother birdthe baby birds from snakes.


3.   imageManyruled the Roman empire. Organize Information image


imageimageimageimageimageComplete the graphic organizer.

imageThe Great Wall Of Chinaimage


An imagein China decided to build it,


It was built toimageChina,

How many years

It took hundreds of years to build it.

How long

It is aboutimagelong.

image 2, 400 kilometers emperor a hundreds ofyears a protect

Get Ready

1. What are the wordsfor anis?


Ants are good at making tunnels. You can watch ants' imagetunnels in your room.

First, get a large, clear jar.

Next, fill the jar with earth.

Then, dig up an ant nest outside, Get the ants. Put them in the jar.

Next, place a piece of damp paper on the earth. Add some scraps of cheese or fruit. Ants need water and food, Last, cover the jar with c piece of cloth. Hold the cloth with a rubber band. The ants cannot get out.


Now, it's time to watch!



Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

1 The passage is mainly about imageimage how to make an ant farm o where to find an ant farm

2.  The ants in the jar can get       from damp paper.


                          paper                                             water

3.  Ants are good at making


                         bridges                                          tunnels

Check the correct answers.

True False

4, Ants eat cheese and fruit.

5. You can dig up the earth to find ants,


Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.


I Tim is sitting in theimageof the table.

2.  MY dog likes to    imagea hole in a secret place.

3.  Mom moved my computer andimageit in her room. Organize Information CCC


Complete the graphic organizer.

How io Make an Ant Farm

First, get large, clearimage

Second,imagethe jar with earth.

Third, put in the ants,

Last, cover the jar withimage

fill cloth jar  ants



l. What do you do to take care of your dog?

give food        play together brush its teeth take a walk        give a bath    comb its hair


Animal- shelberS-


Many cats and dogs live on the streets. They do not have homes. Nobody feeds them. Some are sick. Some are old. They are called stray animals.

People bring stray animals to animal shelters. Animal shelters are homes for homeless animals. Stray animals get food and water there. They also get baths. They are safe in the shelter.

But animal shelters are small. They cannot take every imagestray animal. So the animals need to find a new home.


Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

I The passage is mainly about imageo homes for stray animals o new animal friends

2. Stray animals live


                                in a cage                                             on the street

         3, Stray animals get                       in the shelter,


                           training                                            baths

Check the correct answers.

True False

4.   Animal shelters can take every stray animal.

5.   People can take dogs from animal shelters.



Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.


I Can I go to the hospital toimageGrandma?

2.  Homeless people need aimageto be warm in winter,

3.  I want to take a photo. Please, imageyour camera. Organize Information image

Complete the graphic organizer.




a Animals

animal friends


Vcabulary Check I


Match the pictures with the words.


image                              2. image                                            • O jar

                   3, image                                  tunnel

Match the words with the similar meanings.

                  image.emperor •                                      • o make full

2.  fillimageking

3.  placeimageput

22                                    image

imageChoose the correct answers.

l . Watch out! Bees canimageyou, O smell      o sting

2, Son cream conimageyour skin from the sun.

          image protect                              o attack

3. Don'timagefood to the library.

          o bring                                   o eat

imageComplete the dialogue.






Get Ready

l, What are in the universe?





Look up at the sky at night. There are many bright stars in the sky. Those stars are part of our galaxy.

A galaxy is a collection of stars, dust, and gas. There are over 200 billion stars in our galaxy, At night, the stars look like white jewels. They look as white as milk. So our galaxy is called the Milky Way.

imageThe Milky Way is round and looks like a big watch. It moves like a wheel. It takes

200 million years to make one circle!

Check Comprehension SD'

imageChoose the correct answers.

1.  The passage is mainly about the Milky Way,image

                o the biggest star                         o our galaxy

2.  The Milky Way got its name because it is


                     as white as milk                                 a long way

3, The Milky Way moves like


                       a watch                                  o wheel

Check the correct answers.

