Різдвяна вистава "Chistmas Magic"

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Сценарій виховного заходу "Різдвяна казка" для учнів 5-7-х класів у навчальних закладах з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов.
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Christmas Magic. Nativity Play


Narrator 1:

Welcome, everyone to our Christmas play

Which  tells  us of a very special day!


Narrator 2:

Little Christmas angels landed softly on the ground,

They tiptoed to the window without a single sound. (Mime)

Narrator 3:

They saw a lovely Christmas tree with sparkling lights aglow

And pretty  ribboned   parcels, all neatly stacked below. (Mime)

Song: Jingle Bells Rock

Narrator 4:

They knew it was a special time for little girls and boys

When they just think of presents and stockings full of many toys.

(Points to Christmas tree)

(Angels appear on the stage from the background)

Angel 1: “I wish that they would realize”, the little angel said, (Narrator 4)

 That a baby boy was born that night and think of Him instead”.

Narrator 5:

They crept  into the bedroom where the little children lay (Mime)


Dreaming about Santa, arriving on his sleigh.

(Dream bubble to appear with picture of Santa on)

Narrator 6: But do they know why the night before Christmas is so important for all the people in the world.

Narrator 7:

A baby was born in Bethlehem that night, the Son of God, the Prince of  Peace, to teach people how to love each other, save them from sin and give them life everlasting.

Song: O Come All Ye Faithful

Angels gently touched their foreheads and whispered in their ears: (Mime)

Angel 2: Come, fly with us to Bethlehem, back two thousand years.

(angels beckon the children to follow them)

Child 1: Why should we follow you?

Child 2: What are you going to show us.

Child 3: What if our mom enters the room and sees we aren’t in?

Angel 1: Listen to a Christmas story then.

( other angels appear from behind)

Angel 3:

Once upon a time,

A long, long time ago

Begins the story of a baby,

That most of you should know.

Angel 4:

His daddy’s name was Joseph,



And  Mary was His mom.

This baby was very special

He was God’s  only  Son.

Angel 5:

Some angels came from heaven

And they began to sing

To the shepherds in the field below

“Glad tidings do we bring!”

Angel 6:

A bright star lit the heaven,

To light the magi’s way,

To the baby in the manger

Who was born on Christmas day.

Angel 7:

And all who gathered round Him

Rejoiced and praised His birth.

For the baby, the King, named Jesus

Is our Saviour here on earth!

(While they  are telling the story, the children get out of their beds, carrying their bedtime toys and exit )






(Position the crib centre stage as music plays)

(Enter angels, followed by Mary, Joseph and their donkey. The procession come from the back of the stage.)

Narrator 8:

The couple came across a travelling pair, who had a donkey in their care.

Mary was to be the one, to later have our God’s true son.


Look, an inn! We can stay here!

(Someone hangs up a “No Vacancy” sign.)


Don’t worry. I’m sure we will find somewhere to stay.


 I can let you in my barn, where I keep my cattle.

Narrator 9:

The couple found a nearby inn, where there was no room,

Inn-keeper took her to his stable where she stayed below the moon.

Narrator 10:

 And Mary had the baby in the barn.

Song: Away in a Manger



Narrator 1:

The children went into the stable where a little baby lay,

Tightly wrapped in swaddling clothes and sleeping on the hay.

Narrator 2:

His mother Mary watching Him and Joseph standing by

With angels  singing  lullabies, as the star shone in the sky.

(Enter the Christmas angel with a Christmas Star, followed by the children)

Song: Away in a Manger

Narrator 1: Some shepherds came with a gift to give

To ensure the little baby lived.

Angel 1:

Hail Shepherds! God is with you.

Shepherd 1: What has happened?

Angel 2:

A baby has been born, whose name is Jesus. He will be called the Son of God and the Lord of Peace. He will teach people how to love each other, save them from sin and give them life everlasting.

Shepherd 2:

That’s amazing! Where can we find Him?

Angel 3:

Go that way and look for the baby in the barn. And when you find Him, spread the good news that Jesus has been born!

Shepherd 3:


Thank you so much. We will surely tell everybody the good news that Jesus has been born!

Narrator 2:

Some shepherds came with a gift to give

To ensure the little baby lived.

Angel 4:

Hail! Kings, (Wisemen) God is with you.

King (Wiseman) 1: What has happened?

Angel 5:

A baby has been born, whose name is Jesus. He will be called the Son of God and the Lord of Peace. He will teach people how to love each other, save them from sin and give them life everlasting.

King (Wiseman )2:

That’s amazing! Where can we find Him?

Angel 6:

Go that way and look for the baby in the barn. And when you find Him, spread the good news that Jesus has been born!

 King (Wiseman) 3:

Thank you so much. We will surely tell everybody the good news that Jesus has been born! 

Angel 7:

Wise men followed the star to Him

With precious presents for the baby king.

(Allow time, with musical accompaniment or a suitable carol for the shepherds and wisemen to bow in front of the crib and present their gifts.

Song: Silent Night















































5 лютого 2022
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