Робота для екстернів 5 клас

Про матеріал
Річна контрольна робота для учнів-екстернів містить 6 різнорівневих завдань. Педагоги зможуть визначити рівень засвоєння знань, умінь та навичок здобувачами освіти екстернатної форми.
Перегляд файлу

1. Complete the sentences with were/was (2):

  1. My family …at the café at the weekend.
  2. Dick and Ann …in the cinema yesterday.
  3. The funny monkey…at the zoom last month.
  4. We …at the amazing play in the theatre.
  5. His sister … happy at her birthday.
  6. …our school nurse  at work yesterday morning?
  7. This band… at the great perfomance.

           2. Make the plurals(1):

  • Baby
  • Skirt
  • Clothes
  • Cinema
  • Jeans
  • Box

          3. Complete the sentences with adjectives (3):

  1.      My life is … (nice).
  2.     Ben’s house is …(comfortable) than mine .
  3.      English is… (easy) than Math.
  4.     Nick is my…(good) friend.
  5.      The tiger is…( dangerous) animal.
  6.       Driving the car is…( difficult) than riding the bike.

       4. Put the words in the right order to make sentences (3):

  1. House/ Ann/ needs/ her/to clean.
  2. Wants/ to play/ father/ and/ my/ I/tennis.
  3. Cousin/my/party/wants/big/birthday.
  4. Today/they/to/to/sleep/want/early/go.
  5. Ben/coffee/ needs/drink/some/to.
  6. Buy/new/wants/Anny/to/dress.


            5.  Match to make sentences(1).

1. I need some water because                                        a) It’s fun.

2. Nelly doesn’t like Math because                               b) It’s cold.

3. I’d like to buy new car but                                         c) It’s too hot.

4. His sister doesn’t like winter because                        d) It’s expensive.

5. I’d like to visit this show because                              e) It’s heavy raining.

6. Jim want to go out but                                                f) It’s to hard.

6. Complete these sentences with there is/there are (2):

  1.     __________station in the town?
  2.     __________museums here?
  3.     _________Underground in the city?
  4.     _________bus at the station?
  5.     _________universities at your region?
  6.     _________trolleybus stops near your house?
  7.     _________funicular in your city?






До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 березня 2024
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