True False

4. There are over 200 billion stars in the Milky Way.

5, We are in the Milky Way.


Build Vocabulary image

imageComplete the sentences.




l . A million has six zeros. Aimage has nine zeros.

2.  I have the full imageof the Harry Potter books.

3.  Dad bought a ring with a bigimagefor Morn.

imageimageOrganize Information image

What it is

It is a collection of

dust, and gas.

How it looks

It looks like aimage


How it moves

It makes a


imageimageimageimageComplete the graphic organizer.


image Galaxy  circle a watch      Stars




l. What are the words for trees?





There are many kinds of trees. But they can all be put into two groups.

One group of trees has long, thin leaves. These are called needles, Pine trees have needles. The other group has flat leaves. Flat leaves cre wide. Maple trees have flat leaves.

Trees with needles ore called evergreens, The needles are strong. Evergreens can keep the needles during winter, The needles stay green all year long.

Trees with flat leaves are called broadleaf trees, Their leaves are not strong, They fall off in autumn.

All trees use leaves to make food. Evergreens and broadleaf trees may look different. But they both need leaves to live.


Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

imagel , The passage is mainly about image trees with different leaves o trees in different seasons

imageimagecan stay green in winter.

pine tree

3. Flat leaves ore

maple tree

Oimage oimage

                         narrow                                             wide

imageCheck the correct answers.

True False

4.  Trees use leaves to make water.

5.  Broadleaves are stronger thon needles.

Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.


l . Broccoli is in the cabbageimage

2.  imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageMy dad carried me on hisimageshoulders,

3.  imageI cannot ride my bike, It has a      tire. Organize Informationimage

Complete the graphic organizer.

Broadledf Trees vs Evergreens





a leaves

a flat



Get Ready

1. Where have you heard an echo?



You climb a mountain. You reach the top. You yell in a loud voice: "Yahoo!" A few seconds later, you hear a sound: "Yahoo." It is an echo. So what causes an echo?

Sounds travel like waves in the air. A sound hits something, It may be wall or a mountain. Then, the sound bounces back. The bouncing sound is an echo. Imagine you throw a ball against a wall. The ball hits the wall, Then, it bounces back to you, So an echo is like a bouncing ball.

imageIt is a sound bouncing back. Shout loudly: "Yahoo!"


You are a sound player.

You are throwing sounds against a mountain!


Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

I . The passage is mainly aboutimage

O how to find an echo o how an echo is made

2. Sounds move like


                       waves                                          waterfalls

3 An echo is like a


                 bouncing boll                                bowling boll

Check the correct answers.

True False

4.   When the sound hits the wall, it gets louder,

5.   Weak sounds make better echoes.

Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.


I . I am good ata basketball.


2. Mother told me not toimageat my sister.

3, Be careful! Gas canimagebig fire.



Organize Information C.é)image

Complete the graphic organizer.

image Cause Effect image peopleimage

  The sound travelsimage        Echo

  The sound hj_ts something.

  The sound


hits  bounces back a in the air     yell



Get Ready

I What are the words for winter and carnival?


Wintertime is lots of fun! There are many things to do.

You con make a snowman, You can ski or go sledding,

Quebec City in Canada has Winter Carnival every year. At the carnival, you can meet 'Bonhomme,' the big snowman. He is the carnival mascot. He welcomes everyone with a big smile.


There are many fun things to do at the carnival. You can watch the dogsled races. The dogs poll a sled and run a course, It is fast and exciting, In the evening, you can watch the night parade. You can enjoy music cnd dancing at the night parade.

Quebec's Winter Carnival is an exciting event. It celebrates fun. And it celebrates winter.


Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

I . The passage is mainly about imageo celebrating Winter Carnival o the dogsled race in Winter Carnival

2.  Bonhomme is a big


                  snowman                                         parade

3.  You can watch the parade in the


                    daytime                                         evening

Check the correct answers.

True False

4.  imageQuebec's Winter Carnival takes place every other year.

5 Winter Carnival celebrates fun and night.


Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.


I . My teamimagethe victory after the game.

2. The parade was the highlight of theimage

3, The imageof a marathon is 42 kilometers long. Organize Information image

Complete the graphic organizer.

Fun Things to Do at Quebec's Winter Carnival

    The mascot                  Parade



Bonhomme    • night parade


people                        imageand dancing

image welcomes

Dogsled Race


Dogsled Race

   a sled race imageby dogs

   fast and exciting

music pulled


Vocabulary Check 2


Match the pictures with the words.



            2. image                                  jewel


Match the words with the similar meanings.

image . broadimagegroup

2.   collectionimagestraight and even

3.   flatimagewideimage

imageChoose the correct answers.

    image. It is hard to  imagea ball in the water.

         O climb                                       bounce

2, Many carsimageheavy traffic on the road.

         o happen                                  cause

3. I know the answer to the question. You do not imageto tell me.

imageo want o need Complete the dialogue.

imageA: Have you heard about the food fight in Spain?

B: No. What is it about?

         A : people                     tomatoes to each other.

B: You mean like a snowball fight? That sounds fun!

A: There are also parades, fireworks, and music to tomato.





I. What smells good and what smells bad?



Skunks are known for their bad smell, But they do not always smell bad.

Skunks are usually clean and friendly. But if you make them angry or scared, they spray a bad smell! Skunks have two special pockets under their tails. Each pocket is filled with a smelly liquid.

Before spraying, a skunk stamps its feet. Then, it raises its tail. After that, the skunk will shoot out the smelly liquid. The spray is very strong and smelly. If it gets into an animal's eye, the animal cannot see for a while.

Never make a skunk angry or scared. If a skunk raises its tail, start running fast!


Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

I The passage is mainly about imageimage skunks' feelings O skunks' smell

2.   Skunks smell when they are


                             crazy                                             scared

3.   Skunks' pockets are under the


                                tail                                                 head

Check the correct answers.

True False

4.   A skunk's spray makes other animals not see.

5, A skunk's pocket is filled with smelly gas,

Build Vocabularyimage


I . People clap their hands and image their feet at the parade.

2.  My little brother does not like to takeimagemedicine.

3.  imageHorror movies make me feelimage

Organize Information image

imageComplete the graphic organizer,

An Angry Skunk

                          First, it                                   its feet.


image                          Then. it                           its tail

At last, itthe smelly spray.


shoots out

image stamps

a Angry

a raises



Get Ready

imageTrue False


Dinosaurs lived many years ago. We cannot meet them. But we can learn about them through fossils, Fossils ore special rocks,

First, a dinosaur dies.

Then, mud or sand covers its bones, teeth, or footprints.

Next, the mud or sand becomes hard.

After many years, the bones finally become a rock. This is a fossil. You can see the bone shapes in the rock!

Fossils help us learn about dinosaurs, We learn when dinosaurs lived, We learn where they lived. We even learn imagehow sharp dinosaurs' teeth were.


Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

image , The passage is mainly about imageo how fossils are made O how dinosaurs lived

        2. Fossils are special                  with shapes.


                             rocks                                              bones

         3, Bones, teeth, or                       can become fossils.


                                footprints                                                     hair

Check the correct answers.

True False

4. After several years, the bones become fossils.

5, Through fossils, we can learn where dinosaurs lived.


Build Vocabulary image

imageComplete the sentences.


I . Wolves haveimageteeth.

2. Lava cools and becomes a hardimage

3, It snowed a lot last night andimagethe whole town. Organize Information image

Complete the graphic organizer.

How Fossils are Formed image

First, the dinosaur


Next, mud or sandthe bones.


        image      Then, the mud and sand getsimage

Finally, the bones become a rock.

a rock

image hard


a dies

Unit         image

Washoe•s Wordsimage


Get Ready

        1. What do you know about chimpanzees?                True False


Wasioe•s WordS

A special chimpanzee died in 2007. Her name was


Washoe was born in Africa. 10 months later, Washoe was moved to America. Wdshoe had human parents, They studied chimpanzees, They believed chimpanzees could learn sign language. And they were right. Washoe learned 1 30 signs using her hands.

Washoe liked people's shoes. Washoe signed the word for "show me," That meant she wanted to see people's shoes. Another time, Washoe saw a swan. She made the sign for "water" and "bird" She knew a swan was a water bird.

Many people still do not believe that chimpanzees can learn. But Washoe showed that she could learn signs. She will be remembered as a special chimpanzee,



Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

l . The passage is mainly about imageo a chimpanzee in danger o a smart chimpanzee

2.  Washoe used her   to communicate with people.


                     hands                                           mouth

3.  "Show me" was Washoe'S sign for oimage

                     swans                                             shoes

Check the correct answers.

True False 4, Washoe was an African chimpanzee.

S. Washoe was special because she could learn.

Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.

          sign language          believed         remember

I - Nobodyimagethat I saw a UFO.image

2, Deaf people useimageto communicate with others.

3. I will alwaysimagemy first day in school



Organize Information (Dtp

Complete the graphic organizer.image


         Washoe was c                         chimpanzee.


  She had human parents.

  She learnedimage

  She showed that chimpanzees couldimage


image special

a human parents

sign language



Get Ready

I . What are your favorite winter activities?

skiing snowboarding snow fighting skating sledding making a snowman

2. Listen and repeat.


tie blade slippery edge bone booi


A long time ago, it was hard to walk on lakes in winter because frozen lakes were slippery. People wanted to cross the lakes, so they made ice skates.

In the beginning, they tied animal bones to their feet,

They used poles to push themselves forward,

Around 1300, people made ice skates with wood and iron. They tied the wood to the bottoms of their shoes. They put iron pieces on the bottoms of the wood.

In the 1500s, people made blades. The blades were not flat. They had edges. They did not need poles. But people still tied the skates to their shoes.


Finally, in America, o man named Jackson Haines put c blade on a boot in 1865.

Now, imagewe have ice skates!


Check Comprehension S)"

Choose the correct answers.

I . The passage is mainly about imageo what ice skates are made of o how ice skates have changed

2.  At first, people tied  to their feet.


                  animal bones                                      blades

3.  Skates with blades did not need


                         wood                                              poles

Check the correct answers.

True False

4, In the 1500s, ice skate blades were flat,

5. Jackson Haines made a blade skate in 1865.

Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.


I . You may cut your finger on theimageof the knife.

2. Watch out! The floor isimage

3, Don't forget to imageyour shoe laces before you run the race,

image                                                            of Ice Skates

Organize Information image

Complete the graphic organizer.

History of Ice Skates

At first, people made skates withimage

Around 1300' people made skates withimage

In the 1500s, people made blades with edges,

Finally, Jackson Haines put the blade onimage

blades with edges

wood and iron

a animal bones

a a boot



Vocabulary Check3


Match the pictures with the words.


             2. image                                  fossil

          3, image                             blade

Match the words with the similar meanings.

image                          l . rock           image                                                        firm

                   2. scared image                                        stone

                 3. hard      image                                        afraid

imageChoose the correct answers.

I . It is not safe to stand on theimageof the cliff.

        image edge                           O elbow

2 We will always image her beautiful smile and laughter.

        image reme m                             C) believe

3. It is cold.imageyour legs with the blanket. image Spread      O Cover

Complete the dialogue.






Get Ready

I. What helps plants to grow?




You con turn food scraps into soil, The soil helps the plants grow, This good soil is called compost.

Letis make some compost outside. First, get a compost bin. The bin needs holes for air, Next, put some food scraps into the bin. Dry leaves are also good. Then, stir the pile. This lets air into the pile. Last, wait, It can take two months or more to make compost.

Many tiny animals help, Bacteria and fungi eat the scraps, Snails and earthworms eat them, too. The tiny animals break down the scraps in their bodies. They pass it as waste, This waste is compost!

You can make compost just like that!


Check Comprehension S)'

Choose the correct answers.

l . The passage is mainly about imageo how to use food scraps o how to make compost


                               plants                                            animals

3 Bacteria, image, snails, and earthworms help to make compost.


                                 ants                                                fungi

Check the correct answers.

True False

4.   It takes two days to make compost,

5.   Stir the compost to let air into the pile.


Build Vocabulary image

imageComplete the sentences.


I . It stinks! Mom left the foodimagefor too long.

2.  Put two eggs in the bowl and


3.  I made a bigimage of books on the desk, Organize Informationimage


Complete the graphic organizer.

How to Make Compost

First, getimage

Next, putin the bin.


Then, the compost.

                      Lasti                   for two months or more.


image food scraps     wait a compost bin



l. What makes the air dirty?

car bicycle airplane boat train roller-skate motorcycle walking


Cars help us move fast, but they make fumes. The fumes make the air dirty. Scientists are trying to make new cars to keep the air clean,

Some cars use very big batteries. The batteries make electricity. Electricity can make cars move, And it does not make any fumes. But there is a problem. The batteries do not last long, So drivers must recharge them often,

Some cars use hydrogenl Hydrogen is a type of gas. Hydrogen cars do not make any fumes. But there is o problem, Hydrogen costs a lot. So drivers must pay a lot of money.

All great inventions toke time. But scientists will keep trying. Soon, cars will not make any fumes!


Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

image . The passage is mainly about imagenew cars that make no fumes

O new cars that make clear fumes

2.                                                                       can make electricity for cars,


                           Batteries                                        Hydrogen

3.                                                                       Hydrogen is a kind of


                                gas                                               water

Check the correct answers.

True False

4.                                                                       imageEvery car makes fumes,

5.                                                                       Scientists are trying to make clean cars.

image.Cars for Clean Air imageBuild Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.


I . My phone does not work, I mustimagethe battery.

2.  It will imagea lot of money to repair my TV,

3.  The sky is gray because of theimagefrom the factory, Organize Information cop

Complete the graphic organizer.

imageMain Idea

Detail 1: Battery Cars

   Good: They make ng fumes.

   Bad: Battery does not

1-imageDetail 2: Hydrogen Cars

    Good: They make no fumes,

    Bcd: Hydrogenimage

clean air

image costs a lot

no fumes

a last long


Get Ready

I. If you cannot see or hear, what do you think you can do?




Out Of the Dark


Helen Keller was born in June 1 880 in the United States. Helen become blind and deaf when she was a baby. The world was very dark and quiet for her,

When Helen was seven, she met a teacher, Anne Sullivan. Anne taught Helen how to read, She wrote letters on Helen's palm with her finger. Two years later, Helen could read and write very well.

imageBut Helen still could not speak. Not many blind and deaf people could speak. So Helen had to learn it in a special way. Helen put the fingers on Anne's lips and felt the lips move. This made Helen finally speak. Helen's story gave hope to other blind and deaf people. They started to believe that they can learn to read, write, and even speakl

Check Comprehension SDimage

Choose the correct answers.

I The passage is mainly about


O how Helen Keller learned to communicate o what Helen Keller learned to help people

         2, Anne                           on Helen's palm.


                     drew pictures                                 wrote letters

3.  Helen put her fingers on Anne'simageto feel the movement.


                               lips                                                palm

image Check the correct answers.

True False

4.  Helen was born blind and deaf.

5.  It is hard for blind and deaf people to speak.


Out of the Dark Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.

is to invent a new computer game,

2. Theimageman cannot see the food, but he can smell it, 3, Beethoven becameimagebut he wrote beautiful music, oganize Information image

Complete the graphic organizer.

Helen Keller's Life



1880  read and write teacher       a speak image


Get Ready

l. Which are weird?




All penguins have black heads and backs, But there is a different penguin. This penguin is special

He is as white as snow, White penguins ore very rare, So scientists do not know much about white penguins. They only know that they are born with fewer color cells. This happens to other animals, too. There are white lions, white seals, and white fish,

Scientists want to study white animals more. But most white animals die when they are young. They stand out because of their color. So their enemies can easily hunt them. But this white penguin is a grown-up, So it is even more special.

imageScientists can study the grown-up white penguin, He will answer questions about the other white animals. Long live the imagepenguin!


Check Comprehension

Choose the correct answers.

I , The passage is mainly about


              O white penguins                       o penguins' enemies

2.  The white penguin is born with fewer cells.


                            blood                                              color

3.  Most white penguins die when they are


                         grown up                                         young

Check the correct answers.

True False

4.  White animals stand out because they are young.

5.  The white penguin should be protected.


White as Snow Build Vocabulary image

Complete the sentences.

imagel , Red wolves ore

2.  A girl wearing a hot, pink shirt

3.  Everybody loves fairy tales, evenimage

Organize Information CCC

Complete the graphic organizer.

imageHe is as white as

      image          • He is a grown-up.

      image              • He conimagequestions about the

white animals,




a special



Vocabulary Check 4

Match the pictures with the words.


2.        imageimage     scraps

3.        image     pile

Match the words with the similar meanings.

image1 . last image        wish image2, grown-up image     continue

              3, hope         image                                    adult

76                                          image

Choose the correct answers.

I Put the vegetables in the pot andimageto mix them well.

           stir                                     o circle

2. You look so beautiful, Youin the group,

      O stand in                                  stand out

3, The jar costs a lot because it is image

      O rare                                   O everywhere




Unit I Why Onions Make You Cry break: to be apart into pieces sting: to make a sharp hurting

refrigerator; a machine that keeps food cold goggles: special glasses that protect the eyes

Unit 2 How Long is the Great Wall of Chino?

protect: to keep from harm or danger enemy: a person who wants to hurt another person emperor: a king treasure: a valuable thing or person

Unit 3 An Ant Farm tunnel: an underground path fill: to make full dig up: to take out dirt from the ground and make a hole place; to put

Unit 4 Animal Shelters bring: to carry from one place to another shelter: a place that keeps you safe homeless: not having home visit: to go and see

Unit 5 The Milky Way collection: set Of things together in one place dust: very small pieces of soil billion: one thousand million jewel: a special stone that shines

Unit 6 Leaves and Needles group: a set of the same kinds put together flat: straight and even broad: large and wide need: to want or must have

Unit 7 A Sound Player yell: to shout loudly cause: to make something happen bounce,t to come back after hitting against something throw: to send through the air usng an arm

Unit B A Winter Carnival carnival: a fun event with games or shows mascot: an animal, person, ar thing that brings good luck course: a track or ground where o race tokes place celebrate: to make an event special with parties or activities

Unit 9 Smelly Spray scared: feeling afraid or frightened spray: to send out tiny drops of water liquid: something that flows like water stamp: to hit the ground With the foot hard

Unit 10 Dinosaurs in the Rock rock: hard matter; stone cover, to put something on or over hard: not soft; firm shape: the appearance of an object's outline

Unit 1 1 Washoe's Words believe: to think something as

true sign language: a way to talk to each other using actions imageto want to express remember. to keep in the memory


Unit 12    of      Skates slippery; very smooth and difficult to move tie: to pull the sides together with a string blade: the metal part of an ice skate edge: the cuffing side Of c sharp abject

Unit 13 The New imagescraps: small pieces of food stir. to mix or shake pile: a group of many things put on top Of another pass: to move past

Unit 14 cars for Clean Air fume: strong or harmful smoke last: to go on; continue recharge: to store electricity in o machine cost: to have a price

unit 15 out of the Dark blind: not able to see deaf: not able to hear have to: to be forced to; must hope a wish for something

Unit 16 White as snow rare: not often seen stand out: easily to be seen grown-up: an adult answer: to reply

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